First off, I know I've been on a very long hiatus but well I didn't know how to continue or if I even could :s

However, here I am with an actual plot for a multi chaptered story and a few outtakes :D.

I'm not good with updates and reality will unfortunately come before my fantasy world and this chapter is a bit of a filler but I'll try to give you good porn with some form of plot :P.

So anyway this is dedicated to everyone who read, reviewed, favorited and optimistically put on story alert I kinda hope this makes you fan girl a like I do when a new chapter is up.

I was left in the room alone, reeling from my newest experience with Renesmee. It was just Wow I couldn't believe what I had done, never mind what I had allowed to happen to me. I was still basking in my after glow as I started to get dressed and prepare myself for the outside world again. Everything was so surreal, after she left, it was as if I was incased in jello and everything was a haze. I felt a cocktail of emotions that I never thought was possible to feel all at once without exploding.

The drive home was interesting to say the least I kinda wished I hadn't thrown my cd out of the car in a fit. I needed something to calm me and driving was perfect, I drove down the motorway to compose myself and help bring me down from the high that was still buzzing through my veins. I took the back roads and concentrated on the twists and turns, by the time I reversed into my drive I had brought myself back down to earth and rid myself of the jello haze that surrounded me since my unbelievable orgasm.

Without the adrenalin running havoc through my veins I was exhausted, I wanted to flop down on to the sofa and sleep for a week(or at least until seven tomorrow night). Fat chance of that, I could see that going down well with the boss, 'What is the reason for your unexpected absence; illness, family emergency?' 'No sir, unforeseen sexual exhaustion.' No my boss would probably fire my ass for that and I'd have to move in with a freak in a run down, mouldy, old flat and have to sell my belongings on eBay as my only source of income.

I drag my ass past the sofa and collapse on to my bed instead. I'll be thankful in the morning when I have to get up for work but at least afterwards I have something to look forward to.

I woke up to my alarm blaring out of the iPod dock. I was still in my clothes from the previous day's activities (god I needed a shower). I dragged my sorry ass out of my warm, comfortable, cosy…(fuck it I'm getting back into bed). Ten minutes later I finally started to get showered and prepared for the day ahead.

Work? Well, work is always tedious (to say the least) just putting in the hours so I can go home, but I just felt as if I was so transparent. That everyone would be able to see my thoughts and know what I'd been up to, as if they could smell the leather off my skin. I still ventured out of my office more, just hoping to catch a glimpse of Renesmee. Unfortunately not, but no one treated me differently, no one made snide comments or cast me weird all-knowing looks (apart from Nicola who loves to make my life hell, sarky bitch). Work ended without much of a fanfare, just a normal day at the office. That all changed when I got home. I had only an hour to get ready for my (date? Session? Meeting?) meeting with Renesmee. A cold shower was definitely in order not only to dampen my arousal but also to stop me hyperventilating. Unfortunately I couldn't take long, I did not want to be late.

I arrived at the house not sure if I should enter but not wanting to sit in the car for much longer I had to move or do something and if I just sat in the car I would end up driving away. As I neared the door, I saw a piece of paper attached to it:

The door is open go into the playroom.

Mistress R

Well at least I have some instructions now (or are they commands?). I entered the house and went straight to the playroom, no stopping, no passing go. When I entered there was no one, no sign of Renesmee or even Alice. I hadn't been given any instructions other than what time to arrive (definitely seven, right?) and to wait here. I decided to strip that was what I was here for (and she couldn't punish me for being eager taking initiative). I didn't know where to stand or if I should even be standing, maybe I should kneel at the foot of the bed, maybe sit on the bed. I had a glance around the room since this is the first chance I've had to have a proper look. I saw several pieces of (equipment? furniture? tools of torture?) furniture that I had no idea existed never mind what they were used for. There was so much I still didn't know, but I couldn't wait to find out, I never imagined myself like this in this situation.

I decided to stand at the foot of the bed on the opposite side that Alice stood during my first erm… meeting. Shortly after Renesmee entered the playroom fully dressed in a grey suit with a pencil skirt. It was a stark contrast to the outfit I last seen her in; my dick twitched at the memory.

She came over and stroked my hair but the second I leaned into her touch she pulled away. "Well done I like that you were prepared and standing waiting for me, this will be rewarded." I almost smiled "But for future reference you will kneel keeping your head bowed and your hands laced behind your head, and you will always show me respect. Do you understand?"

"Yes mistress"

"Good, get into that position now" I knelt at her feet, keeping my eyes lowered and raised my hands behind my head. She started to stroke me running her hands all over my torso. It was almost as if she could mould me like putty. "Also do not speak unless spoken to or given a direct question which will be answered 'Yes mistress.' or 'No mistress.'. You cannot speak freely unless given permission. Do you understand?"

"Yes mistress"

"Very good. Stand." She lifted my chin and looked me in the eyes, I lowered mine to the floor like she said but I could still see a smile being formed by her rosy lips. l wanted nothing more than to lean forward and capture them for myself but then realization hit me. They were not mine to capture. No, mine were for her to capture, abuse and use for whatever she wished. She moved to the bed and lounged across it. "Get dressed."

What… but… wait, why? She must have seen the confusion on my face or my hesitation to follow her order. "We have other things to attend to before we can continue our sessions and in future do not question me. I will not give you reasoning for my commands again."

I dressed in silence while I could feel her eyes gaze upon me, watching as I covered my body. "Follow"

I had barely finished dressing before she barked her command. She moved to the door and I scrambled to catch up with her. The house was pretty big and I wasn't going to end up lost in it. We entered what looked like a small office or meeting room. It was modest with a small bookcase filled with books (surprisingly), a desk with two chairs in front and another one behind, there was also a smaller desk off to the side with a computer on it. It was very unintimidating and nothing like the playroom, still I was definitely apprehensive at this point. "Sit."

I didn't see anything that she could strap me down with or chain me to, I'm not sure if that made me feel better or worse. "In here I am not your mistress. You can talk to me like a person not as if I were your dominate, so you don't need permission to talk or leave and so on. Before we can continue our sessions, I need to know some more about you, where your limits are, which ones can be pushed and which ones cannot."


"First off, what is your sexual orientation?"

I was a bit taken back by how up front she was, but I guess it was normal after what has happened if you can call any of this normal.

"I'm bisexual, with a strong preference for women"

She wrote my reply in a blue note book with my name on it. "And how do you feel about having a second sub joining us in our sessions?"

"That doesn't bother me."

"What about restraints?"

"I'd rather not have handcuffs and I kinda like the feel of leather" I could feel my face heat up I wasn't used to talking so frank to some one I barely knew.

"Good anything else you would like to mention, any other preferences?" I just shrugged.

"What about punishments?"

"I haven't really got a high pain threshold."

"Don't worry we'll soon sort that out" she said with a crooked grin. "You may not have a high pain threshold but there are other forms of punishment" I swallowed, hard.

"Now we need to sort out a safe word for when I try to push too hard and you have reached your limits. Do you have any ideas, it cant be something you can accidently say during a session and it has to be memorable"

"Erm…" I was stumped.

"What about 'apple' for when you need to take a second to breathe or if you are going to cum, and to end a session…"

"Through the looking glass" she looked up from her notebook to cast her gaze on me with those beautiful brown eyes. "Interesting choice"

I shrugged "It's in the bookcase"

"Now that that is all covered I just need to make sure you understand the basic conduct which I expect in my playroom. At the start of each session, you will strip in the playroom, kneel at the foot of the bed and wait for me with your eyes lowered and hands laced behind your head like earlier. You may not do anything without my permission, that includes humping, rubbing and touching yourself, you may ask for permission and I will choose whether to grant it or not. Otherwise what I say goes. If I say I want you to be silent you will remain quite or you will be punished. You will not however be punished for using your safe words in fact I would encourage it for when it is appropriate and we will talk about why you used them remember your safe words are there to keep you safe. Any questions?"

"No, mistress"

"Good then we will begin tomorrow at eight, good night. And remember Jasper -Do Not Be Late"

Feels good to be back even tho its been a year but hey better late than never.