Guys! I'm so uber sorry! Times a millon!
This chapter is dedicated to… Catya, my char in my next fic… *Shifty eyes*
Chapter 19; Needles.
Fang's P.O.V.
"C'mon, Max," I muttered.
The Cullens were sparkling uselessly, and Max was bleeding out, I grabbed the picnic blanket and ripped it in halfish, while Iggy elevated her feet. I doubled over one half and pressed it against her stomach. Angel, Nudge and Gazzy ripped the other half into strips. I tied the strips over the already bloodstained cloth pressed to her stomach.
"We need to go to a hospital."
"We need to go to the Cullens," Angel contradicted
"No way." Said a naked wolf guy, politely turned away.
"Fine. Seth, Sam go get some clothes and be at our house in ten," Carlisle said. "I'll take… James and Jason is it?"
"Gasman, The,"
"I'll take Angel and… " Alice volunteered, questioning Nudge.
"Nudge!" It was the shortest thing Nudge had ever said.
"Edward hand Bella to Jacob as I doubt um…" I glared at him.
"… Will let…"
"Still Max,"
"...Get on a werewolf," He clapped his hands, leader style, to get everyone moving. Angel and Nudge climbed onto Alice's back. Carlisle carried Gazzy and piggy backed Iggy. I sandwiched Max between me and Edward, cradling her.
I don't really remember the journey.
The Cullens place was all big and castly with whiteish creamish colour, I stood out like a… sore thumb, that's the one.
Carlisle needed a blood donation.
I did owe her two pints of blood.
Needles. I HATE needles. But this was Max.
"There'd better be cake out here when I'm back."
That's all folks,
For every review the cookie monster shall get one cookie. Save him from the vegatables!
Cluainn Fhada.