"AN: Hey,

My story looks really long and what not. Like I know some people will click on it

And then decide that its too long for them to read at this time.

Its actually not. All of the chapters are like a page or so. So try it out please.

It wont't take you forever to read I promise

Thanks everyone


It all started one night. A quiet knock broke my restless sleep.

"Rose, wake up. I have to talk to you."

I pulled myself out of bed walking slowly to the door.

"Dimitri? What are you doing here?" I asked him, "I thought we were trying to stay away from each other."

"Rose I have to go back home." His face showed no emotion. "I'm sorry to leave you but something has come up."

"Wait, Russia, your going back to Russia? Why??"

He stared at me for a second as though debating wether to tell me.

He looked as though he was trying to find the right way to say it but finally he just came out with it and said, "Rose, I wish I could explain but there isn't any time."

I simply looked at him. The more I looked, the more I realized how vulnerable he looked.

"Are you coming back?" I asked him, dreading the answer


"Never? I mean you are Lissa's guardian and stuff."

"I can't be her guardian anymore." A flash of guilt past over his face before returning to the mask. "I am going to be Tasha's guardian…when I get back."

"But what about us? I mean we had something right? You can't just leave me."

Then he turned and looked at me before he said, "What about us?"

He then turned and walked away but not before I saw a second person standing around the corner. A man with jade eyes.

Rememeber to review!!