I thought I would give one last update for this story. It's not another chapter more of an epilogue/appendix to help you better envision how this might actually work if it were in Kingdom Hearts so I hope you enjoy

Middleton Music

I'm really stumped here and have no idea of what the music (both regular and fighting) should be. Unfortunately I don't think I'd like to hear an instrumental version of the theme song for either.

As I am more of a writer, not a composer, I can't really spend time on this issue either. If anyone reading this would like to give me suggestions you are free to do so. If you find something that could work as Middleton Music and want to send it to me, that would be great. Thanks

Middleton Layout

This is basically how I see the world of Middleton laid out if I were designing the stage in KH II. I'll try to be as descriptive as I can so bear with me.

I'd like the locations to look as close to the T. V. show as possible.

I kind of picture it like a spider web with Bueno Nacho in the center and three possible branches leading away in different direction to different parts of the world.

The name of the area has "quotation marks" and is underlined. Each area has a name and that's how you tell what it is.

(Assume that any areas without save points are areas where you would fight heartless.)

So first you have the area "Outside Bueno Nacho" the outside dining area and the streets that would lead to different paths. Also later in the game after you beat Drakken you will fight Shego here. I figure you can jump from the table to the roof and the majority of the fighting will take place up there If you stay to long on the lower level Shego will try and blast you. After you beat her heartless will still frequent this area

Then you have "Inside Bueno Nacho" there is a Save-Point here and you could also talk to Ned he'd say something like, "have a muy bueno day" or something like that. Also the moogle shop for the world is located here.

One of the paths leads to "Middleton High School" I picture the main entrance to the high school as a large area like in the show there is only one way into the school.

Once you enter your in "Hallway A" it's pretty much just a hallway that looks like a "Z" the area here is narrow so combat is all close quarters. Maybe some heartless can surprise you by coming out of lockers.

The next area is "Hallway B" Yeah I know the names suck but I couldn't come up with anything else. I originally wanted to have to have four hallways. (So there would be a

D-hall but I thought that was too many so there's only two). It's very similar to "Hallway A" But there is also a branch that leads to an empty classroom.

The "Empty Classroom" is pretty much a Save-Point. Though I like the idea of perhaps putting Bonnie in here and have her say something mean to you when you talk to her. Maybe also some of the other cheerleaders, though I don't know what they would say to you.

Back in the hallway if you follow it to the end it leads to the "Gym" This area is huge and perfect for big and strong heartless to attack you. There's really just a lot of free open space so lots of room to fight. This is where Branch One would end. So you'd have to follow it back. I think your starting to see how I'm going with this.

All the way back at "Outside Bueno Nacho" you would take Branch number 2 to get to Draken.

The second path leads down to the "Cove" there's sand and water in a little Cove like area where there is also a boat that takes you to Drakken's island. (Okay I know that technically he doesn't live in Middleton he's actually in the Caribbean or something like that. But I had to think of some way to have him in the game and in reasonably the same area.) The boat just takes you to his island; you don't have to fight anyone like in Port Royal.

You arrive at the "Cliffs" A good area for flying heartless. Basically you have to jump up the cliff areas. There are landings you can jump to. Heartless may appear on the landings to try and knock you off. I want this area to be a little frustrating and hard.

Once you make the climb you arrive at the "Main Entrance" this area has a Save-Point so you can save. That's about it there's a door that leads into the lair.

The next area is "Drakken's Lair," this will be where you originally fight Drakken. Once you beat him this area will still have heartless. It's hard to picture this area because his lair changes quite a bit from show to show. It's never really consistent, but here's what I'm picturing. You have a little moat of that green water (seriously does anyone know what that is?! You see it in quite a few episodes…) it hurts you if you stand in it so try not to do that. It surrounds a larger middle area that has some sort of large machine at the end. This is the end of Branch 2

Finally it's time for Branch 3. Once again we return to "Outside Bueno Nacho" Up until you revisit Middleton this path will be blocked with construction barriers and caution tape. (A lot of the worlds in KH II have areas you can't go to until you revisit the worlds.) So Branch 3 is that area...

The last branch leads to the "Draw-bridge". This is the outside of Monkeyfisk's castle. (Again I know he doesn't technically live in Middleton but bear with me) Not much to say about this area it looks like a draw-bridge.

The next area is the "Grand Hall" It's pretty much a huge hall another great open fighting area.

Next we have the "Private Study" this is a Save-Point area. There's only one place you can go and it leads to that secret basement of his.

The final area is the "Secret Basement" Obviously this is the secret area from the first episode we meet Monkeyfisk. It's really only ever shown in that one episode so see that episode to get an idea of what it's like. I think though I'd like it to be a bit bigger since you'll be fighting both Monkeyfist and Daxnorl here. After you beat both of them you'll still find heartless in the area. Also this is the end of Branch 3

So that about covers for the area I hope my descriptions have helped you envision it in your mind. Hey who knows maybe we will see Middleton in a future game

Boss Fights

I thought I would describe the boss fights here. I really want to get the feel that you're fighting these guys. So use your imagination to imagine how these Boss Fights would go down. I hope my descriptions help to paint the picture.


This boss fight isn't too hard if you remember the area of his lair I just described the fight takes place there. I think the fight would be similar to the first Maleficent fight from KH I. There are heartless on the ground that try to attack you and Drakken fly's around in his little flying machine. You have to hit the flying machine to make it loose power. Then it falls and you can hit Drakken directly. He only has two attacks but he won't use either if he's on the ground. His first attack is the gravity ray. He attempts to pull you up from the ground, as the ray pulls you up it also hurts you try not to get caught in it. His second attack is he activates his machine and tries to shoot lighting at you. You can either doge it or use REFLECT to avoid damage. Like I said he's pretty easy so don't worry too much. I think Vim and Vigor would be good music for this fight.

Things Drakken Says:

"Behold my genius"

"Activating gravity ray"

"You're just a side-kick"

When defeated: "You think you're all that but your not."


This fight is considerably harder than Drakken. It takes place "Outside Bueno Nacho" Mostly on the roof or the sombrero if you prefer. Shego's main goal is to knock you off the roof. There are heartless on the bottom to keep you busy, and if you take too long getting back up she fires her plasma bolts at you. At close range she's a hard hitter. Just one of her punches can take away a lot of health. You can use guard and counterattack to stop her blows and strike back. You can also use REFLECT to send her bolts back at her. She doesn't attack with combos usually only a one-two punch attack. If you send her flying away with a combo then she'll come right back at you so it's hard to score a lot of hits on her. Ron will be an extra ally in this fight (as a neo-shadow) but don't expect to much help from him. I don't remember the name of the song but it's called something Rising that would be the music that plays for this

Things Shego Says:

"Powering up"

"You don't stand a chance"


"Your gonna pay"

When defeated: "This can't be happening"


This isn't really a fight as I said it only last's a while. You have to deal damage to Monkey-fist but once he's down to about half his health the battle will stop but I thought I'd include it anyway. There is a REACTION command you can use to make the fight easier. It's the DODGE reaction command. If you pull it off successfully it will lead to the SMASH STRIKE reaction command where you can hit Monkey-fist on the head and stun him a bit.


Alright this is the fight you've all been waiting for. Since I'm re-editing my stories a bit I decided to describe the fight here instead of in the actual story. Firstly I want this to be an AWESOME fight. As good as any of the other Organization Member fights. So you can expect this to be a VERY HARD fight. Just like Saix, Daxnorl has a meter in this fight. It is titled "Monkey Power Meter" it's slightly longer than Saix's but not by much. Unlike the Saix fight however the meter will start empty and will fill up the more damage Daxnorl takes. Once it's full he'll transform into his "Monkey Power Mode." Again it's very much like Saix where he's INVINCIBLE, however this time…..THERE'S NO WAY TO KNOCK HIM OUT OF IT. You simply have to wait until his meter depletes. So first of all Daxnorl doesn't fight much in the beginning this is to trick you into attacking him with combos to charge up his Monkey Power Meter. The best strategy is to attack him with Magic attacks this will still hurt him but won't fill up his meter. If you keep doing this however he will get wise and start running away from you. He'll transform his weapon into Axel's and attempt to hit you at range. Or he'll transform his weapon into a key-blade and attempt to perform his own variety of attacks against you. This strategy won't work forever as if you keep spamming magic attacks he'll just start using his version of REFLECT and bounce all your magic attacks back at you. So you'll have to physically attack him.

You only have Ron as an ally in this fight and there is only one way you can use him. When Daxnorl is in Monkey Mode there may be times when you get a chance to use a Reaction Command. It will happen occasionally when Daxnorl becomes invincible he will "capture" Sora then Daxnorl will attempt to blast him with energy, at the right time use the ABSORB command and Ron will interpose himself between you and the blast absorbing it's power. Then at the right time use the UNLEASH command to fire the energy back at Daxnorl it will take him out of invincibility and leave him stunned for awhile.

Oh and just a reminder the music for this fight is "The 13th Dilemma"

Things Daxnorl Says:

"Face your true power"



"Feel the power"

When Enraged





When Defeated: "This would be so awesome, if it wasn't the end."

Kim's Stat's

Since Kim is your partner for this world these are her stats.

Weapon: Her Fist

2 Armor Slots

1 Accessory Slot

3 Item Slots

She's obviously more of a melee fighter a lot her attacks are good for close range combat

Unique Abilities: Every character has abilities so here's a brief description of Kim's

Fists of Fury: Kim launches into an assault that attacks all nearby enemies.

Flying Kick: Kim leaps into the air and delivers a powerful kick down dealing damage to a single enemy.

Freeze Ray: Kim uses a device to launch ice at her enemies freezing them solid

Grapple Blast: A limit attack that combines Sora and Kim's power to attack all enemies. Uses all of Sora's MP. I believe I described this attack but just in case here's how it works. Sora grabs Kim grapple gun and is shot in one direction then he stay there for a few seconds attacking heartless before Kim reels him in and fires in another direction. She does this 3 times then for the final limit she whirls him around in a circle eliminating all the heartless in his way

Other Abilities: The green ones

Blizzard Boast

MP Rage (one)

Second Chance



Auto Limit

Things Kim Says:

When Defeated: "I should've stuck to babysitting"

When Revived: "I can do anything!"

When Item/Healed: "Please and thank you"

When Switched in: "What's the sitch?"

When Using Limit attack: "Sora get ready to grapple"

Key-blade obtained from this World:

The Lotus Blade-(Strength = ? Magic = ?) In it's neutral form it looks exactly like The Lotus Blade from the T.V. show. Its form will obviously change as will soon be apparent. The key chain that hangs from it is a lotus flower

Ability: Randomly changes into any key-blade already obtained. New form changes every time you "draw" out the key-blade in an area. Strength and Magic determined by shape.

Basically you know how every time you enter a new area you don't "have" the key-blade. The first time you attack you see it "appear." Well with this key blade equipped every time you first attack in an area the key-blade will "appear" in a different shape. It will randomly change into any form you already have. So in one area in could become "Star Seeker" and in the next it could be "Photon Debugger." Obviously since it can become any key-blade its ability and stats will change with each use. It's really good if you're a bit of a gambling man.

Journal Entries

I'm just gonna do character profiles for this section. I'm pretty much telling the story so I'm not going to include Jimmy's story about what happened in the world. These are what I think the journal entries for the characters would be in Jiminy's Journal

Kimberly Ann Possible: A high school cheerleader who also fights crime part time. She is very optimistic and also multitalented. She started her own website that initially was used to provide babysitting services, but then it expanded into helping anyone who was in trouble. Her motto is, "Anything is Possible for a Possible."

First Appearance: "Kim Possible T.V. Show" (2003)

Ronald Stoppable: Kim's childhood friend and crime fighting sidekick. Ron prefers to see what happens rather that plan things out. Unlike Kim however, Ron is not nearly as confident in himself, but when the chips are down he will always come through. He and Kim have been friends since they were in Pre-K. In an old fight with Monkey-fist Ron was imbued with a strange energy called "Mystical Monkey Power."

First Appearance: "Kim Possible T.V. Show" (2003)

Wade Load: A child prodigy and tech genius for Kim and Ron. Wade supplies all of Kim's equipment he is a constant guide for whenever Kim is in trouble and is able to hack into almost any system. He built and designed Kim's personal communicating device, the Kimmunicator.

First Appearance: "Kim Possible T.V. Show" (2003)

Rufus: Ron's pet naked mole rat. Rufus is a handy little pet who lives inside Ron's pocket and assists the team. He is much more intelligent than one would guess and his small size helps him squeeze into places that only he could reach. Ron makes sure to keep Rufus well fed at all times.

First Appearance: "Kim Possible T.V. Show" (2003)

Ned: The manager at Bueno Nacho, Ron's favorite fast-food hangout. Ned is a young college student who does his job with good devotion. He constantly tries to make sure the customer gets what they want. Ned hopes to move up in the restaurant.

First Appearance: "Kim Possible T.V. Show" (2003)

Bonnie: Another cheerleader on the same squad as Kim. Bonnie has a strong rivalry with Kim and is always trying to get the better of her. It is unclear why Bonnie is so jealous of Kim, but most of her attempts end in failure.

First Appearance: "Kim Possible T.V. Show" (2003)

Dr. Drakken: An evil scientist and enemy of Kim Possible. Drakken seeks to rule the world and has tried many different schemes to accomplish that, but he is constantly stopped by Kim. While he may not be very capable he still has a knack for inventing and this talent has given him numerous idea's for world domination. An unknown accident has caused his skin to turn blue.

First Appearance: "Kim Possible T.V. Show" (2003)

Shego: Dr. Drakken's sidekick and a proficient fighter. Shego is an expert thief and criminal for hire, she prefers the finer things in life. She is a fearsome opponent made even more terrifying by her ability to power up her hands and shoot energy projectiles from them. Shego relishes any opportunity to fight Kim Possible.

First Appearance: "Kim Possible T.V. Show" (2003)

Monkey-fist: An insane mutant Ape-man and enemy of Ron Stoppable. Monkey-fist spent a fortune on radical genetic surgery to turn himself into a human monkey hybrid. He is obsessed with a strange essence called "Mystical Monkey Power" and seeks out any and all artifacts related to it. He and Ron are the only two known people to be infused with "Mystical Monkey Power."

First Appearance: "Kim Possible T.V. Show" (2003)

Daxnorl: The Nobody created from Ron when he became a heartless. Though he was only a heartless for a brief time a Nobody was created in his image that took the name Daxnorl. The Nobody also inherited Ronald's Mystical Monkey Power. It was later revealed that despite his actions he was willing to do anything to help his friend Kim, it seemed he cared for her deeply (perhaps even more than a friend?). Does this mean that not all Nobodies are bad?