Well, I've gone back and made some edits to things that have been pointed out to be inconsistent. I'm sorry about them! I get mentally muddled by not updating for so long! So, things will now make more sense if you re-read. I added some more to the conversation with Plato, Pounce, and Misto in chapter 4 so it's possibly more humorous.

(Later note: Chapter 5 Edited uploaded fine (a few months ago), but I'm having some difficulty getting Chapter 4 Edited posted do to the fact that I have to use floppy discs to get the files off my laptop to take to the computer with internet, but the comp w/ internet doesn't have a floppy drive. A frustrating and long story, but I'm still trying!)

Chapter 6: Making A Decision

I have made up my mind about all of this. There's nothing else that I can do. I can't go on living a lie. Not when I sleep curled up next to Misto every other night. Not when we spend the days joking and talking with each other. I had to tell him about the doubts that were in my mind. Surely he had noticed it. Surely he wouldn't be too disappointed. Would he? How serious were we? He couldn't really think we'd stay together forever, eventually mates? Surely he knew that was impossible! How could my first serious love be my last, the one I stuck with. But he wouldn't be my last, a voice inside of me said. Munkustrap. Munkustrap was the culprit.

Oh lord. I'd just admitted it. I was in love with Munkustrap wasn't I. It wasn't a question. I knew the answer. I moaned and buried my head in my paws. I had to go to Misto right now and tell him. I had to tell him that we couldn't be together together anymore. This was insane!

"Ele? Are you all right?" I recognized the soft voice of my sister, Jemima, without looking up. Argh! She would only delay me and then I'd change my mind! It was all I could do not to scream out her and wrap my fingers around her neck. Squeezing after that, of course. I turned to look at her. My sister continued. "It's just, Misto told me you were acting strange and I wanted to see if anything was wrong. You aren't ill are you?" She asked with wide eyes. Little Miss Innocent. I could see why the toms kept falling for her. Jemima was so sweet looking, young, yet experienced in the world's tricks.

And could nobody leave me alone? Why must everyone in the tribe be concerned with my well being? Damn it! I just wanted to be left alone for a while! I inhaled, taking a few calming breaths before speaking to my sister (abstaining from calling her a b…a witch). "Hey Jemsi!" I said brightly, giving a good imitation of being pleased to see her. I thought I could have even fooled our theater cat! "All right? Me?" I shrugged. "I'm as all right as any of us. Just sleepy recently." I grinned and winked, not quite positive on what I was implying. "Not awake enough to respond to Misto's attentions. You must know the feeling." Jemima shrugged as well. Clearly, she was confused by my response. Well, so was I. Hmmm. Umm…

"You aren't, I dunno, having troubles with Misto?" She asked after a moment of staring at me. I gave her a blank look, apparently inviting her to keep talking. "Listen, before the Ball you asked me if you were a plain queen who wasn't distinct enough to catch any tom's eye. Well, as I assured you, this wasn't true. You entranced the aloof magician easily. To me, it's understandable if, now that you've proved to yourself that you can be loved, you realized that the feeling you felt flattered by Mistoffelees, not really in love with him. I would be sad just since you're so such a great couple, but Ele…you could be a great couple with any tom. Just…" My sister paused while thinking over her words. "Just make sure you're certain of your feelings before making a sudden move." Jemima smiled sympathetically at me and patted my shoulder. I couldn't look at her. Damn! Just when I thought I'd gotten things figured out, she had to come and inspire a new line of thought. She walked away, but I barely noticed. I had my face buried in my paws again. A great thinking position.


Eight hours later, I was ready again. I would go face my music, my magician. I had eventually come to the same conclusion that I'd come to…eight hours earlier. I couldn't go on in a relationship where I was continually thinking of someone else. Maybe Mistoffelees and I could get together again someday, but I had to figure Munkustrap out first. Oh, and why did my sister have to be so bloody intuitive? Right. Getting side tracked. Purposefully. I was standing outside of the drainpipe, staring into the semi-darkness. Deeper in, I thought I saw sparks. He had to be here. I dropped to my knees and began to crawl inside. Once upon a summer, I spent much of my time in here. Or with him, anywhere. "Mistoffelees?" I called into the shadows. I could have probably found him on my own, but I wanted him to know I was here.

"Lecta?" The voice came ahead of me, to the left. Right. Here goes. I moved forward and sat beside him. I saw his arm twitch in the slight light from the glow of his palms. It was as if he was deciding whether or not to put his arm around me. He didn't, for which I was glad. "Hi," he said softly. It was as if we were simply acquaintances! Had I really been that distant? The sparks in his hand faded and died. We were now in true darkness, too far back to get light from the gloomy outside.

"Misto, hey," I took a deep breath. "There's something I need to tell you…" Thank Heaviside I couldn't see his face. What was the expression in his eyes? "I can't…I can't go on with out relationship." I heard his breath sharply let out. "I-I'm sorry, but I've been feeling very mixed up over the past few days. I need to sort out my emotions before we go any farther." There was silence. I laid a paw on his elbow. "Mistoffelees?"

I sensed him look at me. "The day you ran off? To Rumpelteazer?" I nodded. Just as I realized he couldn't see me, he went on. "I thought you seemed different after that…" I nodded again. Okay, apparently he could see me. Magical powers. Or just better eyesight then mine. Now it was his turn to lay his paw on my arm. "It's…It's okay, Lecta," he told me. Frankly, I was surprised he was still calling me that nickname. "I'd prefer that we stopped if you're unsure. And…" He paused, just as Jemima had. "Well, the truth is, I've been thinking about us myself. I'm not sure my feelings are as…pure as they could be. Do you understand?"

I sighed with relief, almost laughing. Then I hugged him. "Oh, Mistoffelees. This is why we started a relationship in the first place. We're really very alike!" He wrapped his arms around me as well. Bear hug between friends. "So…" My tone was now one of a queen gossiping with her girls. "Who is it?"

"You really wanna know?" Misto asked.

"Sure." I didn't mind knowing who had replaced me. That much. "I'll tell you if you tell me." It was only fair.

"Right then." He inhaled deeply. "It's Victoria." I crowed. Wow. That was unexpected. "What?" He asked worriedly. "Don't you like her?"

"No, no, she's cool. I just had thought she'd failed to gain your attention. She was a bit disappointed before the Ball when she started her thing with Plato. Maybe she was moving on the rebound."

"Really?" Misto asked, hopefully.

I laughed. "That was a while back. I think you're gonna have to work a bit harder to win her back over. She's been making eyes at Tugger, but is definitely over Plato." I reported truthfully. Really, Mistoffelees was probably my closest friend. Etcetera was my sister and I got tired of her enthusiasm quickly. Victoria was so perfect! Tantomile used to be my closest, I think, but she's pulled so into herself recently. I haven't been able to get that close to her, though I've tried. So, now there was Misto. Now we no longer a couple, we could be bestest buddies. I could confide in him and vice versa.

"So…" He prodded. When I didn't get it, he spelled it out. "Who made you start to wonder about your feelings?"

"Umm…" I glanced over my shoulder. I could see a faint light at the end of the drainpipe now, but nothing more then that. "You promise not to tell anyone?"

I felt him raise his paw as the air stirred a bit. "Magicians honor."

Right. "Okay then…It's Munkustrap…"

He may have spluttered a little bit, but mostly he was quiet. "Hey, I don't think you should give up hope on that one."

"Really?" I pressed him, as hopefully as he had been about Vicky. "Honestly?"

"Yeah," he told me, to my jubilation. "I mean, you're a pretty queen. He's not involved with anyone. He asked me about you. Why wouldn't he come to love you, as I did?" I blushed happily. This tom really thought I had a chance with Munkustrap, our protector! Wow.

Well, at least, that's what Mistoffelees said.


Mistoffelees leaned his head against the wall of the tunnel after Electra had left. He sighed and rubbed his face with the back of his paw. Why had he let her get away? True, he'd glanced at Victoria from time to time, faintly interested in her, but he had never considered breaking off his relationship with Ele to go the white queen! Electra was the best thing that had happened to him in the last few years of his life. Now…she was gone. Lost to Munkustrap. True, the leader was glamorous. There would always be a queen or two attracted to him, but what did he have that Misto didn't? Power, he thought bitterly. And age. Always attractive, I suppose. Argh!

Misto pounded his forehead with his fist. No, he didn't want Ele to be worried about their relationship. It would be better for both of them if she figured out…whatever before they resumed their relationship. They could get back together again someday! For now, he would be her close friend and support her every step of the way. He wouldn't let his resentment, jealousy, and sadness show. He'd be her bulwark and just take it all in stride. She'd be back to him…one day.


I left Mistoffelees den feeling confident and relieved to have gotten the task over with. Mistoffelees and I were officially separate. I'd told him. I'd confessed. I'd stopped feeling guilty. The weight in my stomach was slightly lightened. Now I just had one more thing to do. Fess up to Munkustrap…Oh joy.


Coricopat stretched and stared out into the fog. This was morning? He sighed. So dark. So gloomy. Like the looks Tantomile had been giving him recently. It wasn't as if they'd taken vows or anything. It wasn't a "Till death do us part" situation! He didn't think he needed to apologize. It was Tantomile who was behaving badly, not he! And yet…Maybe he should have told her his plans before he up and left. He sighed again and got to his feet. He looked back at the still sleeping Demeter. He smiled and reached out to stroke her hair. She was so beautiful when she slept. She was so beautiful all the time! Demeter shifted a little and opened her eyes. "Cori?" She murmured sleepily. "Where y'going?" She asked, propping herself up a little, her eyes bleary.

He knelt back down and kissed her gently. "I'm going to go see Tantomile. I think it's about time…"

Demeter smiled, yawning a little. "Th-thank God. It's 'bout time." Cori returned her smile and ducked out of her den and strode out into the morning. He needed to find his twin. She'd probably be in the oven. But first, he wanted to find some breakfast for them to share as they talked. He slipped out of the Yard.