Just a quick note to clear up both mine and Summer Rose's reputations. I did not take my idea for this story from hers and I believe her when she says she didn't take the idea for her story from mine. (Hers is Demeter's Secret.) I think it's a fairly common idea that Demeter had a kit with Ol' Mac and so it'd be a fairly popular topic to write on. Anyway, you can tell that our stories are taking completely different tracks now so…Uh, that's all. Drop by and read hers after you finish this chapter!

PS: Ending soon! What do you think'll happen in the Epilogue? Message me your guesses! Prize to the one who gets it right! Oh. I'm not posting the epilogue until I get at least one guess! Hahahaha!

Chapter 34: The Choice

Persephone snuggled up against Demeter and Munkustrap. "Mum, I don't think I'm enjoying the Ball as much as I'd hoped," she murmured. Demeter stroked her headfur soothingly.

"I think it's been a surprise to all of us, darling."

"What happens now?" Sephone asked, sleepily.

Demeter thought for a moment before answering her daughter's question. What was supposed to happen now? The question was puzzling and she stayed silent for long enough that Munkustrap answered it for her. "Well, Persephone, we usually have some lag time to just chat about now. We're usually tired of dancing and everything. Somehow…Somehow, I don't think there'll be much talking tonight." His voice was slightly hollow. "Then he have more individual dances. Sometimes featuring a specific Cat in the Yard. You remember s-seeing Bombalurina and Jemima perform M-Macavity earlier…" He faltered and stopped. Macavity. It had to have been him. That monster. Yes, Munkustrap had always known he was capable of murder, but he'd never really though…Old Deuteronomy.

Demeter lay her hand on his shoulder and picked up where he left off. "That's the type of thing we usually perform. We have a few numbers, as many as we've worked out. And then we have the Jellicle Choice. You know," she explained, "we choose someone who's old and tired of life to go to the Heaviside Layer to be reborn (if they have more lives) or to simply retire. As Bombalurina said, we consider their age, relationships, tasks, everything that could affect our decision. Usually…we have Old Deuteronomy decide, but this time…" Her grief wasn't as prominent as Munkustrap's, but all you had to do was look into her eyes to see a deep sadness. Persephone took this in, as well as the tone of Munk's voice, and gathered her mother and her 'father' into her arms. They were to be her protectors, but for now, they were the ones who needed her.


Had Macavity been looking on, he might have felt his mouth drop open. What was this? The beastly Jellicles not dancing as usual? Singing their ghastly tunes whilst prancing about? No, the entire Jellicle Tribe (Junkyard Branch) had gathered into a circle and were once more sitting in absolute silence. Some looked to be still in shock, others were sniffling, still a very few had business-like looks on their faces and their grief - if present - was well hidden. Among those very few were Bombalurina, Etcetera, Mungojerrie, and Ademetus. Rafik looked unsure of what his emotions should be; Cadmus took his lead from the others and looked the picture of hearty sadness; Regina looked from one Cat to another, as if hoping that things would fix themselves again and everything could start over again as planned; the Cats from the alley all had heads and eyes lowered, understanding that mourning was required for the situation, even if it was faked.

As the silence persisted, Bombalurina glanced around the circle. When it became evident that neither Munkustrap nor Alonzo was going to speak, she cleared her throat. "Erm…Jellicle Leader, Munkustrap?" Of course he was now the Leader. Alonzo had stepped into his job of Guardian. The two of them would have to appoint someone to Alonzo's job later. "We need to decide upon the Choice," she reminded him. He gave her a bleary eyed glanced, then nodded swiftly.

"Right," he agreed. "The Choice." He waited a moment, taking a few deep breaths. "Any nominations?" Munkustrap looked around the circle into the face of each Cat. "Or volunteers?"

Jellylorum raised a trembling paw, tears beginning to chase each other down her cheeks. "I hate to b-be the one to s-say this…B-but I r-really think th-that my father, G-Gus, should be sent up to the L-Layer. His life has r-reached it's peak and nothing b-but p-pain and m-misery awaits him in this life." Munkustrap gave a solemn nod. He waited awhile for more suggestions, but he received none.

"Very well then," he told the queen, his voice deep and filled with many tones of emotion. "Where is he?"

"Um…" Jellylorum glanced around behind her. Where was her father? "I'm not sure…I haven't seen him all evening."

"Neither have I," was muttered by many.

"Well then," Munkustrap sighed. "I suppose we should look for him."

Tumblebrutus raised a quivering paw. "Sir? I think I can find him…" Jemima glanced at him, then squeezed his paw. Munkustrap gave him piercing look and nodded.

"He's been hanging around the theatres this week," Pouncival whispered to Electra. The circle of Cats sat in silence for near half an hour. There was the soft sound of feet behind them and all turned to see the large tom leading the fragile one in. Jellylorum rushed to her father and took his other arm. She gave Tumblebrutus a smile of thanks. He left Gus with her and went to go get a bucket for the old tom to sit on. Perched on the old silk hat, Gus looked shakily around at the crowd. He had a timid, befuddled look to his face and Etcetera came to sit by him and hold his hand.

"I've p-played in my time every possible part, and I used to know s-seventy speeches by heart," Gus stammered. "I'd extemporize back-chat, I knew how to gag, and I knew how to let the cat…Let the c-cat…" He trailed off, his eyes staring out as if through a fog. Jellylorum stroked his knee soothingly and made a Shhhhh-ing noise.

Munkustrap stood and knelt in front of the old Theatre Cat, taking his paws. He nodded to Plato, Admetus, and Tumblebrutus. They went over to Old Deuteronomy's body and picked it up. The carried it up to the tire and ceremoniously laid it down, returning to the crowd when they'd finished. At the same time, Munkustrap began to speak to Asparagus's and Jellylorum's father.

"And the Jellicle Leader will soon appear and make what is known as the Jellicle Choice…" he recited. He stared into the old eyes of Gus and some sort of knowledge seemed to pass between them. "The meaning of happiness…" the tabby whispered. "Come…" He lifted Gus to his feet and led him around to all the Jellicles. The queens kissed his cheek and the toms extended paws to him or grasped his. Asparagus's eyes were moist as he hugged his father. Jellylorum, last, clung to him for one last time, her tears clinging to his fur. "Come…" Munkustrap repeated. Together the pair of toms approached the tire. One old, one young. Jemima buried her face in Tumblebrutus's fur, Electra holding her shoulders with reassuring paws. Etcetera walked behind Munkustrap, somber and serious. Persephone held her mother's paw tightly and watched with fascination as Gus relinquished his grasp on Munkustrap and was accepted into the Heaviside Layer. He disappeared, the moon shining down on the silver-grey tabby, all alone. When the Jellicles looked, Old Deuteronomy's body had vanished as well.

The Yard was silent. All except for Jellylorum's broken sobs.


It was Mungojerrie who finally decided that they'd had enough grieving for one night. Especially for this night. He marched over to his music device and put on a very loud, energetic cd. Then he went out to stand in the middle of the yard. "Righ' you lot, I wanna see ev'ry single one'a ya out 'ere dancing. Anyone 'oo doesn't…gets a private "cha'" wif me!" He gave a malicious grin, then began to pull others to their feet. "Up ya' get!" Persephone and Plato began to dance together (Persephone stumbling over his feet), then Admetus and Etcetera, then Electra and Pouncival. Encouraged by the younger ones, everyone began to dance. Even Munkustrap. They danced for a while, though not as long as they might have other years. There was music, but nobody sang. Some danced on their own, to their own beat. Others danced in couples, their bodies moving in time to the music. Most had sad expressions, but at least they were dancing, Mungojerrie noted. They had silently agreed to push the events aside for a while, even if they couldn't push away all of the sadness.

Munkustrap stopped first, dancing his way to the edge of the crowd first. He searched the crowd of tribe members and guests. There. He walked around the group until he was on the other side. He raised his arm and beckoned, taking a few steps away from the nearest dancers. Looking a little puzzled, Etcetera left Jemima and made her way to Munk. "Etcy…There's something I need to ask you, but I think you already know what it is…"

The look of bewilderment left her face and she nodded promptly. "Yeah, I had kind of…guessed this was coming. After the Choice was made, I suddenly knew."

"Well, would you?"

Etcetera took on a pleading look. "Couldn't you ask me a little more formally, even though I know? It'll just make this a whole lot more memorable."

Munkustrap grinned in spite of himself. "Okay then. Etcetera, you show great qualities for one your age. Would you do your Tribe a great service and begin training to be our next Theatre Cat?"

Etcetera looked actually serious. "Munkustrap, of course. I'd be honored," she said regally. Then she laughed, ruining the effect. Munk felt a sharp pain in his chest. He wished he could laugh like she did. He was jealous.

Short. Yes. Preparing for two longer installments. Can we squeeze in one or two more chapters?

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