Author's comment: I know that I have two other stories on the go at the moment but this idea wouldn't leave me alone until I got it down on paper, so once I've got time I will finish the other two, ok!

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Gundam Wing characters or the song but the story line is mine along with any extra characters that I decide to add along the way!

Pairings: I haven't really decided yet but probably (3x4), (2x5) and (1x6), but I haven't completely decided yet so don't blame me if my imagination suddenly decides to change things around!

Blood on Blood

By Hayley

Chapter 1

I can still remember

When I was just a kid

When friends were friends forever

And what you said was what

You did

We cut each other's hand

And held tight to a promise

Only brothers understand

But we were so young

One for all and all for one

Just as sure as a river's

Gonna run

Blood on Blood

One on one

We'd be standing

When all is said and done

Blood on Blood

(Bon Jovi)

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"You have each been called, controllers of elements, and your mission awaits you. Trowa controller of Earth, Wufei of Air, Heero of Fire, and Duo of Water, you have all been summoned. First meet up with your fifth member, your spirit, he should be waiting for you, and once together, you shall be forced to defend Life, as you know it. Good luck!"

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"Well this is just great!" Duo sighed, "I'm stuck with three guys who have zero personality, in the middle of nowhere looking for some random guy who is waiting for us and just happens to be able to control an element, only we have no idea what the element is or where to find him!"

"Shut up Baka!" Heero Growled.

The braided boy scowled he did not like being told what to do especially by Mr-No-Personality over there. He sighed dragging his feet clad in leather boots across the ground. They had been walking down this dusty dirt track for hours and after having only met each other for the first time less than a day a go and the atmosphere was less than comfortable.

"Wow, do you see that."

"Maxwell shut up." Wufei groaned

"Yeah but."

"Duo!" yelled Heero.

"For god's sake will you just look?" Duo shouted in frustration, while pointing directly ahead of them. "Now who is that?"

A few meters in front of them, where only a few minutes ago there had been nothing, stood a tall man with long pale blonde hair.

"My name is Zech's; I've been enlisted to help you."

It was a few minutes before anyone spoke.

"What do mean, enlisted to help us?" Trowa asked his voice quiet yet demanding.

"I was enlisted by the same person you were to assist you in finding your fifth member." The blonde replied, leaning against a near by tree.

"Do you know who he is?" Duo asked as they drew nearer.

"No, but I do know that he is waiting for us!" Zech's explained. As he stood up straight from where he was leaning against the tree so that he could look down on each of them.

"Where?" Wufei demanded, only to receive a glare from the blonde man.

"The Eastern Kingdom, it's ruled by the Winner family." He answered turning to face away from them and look down the path that they would be travelling down.

There was silence following his statement as everyone searched their memories for information about the Eastern kingdom. Many knew little about the place, as there were strict laws on immigration and trade with the isolated nation.

"We had better get going." Said Zech's after the long pause, "He will be expecting us soon."

"What is with all this, he will be expecting us crap!" Duo exclaimed. "You make it sound like he's arranged the whole thing."

Zech's just sighed and started to walk.

"I'll tell you as we walk this way we will reach him before dark."

"Fine." Duo sighed falling into step along side the tall blonde who had come to help them on their quest.

"It is rumoured that this boy, the fifth, who is waiting for us, was tutored by Treize himself." He started, before he was interrupted.


Everyone just glared at Duo.

"Quiet Maxwell, if you keep quiet the maybe he will tell us!" Wufei growled, he wasn't angry just curious as to what Zech's was going to say.

"He needed to be taught how to control his gift, you see unlike you he did not stumble upon his gift by accident he was born with it and right from day one he suffered with it and still does but not to the same extent as he did before he was tutored."

"What is his gift, his element?" Trowa asked walking a few steps behind Zech's with Heero.

"Spirit, though he can't control it like you can with your elements, which is why he has suffered so much. He can sense other's spirits and emotions as will as limited telepathy. You can all control physical objects Earth, Air, Water and Fire, he on the other hand has no physical object to control he must use his mind which is constantly linked with the thoughts and emotions of others." Zech's paused for a second to make sure that they all understood.

"So why did he suffer?" Heero grunted.

"Well imagine that you're two years old, you're not old enough to understand your own feelings let alone those of others but you've got them all swimming around in your head unable to block them out at anytime of night or day. He screamed almost constantly when anyone touched him since touch amplifies his response." Zech's paused abruptly mid sentence and glanced around.

"What is it?" Duo whispered, suddenly realising just how late it had gotten, dusk was just starting to creep over them.

"We are not the only ones here!" He whispered back.

Both Wufei and Heero drew the sword from their scabbards that hung from belts at their waists, just as a group of about eight men appeared from a group of trees just a few steps of them.

"Now just hand over any valuables and this won't have to great messy the tallest of the group sneered.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------

Something was wrong, he could tell what it was but something wasn't right.

Quatre glanced around the stables making sure that he hadn't been seen before quickly mounting his faithful mare Sandrock and heading out of the palace grounds. Once leaping over the hedge that surrounded the land, he galloped towards the ones who were supposed to meet him.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------

Duo looked around at the seen before him, and laughed. He could not believe that those men had been so stupid, but then how were they supposed to know they were dealing with those who could control the elements.

"Well you know that was kind of boring I mean I hardly got to do anything." Duo pouted.

"It's not over yet." Zech's growled sounding a lot like Heero.

"What do you mean?" Trowa asked quietly.


The sound of horse's hooves began sounding nearer and nearer.

"I think we should try to avoid them, we can't risk being reported to the authorities." Trowa said looking straight towards Zech's.

"Why?" asked Duo "No one can harm us."

"I only wish that was true." Zech's sighed. "I agree with Trowa we can hide in those trees."

A few seconds later, the Horseman stopped right in front of the patch of trees in which they were hiding. Everyone held their breath, that was until the man on the horse spoke.

"Oh, thank goodness that you're all right, you guy's had me worried."

A sword suddenly reached out for his throat, but Quatre was to quick for it and jumped down from his horse.

"You shouldn't think so loudly then I would be able to anticipate what you are going to do." Quatre giggled, stepping forward.

"Who are you?" Heero growled removing his sword.

"I'm Quatre!"


This is just my trial chapter to see how it when should I continue it?