A/N: Hello! If you're reading this then you've probably read bubble gum. If you haven't read that one shot, please do so immediately. If you have read it you are about to be formally introduced to my new favorite OC Rayah (pronounced ray-uh). Please enjoy because to tell you the truth the most I know about prince of tennis is from my friend Yuki-chan! ^_^ I hope you like it!

"Dammit uncle I'm gonna whip your pervy ass! Gimmie back my I-pod!"

Ryoma Echizen sweat dropped and stood unmoving at the bottom of the steps leading to his home. It was the last day of summer vacation and he had completely forgotten about a certain family member who would be spending her senior high school year in Japan.

"Uncle, come here now!" The size of the sweat drop increased.

The entire Seigaku tennis team looked at each other worriedly. Momoshiro cleared his throat, "Uh, maybe instead of a 'Last Day of Summer Dinner' we can have a 'First Day of School Dinner'. It sounds like it's a bad time." He suggested.

Ryoma sighed heavily, "Nanako!"

The young girl appeared at the top of the steps and smiled lovingly at her cousin, "Ryoma! Your home! Dinner's almost ready, you and your friends can come up."

The group slowly climbed the stairs and Ryoma spoke calmly as he reached the top, "She's here isn't she?"

Nanako sweat dropped, "How could you tell?"

"Uncle you asshole! You scratched it!" At that moment Nanjiro Echizen appeared in a heap on the floor.

Some of the boys standing in the entranced managed to great the man with a polite yet confused "Nanjiro-sensei".

"Ah, boys, hello. Sorry about this, I seemed to have angered my niece." He said standing up straight and dusting himself off.

The Seigaku team all turned to look at Nanako, she blushed, "Oh no! Not me-"

"Uncle! I know you have money around here! You're buying me another I-pod dammit!"

The boys just gave the girl wide eyed looks as she stepped into their view.

Momoshiro managed to blurt out, "IT'S A RYOMA CLONE!"

Part of Momo's outburst was true. Standing infront of the Seigaku team was a well-figured teenage girl of seventeen who did in fact look exactly like Ryoma. Her hair was black-green and was short, barely brushing her shoulders, she had hazel eyes, the left one hidden behind slanted bangs and she was wearing a famous Ryoma smirk, with a very intriguing American outfit. Tight jeans with ripped holes in them and a red tube top with and arrow pointing up that said, "My face is up there".

"RYOMA!" The girl proceeded to squish her little clone cousin to her chest.

Ryoma composed himself as she let him go, he tried his best to keep a straight face but smiled nonetheless, after his brother she had to be his favorite person. "It's good to see you Ray."


Eiji and Oishi had no clue how uncomfortable they were making the cousins.

They were staring at the two intently when the moment finally came when they looked at each other and Eiji yelled, "Why can't we be twins?! Waaaaa!"

Ryoma sweat dropped at his embarrassing teammates and Rayah suppressed giggles. She glanced around the table, hundreds of letters were sent to her about these guys. She didn't find them that interesting at all.

"So, which one is the burger inhaler?" She asked Ryoma boredly.

Ryoma just looked up at the boy sitting across from him. Rayah recognized him as the one who called her a Ryoma clone, and the one who hadn't stopped staring at her since they sat at the table. She smiled at him; he was making her feel awkward.

Tezuka frowned at his teammates from his seat at the table. He hadn't wanted to go to the beach and he hadn't wanted to come to dinner, he could be home getting a head start on his senior studies. He sighed and pushed up his glasses.

"You must be Tezuka."

The voice made Tezuka look up and the talking at the table became a little less loud.

"That would be me." Tezuka stated indifferently.

"I knew it. You're the most stoic and boring person sitting at this table."

The sound of chopsticks hitting plates and mouths falling open echoed around the rather large eating area. Rayah smirked. Ryoma had described every member of his team in detail in his letters and the description of his Buchou was rather interesting to Rayah. He was her exact opposite.

"Excuse me?" Tezuka replied, a little miffed that this girl he barely knew was being so rude.

Rayah chuckled, "I know you heard me. Your boring." She said matter-of-factly.

Ryoma just shook his head, she hadn't changed.

Nanako started to panic, "Rayah-chan, why don't you tell them about yourself?"

"Alright Nana-san. Well, my name is Rayah Echizen, I'm Japanese American, I don't have much care for authority, and I've been the American Youth Tennis Champion for three years." She finished off with a grin.

She loved to shove her champion status in people's faces. "I want to play you."

All eyes moved to the end of the table. The voices' owner turned out to be none other than Inui. He had been quiet through the whole dinner. But Rayah's comment about her being a champion interested him.

"Alright four eyes." Rayah said standing up proudly. "Let's go."


Ryoma stood indifferently on the sidelines of is home's tennis court. Most would think he was worried about his cousin's opponent. But he knew his family, he knew Rayah.

Rayah sauntered onto the tennis court in her short white skirt and white tank. She smirked at the tall boy standing across the court from her. "I don't think you know what you're getting yourself into four eyes!"

Ryoma smirked, "No, he doesn't."


"There's a new student?"

"Yeah! In the senior class, I heard she's Echizen's cousin."

"Why is she transferring in her senior year? That's kinda late."

"Who cares, come on!"

Ryoma sighed at the excitement of his classmates. His school sure did love their seniors. But it didn't change the fact that they would be leaving. He sighed again, wondering how his cousin was getting along in her class.

Rayah smirked as she brushed past some of the freshman standing in her homeroom doorway. Whispers of, "That's her!" "She's so pretty!" "She looks like Echizen." Graced her ears making her smirk widen.

She spotted her new plaything sitting across the room; a hoard of girls was around him. He sat there as if they didn't exist.

"Ahem!" Rayah cleared her throat unnecessarily loudly. All the heads of the girls turned to her in distaste. They studied her uniform, she was wearing the green skirt exceptionally short and a white button up that looked two sizes too small that was opened slightly to reveal the frilly lace of a green cami.

Rayah smiled, "I think that's my name on that desk."

All the girls turned to study the desk next to Tezuka's and indeed her name was there in plain Japanese, Rayah Echizen. The bell rang and the girls took their seats, Tezuka glanced at Rayah as she sat, she smirked back.

"Class, we have a new student with us. Please welcome Rayah Echizen." The teacher spoke with a soft smile as Rayah stood.

"Dozo yoroshiku." (Nice to meet you) Rayah greeted with well-practiced politeness. The class said hello back, with the exception of Tezuka and his pissed off fan girls.

As the teacher started to talk Rayah threw her gaze around the classroom.

She was not surprised to see some of Ryoma's teammates sitting in the room, including Momo whom she threw a big smile and wink making him blush and Inui who tried to avoid her gaze.

"I would appreciate it if you didn't taunt my team."

"Why is that Oto-san?" (Oto=old man) Rayah asked cutely, sarcasm dripping on every word. When Tezuka didn't reply she continued, "If I remember correctly he challenged me to that match last night. It's not my fault I'm as good as I say."

Tezuka balled his hand into a fist. Rayah had managed to beat Inui 6-3, thirteen minutes into the game. It shouldn't have angered Tezuka as much as it did but this girl, Rayah, she made his blood boil.

"Don't get angry Oto-san. Anger doesn't suit that pretty face of yours."

Tezuka glared at her from the corner of his eye. Rayah caught it and winked. He grimaced and turned his attention back to the teacher, but his peace was interrupted, "He plays Data tennis…"

Tezuka gave his attention to the girl as she looked across the room and watched Inui mumble to himself while scribbling things down in a notebook hidden under his school book.

"Hn. So what if he does?"

Rayah sighed, "That's such a crummy way to play."