Title: Alone

Author: Ekat

Rating: G

Date: December 2001

Disclaimer: not mine, no money being made.

Spoilers: yes, most of the show

Reason: answer to 155 word snapshot challenge.


Grief. Denial. Anger.

The pain of losing loved ones.

Harsher still when you have no eyes to cry with, no voice with which to scream, no arms to cling to someone with.

She had been her voice to speak with, her guide and contact to other living things. Taken before her time, while trying to defend her charge. Replaced with something new. The same but different. No, not the same.

He was her child. Blood of her blood. Flesh of her flesh. Gone, as all children must, to live his own life.

She was her angel, her guardian, her protector. Never again would her voice be lifted in song. Her soft and gentle touch would never again caress her body, to drive away the pain.

When the others lose a loved one, they cling to each other for comfort; to share their grief.

But no one ever thought to ask."Moya, how can we help you?"