Author's Note: Well, here is the next chapter. I'm kind of disappointed though... I thought we would reach the 100 reviews on the previous chapter... It's sad to think we were off by 1 review... I hope there are more this time because, if there isn't, that means that I can continue on my way and not be worried by readers wanting to hit me over the head for my ideas.
Disclaimers: I do not own Fullmetal Alchemist. Only Cedric.
Enjoy & Please REVIEW!!!
Chapter Fourteen
Before It's Too Late
When Evelyn was pushed into an office, she could still not believe what the soldiers had told her. She fell to the floor, recovering from the statement. I'm... Soldiers quickly grabbed her arms, keeping a tight grip on them so that she could not move nor perform alchemy. She tried to get loose but one of the soldiers just tightened his grip as the other punched her in the stomach. She gasped in pain, glaring at the floor as she heard others enter the room.
"I do not believe that luck will be on your side today."
Evelyn glanced up, her golden bangs covering most of her face. In front of her stood General Vilder, a satisfied smirk plastered on his face. He pulled out a gun from its holster, checking it.
"I believe you know the reason you are here," he wondered, looking up from his gun to her. "Of what you are accused of."
"I didn't kill those students. Everyone in that room could tell you that," she snapped, glaring at the man.
"Then you must have threatened them as well," he figured, enjoying the shocked face Evelyn was wearing.
"There would have been more deaths if I didn't help!" she explained, frustrated.
"Then you admit to willing to kill more?"
"No! I saved these students! I did not kill anyone!"
"The more you yell, the guiltier you look. Besides, you are supposed to be confined to desk duty. This was out of your current league. You broke protocol when you were already under suspicion. This could probably lead to expulsion from the army or even prison. Perhaps the ultimate sentence for treason against the State."
"No...," she breathed, unable to believe that the events were unfolding in that way.
"Yes. And, unfortunately for you, I was placed in charge of this operation, making me hereby the judge of any actions performed by the State officers and civilians alike."
"You can't do this!" she cried, struggling to break free of her bounds. "I saved those students!
"Any final words?" he wondered, cocking the pistol and aiming it at the young woman. "You have been quite a nuisance since you entered the military. The thorn in my side will finally be taken care of. Goodbye, Fullmetal."
Evelyn stared at the barrel of the gun, frozen in shock. She could not believe what was happening. She was going to be executed on the spot for helping civilians. She could just not believe it.
His finger gripped the trigger slowly and a gunshot resounded throughout the area. Evelyn stopped breathing though out of shock than anything else. She watched lifelessly as General Vilder dropped the gun, yelling out in pain as he fell to his knees. She failed to notice that the two soldiers that held her down had backed away, their arms raised.
Evelyn stared in shock at the General, unable to breathe. When she had heard the gunshot, she thought he had pulled the trigger and that she was done for. Her breathing slowly returned though her mind was still blank.
"Sis!" cried Alphonse, kneeling next to his sister. "Sis! Sis!"
"What is the meaning of this?" growled Vilder, glaring towards Mustang who entered the room.
"You were about to execute one of my subordinates without a trial or a reason," snapped Mustang, staring back at the injured General.
"You will not harm Evelyn as long as we're here," explained Hawkeye, standing from her kneeling position while keeping her gun poised towards the man.
Havoc, Breda, Falman and Fuery all nodded, their guns targeted towards the soldiers around them. Vilder growled, glaring towards Evelyn who still knelt on the floor, staring into space. A moment later, Cedric burst into the room, out of breath and in a panicked state.
"Evelyn!" he yelled, dashing towards her and falling to his knees next to her. "Evelyn," he repeated softly, placing a hand on her shoulder.
She did not reply, still in shock that she could have been killed. She did not listen to anything that went on around her, her mind not willing to register anything for a while. Meanwhile, Alphonse and Cedric were trying desperately to get any response from the young woman.
"Ed, please, talk to me," whispered her brother, passing his hand gently on her head. "Please... say something..."
Cedric stared at Evelyn, his worry not leaving once he saw the state of the young woman. Evelyn... you've never acted like this..., he thought, gently taking her hand.
"I was so worried," he breathed, barely enough for Evelyn to hear him. "When I heard the gunshot... I feared the worst... I now fully understand why... I should have told you sooner...," he whispered, gently placing his other hand on her cheek, pulling her slowly towards him. "Evelyn, you're safe now and I'll make sure that no harm comes to you as long as I'm here."
She continued to stare straight ahead and Cedric did not know if she heard him or not. However, he did not care. His gazed into her large golden eyes and, after a moment, he leaned in and kissed Evelyn. The young woman, after a second, gasped in surprise, snapping out of her state of shock. Cedric pulled away slightly, locking his gaze with the young woman.
"I promise," he breathed, making Evelyn blush.
"Cedric... I...," she stuttered, stunned that the young man had kissed her, in front of everyone.
He smiled at her warmly, brushing her bangs away from her face. He looked up towards Alphonse who, Cedric was guessing, was surprised by his actions.
"Sis, are you all right?" he finally asked, trying to comfort his sister.
Evelyn nodded, looking up at her younger brother with a small smile, relieved that both him and Cedric were there with her.
"Arrest that man," ordered Mustang, motioning towards General Vilder. "We'll let the Fuhrer decide his punishment."
"Damn you, Mustang. Damn you to hell. You and that bitch," cursed the man, glaring towards the Colonel.
Mustang growled and, as the other soldiers placed handcuffs on the General's wrists and escorted him out, the Colonel punched him square in the face before grabbing his collar and pulling him close.
"Don't you dare insult Fullmetal ever again, got it?" growled Mustang, pushing the man away as the soldiers escorted out of the room.
After the General was gone, Mustang glanced towards Evelyn who was still between Alphonse and Cedric, thankfully unaware of Vilder's comment. Also, she seemed to have snapped out of her state of shock and was now talking to the young men.
"Fullmetal," called Mustang, catching her attention before he motioned for her to approach him.
She glanced towards her brother and Cedric before pushing herself up and walking towards the man. Meanwhile, Alphonse turned to Cedric and, after a moment, the young man realized he was being watched. He hesitantly turned towards the younger Elric and stared back.
"Oh... Sorry about that, Al. Being so sudden and everything..."
"I knew it!"
Cedric stopped ranting and stared at Alphonse, surprised and shocked. The statement held no trace of anger or irritation. It actually sounded happy and triumphant.
"So... is that a good thing?" wondered Cedric hesitantly.
"Just as long as you promise never to hurt my sister. If you do, I suggest you move far away, very far away," explained Alphonse, making Cedric nod quickly, knowing full well that the younger Elric could actually do exactly what he said.
"Al... Since when did you know?" wondered the young man after a moment.
"Since when did Al know what?"
The young man glanced up and spotted Evelyn standing in front of them, curious. However, Cedric looked away hesitantly, not really wanting her to hear that.
"Know that Cedric liked you," replied Alphonse, making the mentioned brunette scratch the back of his head in embarrassment.
"Oh... Wait! You knew?" repeated Evelyn, growing red.
"Yes, since that night at the restaurant. The way he was looking at you. Too bad he didn't know it was you," explained Alphonse, knowing full well that he was embarrassing both of them even more.
"Actually, I did," cut in Cedric, surprising the Elric siblings. "You may think I'm an idiot, Ed, but I did realize it was you when we danced. And no, it's not because of your automail arm."
"So... You've known for a while that I was a girl," realized Evelyn, shocked.
"Yeah, I kind of had the time to think it over before your cover was blown. And, I know how cheesy this may sound, but, at that restaurant, that's when I realized that I may care for you beyond just friends. But... I know it may be a bit too much for you right now so... I'll let you think about it, okay?" He took a deep breath before smiling towards her and straightening. "Just remember, what I said and please believe that it's all true."
He smiled at Evelyn one last time before leaving that room and a puzzled young woman behind with her brother.
"Are you okay, Sis?" wondered Alphonse, placing a hand on her shoulder.
"Yeah but..."
"You're scared it will end like with Russell," he finished.
Evelyn did not respond but Alphonse noticed that she did cringe slightly at the name and began shifting uncomfortably.
"Well, I doubt it will," began Alphonse, looking down at his sister. "He knows your secret and is still here. Also, I noticed how worried he was when he came in." Evelyn glanced up at her brother, still thinking it over. "And, if it helps, I approve."
"Thanks, Al...," chuckled Evelyn, shaking her head. "That really helps me."
However, Evelyn glanced towards the door once again. The only thing playing through her mind at the moment was the kiss Cedric had given her; and the instant afterwards. The look in his eyes was something that she had not seen in a while; a look of deep caring and worry. He really does care... And... Who cares if we fight sometimes; we never really mean it anyway... She smiled at the thought before running out of the room and down the corridor. After a moment, she caught up to Cedric as he waited near the end of a hallway, having heard her running.
"You know, you are quite slow," remarked Evelyn seeing as he did not walk very far since he left. "Wait..."
"It's not because I supposedly knew you would follow... I was more hoping," he explained before she could accuse him of something.
"Right...," she replied slowly, studying him. "You really mean it?"
"Really mean...?"
"Don't play stupid with me," she sighed, shaking her head. "That you like me. Do you really mean it? That it isn't a joke? Because... because..."
"Because you don't want to get hurt. I get it, you don't need to explain yourself anymore. And yes, I meant every word I said. The kiss was a little on impulse though," he added, making her smile as she shook her head. "Oh! Shit. Was it you first kiss? If it was, I'm really sorry, really. You-"
His rant was cut short when she placed her hand to cover his mouth. She shook her head once again before looking at Cedric.
"Just as long as you go back to your old self. I don't think I'll be able to stand your ranting and apologizing," she explained, lowering her hand.
"So, that's a 'yes'?"
"What do you think?"
"Well, just to remind you, your answers aren't always direct or precise, so one must take the right precautions so that-"
"Yes, for goodness sake. It's a yes," she interrupted, laughing.
Cedric smiled at this, knowing full well that he was pushing Evelyn's buttons right then. She stared at him for a moment before realizing what he was doing. Before she could snap back at him, he reached for her hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze.
"How does going home sound?" he asked, motioning towards the exit. "Al is on his way too, just so you know."
"Sounds good," agreed Evelyn, also noticing her brother's footsteps heading in their direction.
After a moment, Alphonse turned the corner and spotted the two of them. Even though they could not see it, they were sure he was smiling towards them.
"How does going home sound, Al?" asked Evelyn, wondering what her brother thought of her holding onto Cedric's hand.
"It sounds great actually," he replied with a laugh before turning towards the young man. "Do you want to come over and have dinner with us?"
"Sure, thanks," agreed Cedric as they began walking down the corridor.
As they did, Evelyn between Cedric and Alphonse, she felt herself relax immensely. Unconsciously, she felt safer with them beside her and, surprising even herself, reached for her brother's hand as well. Alphonse noticed the slight tug at his arm and looked down, surprised to see his sister holding on to his hand as well. Even though neither sibling could feel the touch, just the thought of being there for each other was enough for them. Evelyn's metal hand gripped Alphonse's tighter and she smiled at him. If Alphonse could, he would have smiled back. Seeing his sister happy was all that mattered at the moment and he was beyond relieved that she had found that happiness: standing between her brother and Cedric.
"You know what I realized, Evelyn," began Cedric as they turned a corner. "Ever since I met you, you've always had a smart remark or a comeback to anything I did or said. But, I'm proud to say that, today, I finally made you speechless."
Evelyn stopped walking, eyeing the young man. She narrowed her eyes but Cedric just smiled broadly, finding the moment funny. However, he did not expect Evelyn to lean in and kiss him. He stared at her for a moment as she pulled away, a triumphant smirk on her lips. He gaped, not knowing what to do.
"Well, now who is speechless?" she teased, before laughing and heading towards the exit.
Cedric stared at the young woman before a smile spread across his face. He glanced up, realizing that, once again, Alphonse was staring at him. However, after a moment, the younger Elric shook his head and chuckled softly, following his sister.
"I don't think there will ever be a quiet moment between the two of you," laughed Alphonse as they caught up with Evelyn.