Disclaimer: Nope, still don't own Inuyasha - everything belongs to Rumiko Takahasi et al.

A/N: Yes, another story/series-thing. This time, another SesshoumaruxKagome, based in canon. I have a rough theme running through, I think - written from the 30 prompts at the 30shards LJ comm. So, here we go! Un-beta'd, as usual, so if you see any typos? Point them out!


1. of children

She finds the little girl in the forest, sitting small in the grass and looking perilously close to tears. Her eyes crease, and her chin wobbles, and Kagome feels her heart melt.

No matter that Inuyasha and the others are waiting in the village. This is important. And she can't just leave a child alone, in a forest, for any passing youkai to nab as a mid-morning snack. Setting down her bow and pack, she approaches slowly.

The girl sniffles and looks up.

She smiles.

"Are you all right?"

One tear manages to escape, and runs down her cheek to fall to the ground.

"Rin is l-lost!"

Kagome kneels, digging around in the pocket of her uniform skirt and producing a tissue.

"Here, don't cry – Rin? Is that your name?"

The girl nods, crumpling the fragile paper in her small hands.

"Where do you live?"

"J-Jaken-sama, he left without me! And now, Rin doesn't know where they've gone!"

Kagome frowns. Why would someone abandon a girl in the middle of the woods? Maybe she was meant for the village? Or…

"Do you travel?"

Another nod. She's calming down, enough to take a few deep shuddering breaths, loud in the quiet air. All right. Time for some reassurance. And who wouldn't want to reassure an adorable little girl? Kagome smiles, and draws her into a hug.

"Don't worry, Rin-chan, they'll be back soon! While we wait for them, why don't we braid some of these flowers? Do you like flowers?"

That earns her a gap-toothed smile. The tears have almost stopped.

"Yes! Flowers are Rin's favourite thing, onee-san!"

"All right, then, that's what we'll do!" Rin giggles, and she smiles down at the little girl. "Now, which ones should we pick first?"


Their impromptu flower picking session lasts around half and hour before her guardians arrive.

"Kagome-onee-chan, use this one!" Rin runs over, almost tripping on the hem of her kimono, a pale pink blossom cupped carefully in her palms. Kagome reaches up to steady her before taking the proffered flower, weaving it into the wreath they've managed to construct – a loose thing, full of greens and colour.

"Isn't it beautiful, Rin-chan!"

The girl nods, grinning widely and clapping her hands in glee.

"We should give it to Se-"

She interrupts herself, giving a squeal and running past Kagome, towards a figure emerging from the trees. It appears to be dragging something behind it - something green, squat and clearly unconscious.


She freezes at the voice, and doesn't need Rin's input to realize just who their visitor is.

"Sesshoumaru-sama! Rin thought that you had left me behind, and then Kagome-onee-chan came to keep me company, and now, you're back!"

Rin turns, glowing with happiness.

"See, Kagome-onee-chan, you were right! They didn't leave!"

She manages a week laugh, fingers buried in the fragrant mass in her lap and wishing that her bow were just that little bit closer.

'I'm dead.'

The stoic youkai looks down at her, expression unfathomable. They sit, in stalemate, for a few long seconds, before he speaks in a bored monotone.

"Come, Rin."

"Yes, Sesshoumaru-sama!" she chirps. But then she pauses, biting her lip, and turns on her heel. Rin runs back to Kagome and throws her arms around her. She doesn't do much in the way of hugging back, but who would, with death standing metres away?

"Kagome-onee-chan, can we make braids again, soon?"

The tentative question is difficult. There's no point looking over to Sesshoumaru for help – that is, unless she wants to be decapitated.

"I hope so, Rin-chan." she whispers. "But even if we don't, we'll still be friends."

Rin burrows closer.


She smiles, eyes soft.

"Promise. Now, off you go. You don't want to keep Sesshoumaru-sama waiting."

A nod, and off she goes, running barefoot through the grass to stand by the side of the Western Lord. He slants a glance in her direction, and then they are gone, disappearing into the trees with the odd green bundle still dragging behind them.

Her breath escapes in a whoosh, and Kagome sits there for a while, stunned.

Sesshoumaru, travelling with a human girl?

She smirks and stands, brushing the grass and petals from her skirt. Hefting her backpack and grabbing the bow, she starts walking towards the village, braced for Inuyasha's tirade.

'Even the coldest glacier melts, eventually. Good luck, Rin. And I hope you like flowers, Sesshoumaru. You'll need to, if that girl has anything to do with it.'

Humming beneath her breath, Kagome is totally unaware of the two sets of eyes, watching from beyond the tree-line. When he sees her disappear towards the village, Sesshoumaru turns on his heel and leaves, Rin in tow.

He hates being in debt. Especially to a human miko.

Listening to the sound of Jaken's thick skull bounding heavily against the rough path, he starts plotting a repayment.

'I refuse to owe her anything. So, I will return her favour immediately, and go about my business. That will be the end of it.'

Rin chatters cheerfully, and he finds that he can't banish the niggling suspicion that for once in his life, the almighty Sesshoumaru may be wrong.


Written for Shard 34, 'child', at LJ Comm 30shards. Short and sweet - more action/interaction to come, as this is only the beginning. ^.~ Thanks for reading, and all feedback is appreciated.