This is the first in a series of mostly unconnected single stories(one shots) held under one name. Since I plan to still write some Spike/Alexis, this is where it will go.

Disclaimer: I do not own or make any profit from East Side Marios, Flashpoint or its characters. I own only Alexis and the drunks.


Alexis waited patiently inside East Side Mario's, a large bowl of blueberries resting on the counter beside her as she waited for Spike to come pick her up. He'd started picking her up a week after they've moved in together, claiming that he wanted to make sure she got home safe. She had told him that he didn't need a reason to come pick her up and that she thought it was sweet of him.

Seeing the lights of his SUV coming down the street to the deserted parking lot, Alexis smiled and hopped off the counter. Grabbing her keys and the bowl off the counter, she stepped outside. Locking the door, she turned only to be confronted with a pair of men, completely drunk from what she could smell.

"Hey, pretty. Ready to play?" The smaller of the two asked as he and his buddy inched forward.

Alexis swore under her breath, and attempted to slide along the wall to get away from the men. The men copied her, taking a step for each she took. Seeing no other option, she let out a loud yell of "Spike!" as his SUV pulled into the parking lot.

Hearing his name, Spike took in the situation as he placed the SUV in park and hopped out. He ran over as the two guys stepped closer and put himself in between them and Alexis. "Leave my girlfriend alone." He hissed as the men stopped where they were. Alexis took a deep, calming breath; she felt so much safer now that he was here.

"Your girlfriend?" the taller one slurred, swaying drunkenly.

"Prove it." The smaller said, crossing his arms over his chest. "Kiss her, right on the lips. If you don't, or she doesn't respond, then she's all ours." The smaller man smirked, sure that whoever these two were, they weren't boyfriend and girlfriend.

"Fine." Spike spat and spun around. Taking note of the bowl she held, he leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers. She kissed back, freeing one arm to wrap around his neck while he wrapped his arms around her waist. They pulled back a minute later, and turned slightly to see the two men still standing there. "And you're still here why?" he asked, glaring at them. The two men turned away, grumbling. Watching them leave, Spike changed his grip to having one arm wrapped around her shoulders. "And what were you doing outside, huh?"

Alexis smiled at him apologetically. "Sorry; I saw the lights from your SUV." She replied, snuggling close to him.

Spike laughed and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. "Guess I can't be mad at you if it's my fault, right?"

"Exactly." She said, smirking up at him.

Spike rolled his eyes at her as he steered her towards his still running SUV. "Come on, let's get you home. This is enough adventure for tonight, don't you think?"

"Yup." Alexis agreed as she stepped into the SUV.

"So what do you have in there, anyway?" Spike asked, poking the large bowl resting in her lap.

"Blueberries!" she said, tilting the bowl to show him. "I'm going to make blueberry pie tomorrow."

Spike raised an eyebrow at her. "Any special occasion?" he asked, curious.

"Nope; I just felt like making a pie and we had a ton of extra blueberries we wouldn't be able to use up before they went bad. So I took some; better to use them to eat then let them go bad, right?"

Spike laughed and ruffled his girlfriend's hair. "I guess so, you little cook."

Alexis stuck her tongue out at him before replying mockingly. "I guess so, bomb guy."

"Two can play at that game." He told her, before leaning over and capturing her lips with his. She pressed her hands against his chest as he wrapped his arms around her shoulders. They stayed that way until they ran out of breath, and then barely pulled back. "How was that round, hmm?" he murmured against her cheek.

"You win." She replied, a glint in her eye. "This round, anyway!" Alexis pushed herself off her seat and out of his SUV, running with the bowl clutched in her hand toward the house.

"Hey!" Spike cried, turning to hop out his own door and lock the SUV. "Come back here!"