Disclaimer: Blah blah blah, you didn't come to read THIS.

AN: None, really. 'Cept this one's really… short and really just a bridge to the next chappie. :P

Hermione took a deep breath and fingered the time turner, still not sure what she was doing was worth the risk involved.

Besides, if she did get all this information and he turned out to be a really nice guy, wouldn't that just make Ginny more wistful?

She shook her head and began the magical device spinning, slowly. As she watched the trees move back and forth in the previous day's winds, and the clouds rush by overhead, she felt her eyes stinging. People walked by her hiding place, behind a dumpster in an alley in London. Sparrows and seagulls flew by and as she gave the turner a nudge to move faster she smiled a little, watching the parade of cars appear and vanish in the blink of an eye.

There was snow on the sidewalk in front of her, then it was gone, then there again, and gone once more. Over and over the seasons changed as she gave the turner yet another quick spin, to make it go even faster. She did, after all have decades to cycle through.

Finally, she stopped, to get her bearings. "Where am I?" she murmured, looking about herself.

The buildings she was hiding beside had changed slightly in appearance. Some of the graffiti had disappeared and the walls appeared newer.

Hermione stepped from the alleyway and glanced around. Then she decided to enter the coffee shop she was standing beside. Inside, there was an elderly man sitting at a table, newspaper in hand.

"Excuse me, sir," Hermione said tentatively. The man looked up. "Might I look at your paper for a moment?"

He handed it to her grudgingly.

Hermione looked at the date, raised and eyebrow and handed the newspaper back. 1962. "Thanks awfully."

She ran back outside and began the time turner rotating again, more slowly this time, keeping track as the seasons past.

"There." She stopped it when she was fairly certain she had landed in 1960 even. "Good a place as any to start." She decided.

It was about three in the afternoon and people were walking to and from work everywhere she looked. She stopped a woman walking by.

"Hey, um, have you seen this man?" Hermione pointed to the young man in the photograph Ginny had found.

"Never seen 'im in my life." She said, sounding annoyed.

"Thanks then." Hermione sighed, sitting down on the coffee shop's step.

She spent the rest of the day in a similar fashion, asking everyone who passed by if they had seen this man before.

Finally, one younger fellow gave her a more promising answer.

"No," he said, his accent betraying that he was Irish. "but I've met this one." he pointed to the man Hermione supposed to be Ginny's interest's father. "That's good old Indy."


"Yeah, Indiana Jones, that's 'im." the man nodded matter-of-factly. "Great man, professor at Marshall, I believe."

"Marshall. Good. Where's that?" Hermione interrogated hopefully.

"O'er in the States, I believe." The man shrugged. "He must be close to retiring now."

"Great, thanks so much. Any idea where in America?" Hermione busily began logging this new information away.

"Oh, I dunno. Somewhere near Vermont, maybe. No, it was. . .Maryland. No. . ."

Hermione sighed inwardly but waited. It was frustrating how few Europeans knew their USA geography. She had to include herself in this category, but her love of reading did make her more familiar with the States than many.

"Connecticut. That was the one, for sure."

"Thank you so much, sir." Hermione started to pull a sickle from her pocket, then paused, realizing she couldn't give the muggle wizard money.

"'Ere, then. If you go to see 'im, tell 'im I say 'ello. Tell 'im Josef O'Malley says 'ello."

"Right, I will." Hermione nodded. "Least I can do." She smiled and hurried away. "Close to retirement." She murmured, ducking into another alley. "Maybe I should back it up a bit more. . .wait until I get there, though, I suppose."

She retrieved her broom from the dumpster and mounted. She hated flying, but if it was necessary, so be it.

"I'm going to fly across the Atlantic ocean."