Chapter 1: Power Boost

Harry Potter was sitting out underneath of the large trees on the Weasley's property. He was thinking about the task ahead of him, to kill Voldemort. If that wasn't bad enough, he had lost his great mentor, Albus Dumbledore, and more importantly, he lost the love of his life, Ginny Weasley.

It was Ginny whom he was thinking of right now; all he wanted to do was hold her and love her… 'Love her?' Love her?' Harry thought. Then something hit like a bludger, a simple thought that scared the hell out of him, 'Oh SHIT!!!!! I LOVE GINNY WEASLEY!!!!'

With this admission, a sudden influx of power poured into Harry from somewhere buried deep within him. He felt power beginning to radiate off of him. Suddenly everything around him went white.

Harry looked around and saw a middle aged man wearing business robes sitting in a large chair. Next to him was another comfy looking chair, so Harry walked over and sat in the chair. The stranger, who had long black hair and crystal blue eyes, stared at Harry intently for a moment before laughing, "Well, I can see that the family curse is still running strong. Well, allow me to introduce myself; my name is William Harrison James Michael Percival Arthur Potter. I am your many times great grandfather.

"Now, by the look on your face, you are either really dense, or you have accepted the odd things that have happened in your life. I would assume the later since Granddad Godric, which would be Godric George Gryffindor, the founder of your house at Hogwarts, always said that his descendants would be very smart but brave to a fault. Anyway, I have a story to tell you that will explain why I am here. So let me begin; when I was 17 years old, I fell in love with a very passionate, strong willed, stubborn, quick witted, smart, and overall gorgeous woman named Ariana-Minuet-Elizabeth Bones.

"The problem was that as the Heir of Gryffindor, I had an arranged marriage to Slytherin's great granddaughter who was beautiful and would make a man very happy, but she wasn't my soul mate. Sophia and I had grown up together and she knew that I loved Ariana since I was a wee lad, so Sophia decided to help Ariana and I, she not only sealed our soul bond, but she also created a curse to go along with it.

"Well, not really a curse…but a complication you could say. You see Harry, the family curse of the Gryffindor/Potter bloodline is for all the men to born with black hair, and poor eyesight. The women are to be born red heads and smarter then their male siblings. Also, the Potter men will always fall in love with a fiery read head.

"The other thing Sophia did was imbed the sealing of a soul bond into the very blood of the Gryffindor/Potter/Longbottom bloodlines so that when the two halves of the soul profess their love for one another, the new bond is formed without the need for outside influences. Right now, you are here with me, since you need to learn about the bond before you meet up with your soul mate, and she is with my bonded, having the same chat. Now do you have any questions?"

Harry thought for a moment. Ginny is my soul mate, and we have somehow become bonded, but she hates me right now. What am I going to do? "Yes sir, you said the Gryffindor/Potter Family Line once and then the Gryffindor/Potter/Longbottom blood line later. My question is how are we related to the Longbottoms?"

William looked at the Potter in front of him and smiled, "Well, that is an easy question. It so happens that this happened within my lifetime, so I know first hand what happened. My cousin, Neville Andrew Smith, founded the Longbottom line. When he turned 21, rather old at the time, he started to make swords and weapons in a little town that was within a Long Bottom, you would call it a swell or valley nowadays. Soon he was known as Neville of Long Bottom. Eventually the family took the last name Longbottom.

"Now you are a smart lad, and you have some questions about how this relates to the task Dumbledore left for you so let me spell it out. The power he knows not is the power of love, of a soul bond. This is how will defeat him Harry, your bond to Ginevra. That and old Tom Riddle, while being the Heir of Slytherin at one time, is no longer the Heir of Slytherin and no longer has his family's power, you do.

"When he tried to cast the Killing Curse, which was created by one of you ancestors, at you when you were a baby; he activated very very old magic. This magic is from the time before Merlin. You see Harry; you are the last of the Potter's; that means that you are very important. The Gryffindor/Potter family is one of the original 12 families the Merlin brought together and helped lay of the ancient laws of this land.

"When the first Ministry of Magic was founded in 1252 AD, the twelve families were given the 12 permanent seats on the Wizengamot. Over the years, only the Potter and Dumbledore seats have not been lost. According to the ancient laws, you have the power to remove the Minister if you see fit, seeing as you control not only the Potter seat, but the Black Family Seat, thanks to you being the Black Family Heir, and the Dumbledore Family Seat because Albus made you his Heir as well, but I wouldn't hold my breath of on that one."

Harry was shocked. He was the Potter, Black, and Dumbledore Heir, as well as the Heir of Gryffindor! That was too much. Before he could continue on this train of thought, William spoke up, "Listen Harry, this may take a little while to explain, but we don't have that much time, so I am going to do this…"

William placed his hand on Harry's forehead and it began to glow blue. A moment later, Harry's mind was filled with tons of information. He learned about the Potter History, how the Ministry and Wizengamot worked, Spells, Dueling, Occlumency, Legilimency, and many other skills. He also learned about his soul bond. As Harry was finishing processing this new information, he heard a scream from somewhere outside of the white surrounding him. He knew who it was, it was Ginny.

With a sudden spike in power, Harry pulled himself out of the vision he was in and back to the Burrow where he saw Death Eaters attacking the Burrow. Harry was on his feet in an instant with his wand drawn. Before he could move however, Draco Malfoy and Severus Snape stepped into his field of vision.

All thought about saving Ginny disappeared as the thought of revenge poured into him. Revenge for the death of Dumbledore, revenge for the life that he was denied thanks to Snape hearing part of the Prophecy, revenge for the hell that he had endured at the hands of these two men.

Harry held his right arm high as he stared down the two death eaters. Suddenly there was a crack of thunder and a flash of lightning struck Harry's hand. When Snape and Malfoy regained their vision, they saw Harry had a sword in his wand. Snape recognized the sword; it was the Sword of Gryffindor.

Harry moved toward them suddenly, yielding his sword in one hand and wand in another. With unnatural speed, Harry was upon the two Death Eaters. With a simple swing of his blade, both of their wand arms were removed at the elbow. Both cried in pain as Harry bound them together with rope and placed anti portkey and anti disaparation fields around them.

As he was cauterizing their wounds, he heard Ginny yell again. With an evil smirk Harry disappeared in burst of red fames, like a phoenix. When he reappeared, he began to fight. There were over 30 death eaters with 10 already on the ground. Arthur and Molly were fighting like a pair of lions. Harry noticed that he could learn a thing or two from both of them regarding dueling.

Bill and Fleur were attacking a group of death eaters with brutal fever. Bill was using old Egyptian curses while Fleur was using French curses.

Charlie was in the air on the back of Hungarian Horntail fighting more death eaters that were on brooms and carpets as well as 2 giants. Harry realized quickly that the dragon was the same one he fought during the TriWizard tournament.

Fred, George, Percy, Ron, and Hermione were fighting as a team. Harry was a little surprised to see Percy but he didn't dwell on it too long. However he still hadn't spotted Ginny. Using his new enhanced senses, Harry tried to feel for Ginny. Extending himself out over the immediate area, Harry felt Ginny's magical signature, but also a portkey signature. In that moment, Harry knew hat she was gone.

Anger boiled in Harry. With an unholy cry, Harry slammed the Sword of Gryffindor blade first into the ground and summoned every bit of magic there was around him into himself. He then forced it into his arm and thru the sword into ground. The resulting magical shockwave knocked out every single Death Eater and Giant within 100 miles. Harry opened his eyes and saw that all of the Death eaters were down. He turned to check on his family when there was suddenly a burst of flames and Fawkes appeared with the man Harry thought he would never see again, Albus Dumbledore.