A/N: Hello everyone! It's meee lisaaa! : D So, first I would like to say thank you to those who read my latest story "Reunion." I have to admit, I was a little disappointed with it to say the least, but I'm glad at least some of you liked it. So, basically, This is my first multi-chaptered story. Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's not called a multi-chaptered story but I DON'T CARE. THAT'S MY LABEL FOR ITTT D: don't eat me? I'll save the rest of the Author's note for next chapter, so you don't get too overwhelmed ;D laterrr.
Disclaimer: I do not own VK or The Beach by all time Low, (: Which is where I got the beginning quote.
Also, Do not be afraid, or likeee think it's mean if there's something that needs correcting. I was kind of rushing as I was writing this, so it would help me out if you guys pointed out the errors ;D.
Spring Break
Well you can take, take, take, the kids from the summer,
But you'll never take the summer from me,
It was my very first time,
That I lost my mind
For a week.
Yuuki slipped on a pair of denim shorts. She then shimmied into a cute, pink top. Unfortunately, it needed to be tied, being a halter top and all, so Yuuki had a slight problem. "Zero, can you come help me?"
The door to her room opened. "Help you with what?" An exasperated Zero said. She had already called him in there at least five times, asking if she looked too fat, or too thin, and it was really annoying the hell out of him. Honestly, why did girls have such low self esteem nowadays? Oh, that's right. Because society is a bitch. If a girl is bigger than a size two, she's considered obese.
"Can you tie the bow on the back of the shirt? I can't reach." She said, snapping Zero out of his thoughts. "Please?" She added with a sweet smile.
Well, at least she isn't asking for more fashion advice, he thought to himself, How would I know if a magenta top would go with aqua shoes? "Fine." He walked behind her, grabbing the two pink strands of fabric. "I honestly don't know why you're getting all prettied up though. We're just going to the lake." His long, skillful fingers weaving a nice, bow on the back of her neck. "It's only going to be you, me, and father." he added.
Yuuki playfully hit his arm when he was finished. "Well, maybe I want to get all prettied up for you and father." She stuck her tongue out at him.
Zero wouldn't buy it. "Yeah, sure." He rolled his eyes. "Where are your bags?"
Yuuki pointed to the mound on her bed.
"Yuuki, do you really need all of this?" There were at least, three suitcases. Not to mention three smaller bags, containing all her toiletries and such.
"Yes! If I didn't need it, why the hell would I have packed it?"
Zero slung a few bags over his arm, and grabbed a suit case. "Because you're weird. It must be a pureblood thing. Anyways, you better hurry. Father is getting anxious."
Yuuki grabbed the rest of her luggage, then slipped on a pair of pink flip flops. "Our father, anxious? Never!" She said sarcastically, following close behind him.
Just then a loud voice boomed from the front door. "Zero! Yuuki! My beautiful children what is taking so long! We must hurry! It is going to be a long ride! Get your pale, vampire, rears down here! Now!"
Somehow, even when he was trying to be stern, they just couldn't take him seriously.