Chapter 3

"OK, OK, everyone settle down. I know you're dying to hit the slopes but let's just check everyone is here, and you all have your rental gear and ski passes. Right, where's Tim Smith?"

Tim ran to the front of the group, waving maniacally. "Sir, here I am. I was, uh, using the facilities."

"You weren't writing your name in the snow, were you Smith?" the teacher asked, everyone laughing.

"No sir" he shook his vehemently before turning to the basketball team and grinning widely, giving the thumbs up.

"Gross, Tim" one of the players shot back.

"Alright, if everyone's ready, you should have the passes, and assigned groups. Listen up, every group will have a lesson and induction from the instructors, before alternating the runs. There are three groups, and three runs, therefore there should be no reason for any group or any person to miss out, nor should we run out of time for you to experience the three assigned runs. Are there any questions?"

Everyone was too keen to get out on the slopes, so they kept their questions quiet for now. The groups were then split and assigned colour names: Blue, Red, Yellow. As everyone shuffled to respective instructor, Nathan noticed that Haley was in his group.

"Hey, ready to hit the slopes?" he asked her, nudging her side.

"Yeah, ready to hit it with my ass, most likely" she laughed back. "I suppose you've done this before?"

"Yeah, a couple of times. I went snowboarding a couple of times with guys last year, to this very place, actually."

"So you know it well, then?"

"Yeah, a little. I know where to board and where to fall so that no-one sees you going A-over-T!"

"Please show me, so I don't embarrass myself"

"Nothing you could do would be embarrassing, Hales" he looked at her in all seriousness, before heading off with the rest of the group behind the instructor.

Haley and Bevin held on to each other for dear life, just trying to stand up on their skis. They were falling regularly and laughing so much, ensuring they were out of everyone's way.

"How much fun is this, Hales?" Bevin laughed, as she fall back again on her ass.

"It is a lot of fun. Imagine how much more fun we'd be having if we could actually ski!" she soon followed suit, and fell sideways, her skis tipping over.

Brooke was on her skis, trailing behind Peyton, who was walking in the snow, towing Brooke with her stock. Peyton looked frustrated, as Brooke gave the royal wave to Haley and Bevin, still lying in the snow.

"Helllooooo" Brooke called out.

"Your Majesty" Haley returned.

"OK Peyton, you can stop now"

"Gee, thanks Brooke"

All four girls laughed out loud and flopped into the snow, soaking up with warmth from the sun.

"So, one more night and then the return coach ride from hell tomorrow", Peyton said to no-one in particular.

"Yeah, I hear Vegas and Fedec are scoping out places again for after curfew" Bevin added.

"What's the bet, the teachers are going to be on Defcon 5 tonight?" Haley asked, looking around at the classmates who had managed to stay upright and ski.

"Yeah, well, they can only stay up so much before their octogenarian genes kick in and they fall asleep. Don't worry Tutorgirl, you'll still get to go to the ball" Booked winked at her.

"OK, well let me know the plan later. I'm going to try and catch the lift up and attempt this little run". Haley pulled herself up and made her way over to the T-bar, which hauled her slowly up the run.

As she alighted, she turned around to where some of the other group was, and she took a huge breath. You can do this girl, she chanted. One final breath later, she adjusted her goggles, and made her way down the run.

Picking up speed, she tried to remember the instructor's lesson earlier, and tried to move side to side, using her stocks to guide her. She soon realised she had a natural lean to the right, and was unable to stay on the main run. She tried to plough to a stop, as she veered off the run, she had no choice but to throw herself down to stop. With a small thud, she landed on her ass near some trees, thankfully out of view of the group. Removing her goggles, she used her stocks to unlock the bindings of her skis, and laid back in the snow.

"So I see you found my secret place for going A-over-T" a voice loomed over her.

"Huh? Oh hey Nathan. Yeah, I got tired of being a great skier, and just wanted to do some sightseeing" she giggled back.

"Are you OK? Have you hurt yourself or anything?" He clicked the back of his snowboard binding and picking it up, he walked over to her.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'll probably have a bruised butt, but other than that, it's all good." She sat and and watched Nathan take a seat beside her in the snow.

"Thank god the suits are warm, right?" he chuckled, helping to gather her equipment.

"Yeah, although I'm pretty sure we'll start to feel cold numbness setting in soon". She looked away and made sure all of her belongings were still zipped up in her suit.

They sat there in silence for a few minutes, before locking eyes with each other. They both had a pink tinge to their faces from the sun reflected from the snow. Nathan took a glove, and scratched his chin, contemplating something. Without realising, Nathan leaned over to Haley, who remained fixed on his eyes, and when he was mere inches from her face, he paused. He gave her a wide smile, before leaning in the rest of the way and kissing her gently. Haley placed a gloved hand to his shoulder and deepened the kiss, opening her mouth wider, as their tongues met. It became an urgent and frantic kiss, and they both moaned into each other's mouth.

Pulling back slightly, Nathan rested his forehead against Haley's.

"Sorry, Hales."

"No…no, it's OK"

"OK, I'm not really sorry about the kiss, but I'm sorry I waited so long to do it."


"I've wanted to kiss you for the longest time." He said, looking back into her eyes.

Haley blushed and smile at his comment. Yeah, and I've wanted to fuck your brains out for the longest time, too.

"Yeah, me too" she whispered back.

"This is going to sound rushed and weird, and I'll probably freak you out…."


"I know Vegas and Fedec are planning Ski-apolooza or some shit tonight, and whilst that's great for the class, I kind just wanna spend some time with you alone."


"OK. Your room or mine?"

Nathan looked up with wide eyes at Haley, trying to read her face.

"I..uh…it doesn't have to be that. I just thought whilst everyone was out watching Tim do his nudie runs, we could sit back at the hotel and just talk or something."

"Oh yeah, sure of course. I know that. I just didn't know if you meant in the room or wherever."

Nathan leaned in and kissed Haley again, grabbing a fistful of her hair and bringing her firmly to him.

"I would spend time with you anywhere, Hales. I wasted too much of it before, and I don't want to waste anymore now."

She smiled as he helped them both up onto their feet, and he swapped his board for her skis and stocks, as they walked back down the small run, and back to their hotel.

Curfew for the final was set, and word had spread throughout the class that Vegas and Fedec had scoped a place for after midnight. Knowing that they were due to leave at 10am the following morning, they were going to ensure the last night went off with a bang.

As each door closed, and the teachers went up and down the hallway for one last check, inside each student pressed against the door, waiting for the right time to sneak out.

"Haley, are you sure you're not going to come out with us to the club?" Bevin asked, as she put her jacket on.

"No, I took one too many falls today, and my ass is sore, so I'm just going to rest and see how I go. Thanks, though, I hope you guys have a great time."

"Ok, we'll I'll guess I'll see you in the morning then". Bevin winked at her before opening the door and escaping.

Haley sat on the end of her bed, brushing her hair and looking at her watch. As she put the brush down on the counter, she heard a light rapping at her door. She smiled and quickly ran over to open it. Nathan stood on the other side, smiling like a Cheshire cat. She quickly ushered him in before closing the door.

Nathan leant down to kiss her, cupping her face in both hands.



"So, everyone's out and Bevin reckons she'll see me in the morning. What's your verdict?"

"With Fedec, Vegas and Tim in charge? I give them an hour before the cops are called" Nathan laughed, as they walked over to Haley's bed.

"So because of the curfew, do you just wanna stay in here? Haley asked, biting gently on her bottom lip.

"Yeah, here's fine. So, how's that butt of yours? Recovered from snow today?"

"Oh absolutely. I checked in the mirror before, and it looks OK."

"Need a second opinion on that?" He asked, tongue in cheek.

"I suppose you're an expert on the ways of the female derriere?"


Nathan held us hand out for Haley to sit beside him on the bed. As she sat down, they both launched at each other in a passionate kiss. Hands touching everywhere, the kiss deepened, as they both reclined on the bed.



"You know, we don't have to do anything."

Haley laughed and quickly covered her mouth with her hand.

"Sorry, Nathan. I didn't mean to laugh. It's just.."


"You're so cute."

Nathan chuckled at her comment, and kissed her again. "I'm serious, Hales. I just want to spend time with you."

"Nathan, you were right earlier when you said we had wasted time. I have wanted to be with you for so long, and now we have a chance to spend time, and I know exactly how I want to spend it. So…you'd better be prepared to lose some clothes."

Haley smiled as she leaned in for another kiss and slowly unbuttoned his shirt, removing it along the way.

"Haley, are you sure?"

"Yes! Shhh now, less talk, more action."

Rolling around under the covers, Nathan moved on top of Haley and kissed a path from her ear, down her jaw, her chin, and covered her mouth with his. Haley's hands wandered all over his back, enjoying feeling the muscles contort with his movements.

Snaking a hand to the front, she ran her forefinger down his abdomen and traced over the small line of fine hair trailing down from his belly button.

Nathan moved a hand slowly and gently from her neck, noticing the goosebumps raising on her skin, before cupping her breasts and gently kneading them. Haley moaned slightly, and writhed beneath him. Part of her wanting to have him plunge deep into her now, but knowing the journey is sometimes just as good as the destination.

"Nathan.." she moaned


"Touch me"

"I am"

"No, I mean touch me…lower."

"Why don't you show me?" He wasn't sure if she would, but knowing that she had done that to herself before without him knowing, he grew harder just thinking about it. He stopped kissing her, and braced his weight on one forearm as they stopped their ministrations and looked into each other eyes.

"OK. This is what I want." Haley grabbed one of his hands and interlaced it with her other hand. Slowly she moved their hands down to her slippery wet folds, and rubbed her forefinger around at torturously slow pace. Nathan loved the sensation of not actually touching her, but shadowing her hand, and seeing the pleasure it was giving her. He tried to apply more pressure and speed up, but she resisted, and kept the pace and direction going.

"What else do you want from me?" he breathed in to the side of her neck, as she moved their hands down her lips further, and with their middle fingers, she plunged into herself, the thickness of their combined fingers rubbing her walls with each stroke. She removed her finger, but applied pressure to keep his there, and then moved her hand to his hard cock, which was rubbing against her thigh. They kept a steady rhythm, and he quickened his finger movements, adding his forefinger and then circling her lower lips before plunging back in. The sensation caused Haley to roll her eyes back into her head.

"Nathan…faster. Do it faster and rub my clit longer. I'.close." Nathan almost lost it right here, listening to her talk to him like that. Never had he heard or seen anything so fucking hot in his life.

Grabbing his head, Haley moved him lower so he encased a nipple in his mouth, which he gladly did. He swirled a tongue around the rock hard nub, and did everything he could to not bite down on it. This was, hands down, the most amazing experience and he was going to enjoy every second of it.

"Nathan? What do you want from me?" she breathily asked, running her hands through his hair.

"Anything and everything. Whatever you want to do."

Reaching down to where his fingers were buried in her, she moved them up her body, and licked each one in turn. Nathan closed his eyes at the sensation, before Haley coaxed him on to his back.

"I want to feel this.." she grabbed his rock hard member "in here" as she moved it to her core, rubbing against her folds in a circular motion. Both of them moaned in the exquisite pleasure they felt from the action.

"God you're sexy Hales. C'mere" he reached up and cupped her face, bringing her face to his, as they shared another dirty hungry kiss.

Reaching for his wallet on the side table, he took out a condom, which Haley then snatched from him. Smiling she sat back up, straddling his legs, and tearing open the foil wrapper, she slowly, and agonizingly, rolled the latex down his cock. The feeling causing him to close his eyes briefly.

"Nathan? Show me how quickly you want me to ride you. Stroke yourself. I want to give you what you want."

Seriously, Nathan was about to blow his load. This was insanely hot, and definitely the most amazing experience he could have. Taking a deep breath, he moved his hand to the head of his cock, and slowly pumped down to the base and then back up. Each downward stroke, bumping the base. After a few strokes, he started to quicken the pace, and with his other hand, he cupped his balls and moved them in a circular motion. As his breathing quickened, Haley sensed he was reaching his limit, and reached out to stop his hand.

"Here, let me." She finished, before moving back to straddle him, rubbing her folds against his cock at a slower pace. Reaching behind, she cupped his balls, and then reached for his base. She could feel the condom was coated with her wetness, and rose up on her knees before repositioning herself directly over him. She placed his tip at her entrance, and then in one quick movement, impaled herself on him, grinding against him with each downward plunge.

She quickened her pace, as Nathan made to sit up, the new position giving more leverage for him to dive into her. She rode him fast, and they were both reaching their peak. He lowered his head and kissed her breasts, alternating between the two, before sucking each nipple. Haley's thighs gripped him tighter, and she convulsed against him, bringing his head flush against her chest. With a few more thrusts, Nathan moaned and bringing her mouth to his, they kissed deeply whilst his explosion hit.

Lying under the covers, after having regained their composure, they stared at each other, smiling.

"So…" she started before looking down.


"I'm thinking about something that I'm not sure I want to tell you yet".

"Sounds cryptic."

"It's probably going to be embarrassing for me to tell you, so I'll just wait, I think."

"OK, now you've got my interest. Tell me."

"I have dreams about you, Nathan. Pretty much like what we just did."

"Oh really? Tell me more."

"It gets me all hot and bothered, and it seems so real when I wake up."

"Want to hear a secret? Me too. I've fantasized about you at night, during the day, in class, during practice, during games….when I'm showering."

Haley laughed and slapped him gently on the arm. "Me too, except for the practice and games part. I don't play." They both laughed at that.

"So, how do you deal with it when it happen, Hales?"


"I touch myself and pretend it's you doing it." She blushed and closed her eyes.

"Yeah, it's pretty much how I deal with it too, but I'm guessing we won't need to rely on that too much now that we're together."

"So you want to be together after this?"

"Haley, I don't know what you've heard about me at school. Probably that I'm a man-whore who screws anything with boobs, but you have to know nearly all of that is bullshit."

"What's the reality then?"

"Look, I'm not gonna lie. Yes, I've made out with a lot of girls, but I've never slept with them. Most of the time, it's been a quick grope here" he said cupping her breast "or a bit of a fondle here" he said pinching her ass, "but a lot of those stories you hear about me are false. I haven't slept with 100 girls, OK? I've been with three girls, and the third one? Damn she was mind-blowingly spectacular. She rocked my world like no other", he winked at her before leaning in for another kiss.

"So you've only slept with two girls before me? Hmmm, good to know. Well, I'm glad you were my first, and it was better that the fantasies."

Nathan nodded, before gripping her waist and bringing her closer.

"OK, I wanna tell you something, but I don't want to freak you out, Haley."

"What? You can tell me anything."

"Whew…ok, here goes. I have been falling for you since you tutored me last year, and I am falling hard. I wanna see where this goes, and I want to do whatever it takes to make this work. There, I said it. Have I freaked you out?"

"C'mere. You could never freak me out, Nathan. I feel the same way, and if you're lucky, I might just let you sit next me on the coach ride home tomorrow." She giggled while brining him for a quick kiss.

"God, look at the time. The police have probably got Tim and the guys in custody now, so I guess I better head back to my room."

"Ohhhhh, no. It can't be time. Don't go." She looked over at the alarm clock and saw the time. Realising they would only have a few hours before they needed to get up, she reluctantly let go of him, and watched him pull his clothes back on.

"I'll see you tomorrow at breakfast OK. And if I don't, save me that seat on the coach, OK?" he leant down to kiss her before reluctantly pulling away and making his way to the door.

"Sure. Sweet dreams, Nathan."

"Sweet dreams, Hales".

As if my dreams are gonna be sweet, she smirked, before rolling over and turning off the light.
