Becoming a Cullen

[- Another short chapter. - Please review! Thanks, Kelli]

Chapter 17. Edward's Punishment

[Edward Cullen]

Emmett reappeared. He glanced at Jasper, then glared down at me. "What did you do? Did you break Jasper?"

I sighed. "No. He's laughing."

"Oh." Emmett relaxed. He reached down one massive hand. Jasper grabbed it and stood up, a trace of a grin on his face.

Despite my annoyance, I had to note how much progress Jasper had made. He'd let down his guard to laugh. He didn't react violently when Emmett appeared. He let Emmett help him up. Small things for anyone else. Amazing when you consider how he would have reacted just a week ago.

"What's so funny?" Emmett asked.

Jasper shot me a look, but said nothing. Knowing that Emmett would plague me until I told him, I said, "He found it amusing that Carlisle turned me in order to have a friend."

"Why's that funny?"

"I have no idea."

Jasper snickered.

A smug expression crossed Emmett's face. "Of course, Carlisle turned me for sex."

"Emmett!" I added hastily, "He means-"

"I know," Jasper said. "For Rosalie."

"Yup. She took one look at me and had to have me." Emmett flexed his biceps, his smug expression deepening. "Even as a human I was …

I lost track of Emmett's voice, transfixed by Jasper's thoughts. For a second, he imagined Emmett as human, sized up his potential as cannon fodder, even as a woman's seductive voice muttered in Spanish, 'Yes, take him for my army.' He had only to think of Maria and Jasper's thoughts slid into uglier memories. Faces and names of hundreds of newborns created only to be slaughtered in battle or when their usefulness was over. The flood of images was interrupted by a sweet high-pitched voice.

"Eddddwwwaaaard! Come home now. Don't make me late."

The three men turned toward the sound of Esme's voice and started running.

"Hey, thanks again, Edward. If you hadn't made Carlisle mad, it'd be my turn," Emmett said.

Off Jasper's unasked question, I added. "My punishment. I have to help Esme do the grocery shopping. For the next six months."

"Shopping?" Jasper's steps faltered. He teetered on the edge of another explosion of mirth, but it passed. His steps quickened. "For someone with your gift it must be hard. Ah'm sorry."

I shrugged. "It's not that bad. Just boring."

Esme was waiting by the Chrysler, wearing a matching dress, hat and gloves like the other housewives we'd see shopping at the S&P downtown. At least she didn't clip green stamps. She ran a critical eye over my clothes. "I suppose you'll do."

"May I drive?"

She hesitated. "It won't call attention to us? A seventeen year old driving his mother?"
"No. The other woman will think it sweet."

A twinkle lit her eyes. She leaned forward and put a finger under my chin. "You are sweet."


She got into the passenger seat, laughing.

It seemed like everyone was having fun at my expense today.

[Jasper Whitlock]

Alice warned us.

Carlisle ordered us to pack. Essentials only.

We were ready when Esme and Edward returned. The black paint along the Chrysler's right side was scraped, a long dent along the whole side.

Esme's guilt, her shame had swamped me. She sprang out of the car, hurrying into Carlisle's arms.

Smelled it first. Then I saw it. Splashes of red on Esme's tan shoes. More blood was soaked into her dress.

Esme had killed.

Now I'd see what kind of leader Carlisle really is.