A/N: So the ending of this story. I suddenly had inspiration as I was listening to the song 'I'm with you' by Avril Lavigne. Nice, sad song. Also the quote is from the song lyrics of 'Memory',a song by Korean singer Younha. Listen to that song. It's a really romantic song, though a bit sad? I would really recommend you to listen to the song online (youtube it!! Find the one with subs, its sooo good!)
That person with the lonely smile
Chapter 3: That person will never have a lonely smile anymore.
'Even when I try to forget you,
Even when I clear my heart of you,
My body remembers.'
Shizuru was sitting under a tree in the rose garden during recess. The sky was dark grey with the wind blowing furiously making the leaves rustle. Her injuries had made a good recovery and she felt well enough to go to school. Shizuru was trying to enjoy the breeze but was failing miserably. The weather made her feel strangely melancholic.
It was like this when she first saw the girl with the midnight tress. She was awestruck at the sight how the wind blew the girl's hair making it seem as it was dancing gently with the wind. It made Natsuki look very soft and fragile. Of course, it was after that that Shizuru soon realized how true that was. Natsuki was like her, losing her mother and making the girl very lonely. Natsuki protected herself by being distant and cold, earning herself the title of ice queen. Shizuru had taken notice of Natsuki ever since then; her eyes always searching and following the ice queen.
Her thoughts transversed to what happened during the festival and she felt the same pang of hurt and pain like when she saw Natsuki being kissed. More followed as she remembered what had happened after Natsuki's visit to the room. Shizuru never seemed to find Natsuki anymore and when she did, the girl would not look her in the eye and avoided her like a plague.
Her sadness and despair returned. She felt the same emptiness and loneliness she always felt, the emotions that seemed to evade her ever since Shizuru met Natsuki. Shizuru felt unwanted and very ugly. Nobody wanted her, her mother left her, her father was never there for her, busy with work. Nobody was looking for her. She was alone.
There was a bright flash of lightning and the sound of thunder echoed. Soon after, rain started to fall lightly and Shizuru found herself drenched.
'It rained the day mother left too.'
The rain trailed down Shizuru's hair and cheeks making her look as if she was crying. She smiled and looked up at the sky.
'Thank you Sky, for crying for me. My tears have dried long ago.'
She shivered and Shizuru clutched her body, pondering on what to do.
'Should I return to class? I'm already drenched…'
Undecided, Shizuru simply sat under the tree holding her knees, seeking shelter from the rain.
'Nobody's looking for me. Mother won't come for me, nobody will.'
Shivering, Shizuru sighed. Life was so messed up.
'Why did I ever confess to Natsuki? I knew it was foolish.' She smiled sadly.
'I guess I was clinging to the hope that we could be together. That small, slim chance that we could be together, that you liked me back. I guess, I was wrong. I suppose..it's time to give up. It'll be hard, I still love you.'
Shizuru started walked back to her room noticing that the weather had taken a turn for the worse. The rain came down furiously and a sudden lightning surprised her so much that she lost her balance and fell down into a puddle. As she wiped her face from the water and attempted to stand up, she realized that there was a pale hand held out to her. The person who was watching after her had finally come to her side.
Natsuki's story:
Ever since she left Shizuru's room, Natsuki felt confused on her actions on that day.
Why in the world did I kiss her that day? This feels so weird. All these unfamiliar emotions. They make me feel so warm inside yet I feel so afraid. What was that feeling I had as I looked at her? Was it lust? Have I always felt that way to her? I wanted to touch her so much so much. I wanted to make her mine. I wanted to make her mine and mine alone. But she's a girl. I'm a girl. Girls can't fall in love with each other. Can they? It's wrong, yet why does it feel so right?
The feelings that Natsuki felt for Shizuru confused her so much that she felt so agonized. She felt tortured, yet she yearned to see Shizuru. But she just couldn't find the strength to face Shizuru or her sexuality. She kept to herself and avoided other people in fear that they asked her what the problem and breaking down and telling them all about it. Whenever she saw or met Shizuru she could feel those feelings growing and finding herself losing control. She could not have that so she avoided Shizuru.
That day, she was having lunch by herself when she saw Shizuru walking in the distance. Her heartbeat quickened and she hid herself. She peeked out from her hiding place and realized Shizuru did not see her. She followed Shizuru to the rose garden.
'This is the place where I first saw her. She teased me about being an angel. I didn't understand her then, but now I do.'
Natsuki smiled sadly at the memory and looked at Shizuru again. Shizuru looked so serene and peaceful under that tree that Natsuki couldn't move an inch, her eyes always on the brunette's figure.
It started to rain and the sight of a drenched Shizuru looking up at the sky smiling made natsuki's heart ache.
'She looks as if she's crying. Yet why is still smiling?'
Natsuki watched as Shizuru sat under the tree curling herself into a ball. She wanted to go up to Shizuru so much but was glued to the floor.
What do I say to her? I can't simply waltz up to her and take her off her feet…
It rained harder and Shizuru started to leave the tree. A sudden lightning struck in the distance and Natsuki watched as Shizuru fell down into a puddle. Unable to watch any longer, Natsuki ran to Shizuru's side…
There was no response from Natsuki, so Shizuru thought she was hallucinating from being in the rain for so long.
'I'm not dreaming am I?'
The said Natsuki went down on her knees and touched Shizuru's cheeks. The warmth from Natsuki's fingers spread on to her cheeks and Shizuru touched the hand lightly.
'They say Natsuki is an Ice queen, yet her fingers are so warm.'
Natsuki didn't answer; instead she put another hand on Shizuru's other cheek.
'…and you are so cold, Shizuru.'
It was Shizuru's turn to stay silent. She simply put her other hand on Natsuki's newly placed hand. They stayed that way for a while before Shizuru pushing Natsuki's hand away and she started to pull away.
'Please don't be so kind to me. I must forget you because you don't feel the same way as I do to you.'
Natsuki felt as if a dagger had been struck through her heart hearing Shizuru's words. She clutched her heart tightly as Shizuru started to walk away.
'I wanted to kiss you that day and I did.'
Listening to Natsuki's words, Shizuru stopped walking yet she did not turn to face the ice queen.
'Yes, you did and I thank you for that kindness. I will always cherish that kiss.'
'I wanted to touch you. I wanted to feel your skin against mine.'
Shizuru was surprised to hear these words.
'Whenever I see you, I want to touch you so much. I don't understand why I feel this way Shizuru.'
Natsuki walked up to Shizuru and timidly put her hand on Shizuru. Receiving no resistance or response, she turned Shizuru around to face her. Shizuru was surprised to see tears on the ice queen's face.
'Please tell me Shizuru, why am I feeling this way? Why I can't resist from wanting to see your face and touching you?'
Shizuru shook her head.
'I don't know exactly the reason Natsuki. But in most cases, people call it love.'
'But I'm a girl. Isn't it wrong for me to feel this way for you?'
'Then it's wrong for me to feel the same way to you too. I love you so much Natsuki that it hurts inside. Not being able to see you hurt me so much.'
'It hurts me too Shizuru. Not seeing you when thoughts of you are all that in my mind.'
Natsuki rested her head on Shizuru's shoulder. She was silent for a while before looking up at Shizuru's face that was blushing being so close to one she loved.
'I guess, it is love. These feelings that seemed to have awakened since that day. I'd say, I must have liked you too before, but I never noticed.'
Natsuki leaned up and kissed Shizuru lightly on the lips. Shizuru stiffened for a while before relaxing into the kiss.
'I love you Shizuru. Forgive me for putting you in so much pain.'
'I love you so much Natsuki. All that pain is nothing compared to the happiness I feel now that I know you love me too.'
Natsuki was touched by Shizuru's words and she hugged the brunette tightly.
'I love you Shizuru. I want you to be mine. I want you to be by my side always.'
'I'll never leave you Natsuki.
Natsuki touched Shizuru's cheek again and realized how cold the older girl was; she was shivering. She put her hand in Shizuru's hand and pulled her.
'Come Shizuru. We need to get you out of those clothes and this rain.'
'Ara, Natsuki is that eager to take these clothes off me? I'm so happy that you're moving our relationship so fast.'
The meaning of Shizuru's words sunk into Natsuki's mind slowly and she blushed when she finally did. Her face was a bright red.
'Baka Shizuru! What are you saying! I didn't mean it that way!'
Shizuru's laughter filled the air whilst shouts of 'stop laughing' echoed as they headed to Shizuru's room.
-The End-
A/N: ..and that is the end of this bittersweet story. I rather liked this ending. It's rather sweet. I would like to thank everyone who has been following this story. Your support means a lot to me, also please continue to do so. Don't forget to review please.