Authors Note: Well my dear readers and reviewers, after a year and some odd months, this story has finally come to a close. I hope it was as enjoyable for you to read it as it was for me to write it. I really did like this story idea. Now, with no further a due, the final chapter of Ryuzaki ALL over AGAIN!

He was cold, and sore. Whatever he was lying on was extremely hard and uncomfortable. His head felt as if it were going to split in two. "Is he okay?"

"Did you see what happened?"

"Do you think he had a stroke?"

"Maybe he had a seizure."

"Somebody call an ambulance!"

He felt himself stir, grimacing against the voices that drifted in one ear and out the other, he couldn't even comprehend what they were saying. He felt something poke him in the chest, stirring his brain even further. "Hey Mr. are you alright?" He opened his eyes and blinked, seeing a barrage of faces swimming in and out of his line of vision above him. He blinked several times before lifting a hand and rubbing his eyes in order to get them to focus.

"Go on get back."

"Move back."

The crowed moved away from him and he blinked as three people slipped into his line of vision.

"Are you alright son?"

"Hey Matsuda, you okay?"

Matsuda blinked in total surprised sitting up quickly.

"Chief!" He cried before letting out a pained groan doubling over and cradling his head. He felt a firm hand grip his shoulder.

"You'll be okay, here lets get you up."

Matsuda let himself be helped to his feet, still holding his head, before looking around. Here standing holding onto him so he didn't fall over was his friends Mogi and Aizawa, and….

"Chief Yagami." he breathed in disbelief.

The older man clapped him on the shoulder.

"Come on, pull yourself together and lets get to work."

Matsuda let himself be turned around and lead off. It seemed he had passed out right in front of the police department. "You're attracting a crowed."

Matsuda frowned as they entered the police department. Passed out, out front? That wasn't right, no…he'd past out at the bus stop…right? He was so confused, his mind seemed to be in a fog.

"God Matsuda, did you hit the drink last night or something?" Aizawa growled as they entered their conference room. Matsuda eased himself down into a chair.

"No." He groaned. "You know I only drink one beer." He grumbled leaning his head against the table.

"When we saw you there laying out on the street we were afraid maybe Kira had gotten to you."

Matsuda sat straight up eyes wide.

"What! Kira!"

The other men nodded. Mr. Yagami folded his hands and leaned on the table, having had taken his seat at the head of the table.

"When you didn't show up for the conference with L we got really worried."

Matsuda just sat there eyes wide. L? L was alive? Kira? He was back in the early steps of the Kira investigation! How did that? He blinked bowing his head slightly. L was alive…he was live. He was here in Japan. Matsuda looked back up.

"Was…was L mad?"

Aizawa who took a seat opposite him shrugged.

"Nah not really, he just wanted us to find you and debrief you and see if you were quitting the investigation team. You know, be sure you weren't' the leak."

"I WOULDN'T LEAK INFORMATION!" He blurted out slamming his hands on the table standing up defensively. How could anyone think he could possibly be the link! He wanted to catch Kira like everyone else did but…,but…. He blinked his stance relaxing slightly. He knew who Kira was already.

"Relax Matsuda, none of think you are the leak, it was just precaution I can assure you. We're scheduled to meet again in about a half an hour. Why don't you go get yourself cleaned up and meet us outside of the conference room." Mr. Yagami suggested. Matsuda blinked before nodding.

"Y-yeah…, yeah that's a good idea."


Later that evening, Matsuda stood with his friends in the hall of a fancy hotel. The tension and anxiety between them all was obvious, but Matsuda wasn't feeling either. He was nervous, but that was it. He was going to see L…but…it wasn't really his L. This thought caused his heart to nearly shatter into a million pieces and he bowed his head. This L wouldn't know him like the other L had. Matsuda wanted to curl up and cry, but the sound of a voice calling for them to enter made his head snap back up. He swallowed and followed the others into the room. His eyes widened, lips parted heart beating wildly as he gazed at the figure standing on the other side of the room.

He was tall and lean, slouched over with pale creamy skin, wide gray eyes with bags beneath them, evidence of little sleep, black wild hair and clothes to big for his slim frame.

"Hello. I am L."

Matsuda felt his stomach twist into pleasant knots at the sound of the other mans voice. He was beautiful. All of the task force members, besides Matsuda himself introduced themselves. The younger an lifted a hand and pointed his finger at them. "Bang."

They all blinked in surprise.

"What the hell?" Aizawa asked obviously irritated.

"If I were Kira, you would all be dead." He paused his eyes locking with Matsuda's. He tilted his head, nibbling on his thumb. "Except for you."

Matsuda felt his face heat up and he stumbled for words as he scratched the back of his neck nervously.

"I, I, I, I guess I was just to surprised by your appearance that I forgot to introduce myself!" He bowed quickly. "I'm M-M-M…"


He snapped back up blinking in surprise. "I know all of you from your Police files." The thin figure stated as he turned. "Now if you would all follow me into this room, we can begin. Please leave all cell phones or pagers on the table here. I can't stand it when peoples phones go off when I'm trying to talk."

The conversation went well, but when it came for Matsuda to be alone with L, to be tested he found himself nervous. He knew who Kira was, what if he let something slip? What if he couldn't pull off innocence? What if L accused him of being Kira? These thoughts did nothing but make his anxiety rise as he entered the room. The door hadn't been closed two moments before a sharp kick to his jaw sent him flying back against it before he collapsed on the floor. He coughed, clutching his jaw in bewilderment before looking up at the figure standing above him. "Hey, what the hell was that for!" He yelped, tears stinging the corners of his eyes. He rubbed his jaw. That really hurt. He nearly jumped when the other man crouched down in front of him, heir faces inches away. Okay yeah, L had never understood boundaries but…Matsuda was finding their position uncomfortable.

"You liar."

Matsuda blinked.


He gasped as L shoved his hand away from his face before leaning in and pressing his lips to his quickly. L shifted forward so his knees fell on either side of Matsuda's legs, grabbing his shoulders.

"You bastard." He breathed before kissing the others sore jaw before resting his head under his chin. Matsuda was confused. "You left me."

Matsuda's heart skipped a beat. L did remember! It all really had happened! It hadn't just been some sick twisted torture, it had been real, it was in history. Matsuda wrapped his arms around L and held him tight.

"I'm sorry."

L snuggled against him, plastering their bodies together. Matsuda held him tighter, held him closer, not wanting to let go as if in fear that he'd vanish.

"Why did you have to go?"

"I…I wish I could tell you."

"Why can't you?" L tilted his head so he was looking up at the other man. "Don't you trust me?"

"I…." Matsuda felt tears in his eyes again. "Yes." He burried his face against the top of the others head. "I do trust you L. With my life!" He pushed the other away before standing up and pulling him up with him. "I'll tell you everything, but…it will be hard to take."

L tilted his head.

"Matsuda," He hugged him, resting his head against his chest. "You vanished all those years ago and yet you haven't aged a day…I'll believe anything."

Matsuda smiled and began explaining everything he knew about Kira and the Shinigami known as Ryuk as they went and took a seat (together) on a comfy chair, clinging to each other. L listened quietly, only tensing up and squeezing Matsuda when Shinigami came into the conversation. Matsuda had always wondered why he reacted in such a manor and decided to ask him. L told him that Shinigami frightened him because of their ability to see when people were going to die and their real names. Matsuda blinked. So L had know that all along? He proceeded to ask how. L curled up against Matsuda and explained how B had, had the ability, and that ability had been what aided him in the killing of the three people in L.A. They talked for hours, and Matsuda was glad that L had picked him last, because it also gave them an opportunity to share a few tender kisses. But even so, they would need to reemerge from the room.

The two stood by the door, holding hands and kissing gently. Their lips melded together perfectly, lips parting to permit tongues to entwine and rub tenderly together. L broke the kiss panting slightly, cheeks flushed. He rubbed Matsuda's hand with his thumb. "I will do my best to save Yagami when the appointed time comes, but until then we both must act as if we know nothing. Can you do that?"

Matsuda laughed.

"You're asking the biggest idiot on the Police force."

L shot him a goofy smile before releasing his hands and turning towards the door.

"Look uncomfortable."


"Think about your mother having sex with a cow."

Matsuda immediately turned green, and that was L's cue to open the door. The two emerged from the room.

"What the hell took you two so long?" Aizawa asked. L ignored him.

"I have determined that none of you are Kira, and so, welcome to the Task Force." He stated, climbing onto his seat and glancing at Matsuda who reclaimed his own seat at the back of the group. L let his eyes lock on Matsuda for a moment, but long enough to receiving the sweetest of smiles.

Matsuda kept his eyes locked on the younger man who began addressing the group. He watched as those large gray eyes scanned over each individual.

"Let's catch Kira together." He said, his eyes sliding towards Matsuda again, and locking with his own. Matsuda felt his heart overflow as L smiled in his adorably goofy way. Perhaps the Shinigami Ryuk wasn't so bad after all.

Authors Note: This is the end. Despite it being simple, I really enjoyed it. The beginning of the story was simple, thus I felt the ending should be simple. But at least it is happy! Review, please let me know what you thought of this chapter, and of the story over all! I'd love to know. Hell I'd even love to know what your favorite parts were. Thank you all again.