I know you guys were expecting a new chapter and I'm very sorry that you had to wait so long. But atlas I'm sorry to say that I'm not so sure how to continue this story. My parents have gone through a divorce, and some secrets have been exposes and my mother had some medical problems. Right now, I feel as if my creative writing has left me. And every time I try to continue, I draw a blank and just can't make the words flow out as they once use to do. If one of you guys wants to take my beginning and finish it. It's okay with me. And if you had and questions as to what I was thinking or where I was going. I'll answer them to the best of my abilities. I feel like I have let you guys down, even if I don't really know you. And if you guys want me to try to make a new chapter, I'll try my hardest. But I won't be as good as the last couple of ones. But I would give it my all for you guys.