Disclaimer: Don't own Naruto, don't own Darkstalkers there you go.

Chapter 1: The Fox and the Wolf

"Come back here you demon brat!" was one of the many names that was hollered at a young 13 year-old boy that had spiky bleach blond hair that was held up by a pair of goggles wrapped around it, he wore a bright orange jump suit that stood out anywhere but the most distinct thing that was noticeable was the whisker birth marks on his face. The name of the teen was Naruto Uzamaki and right now he was running for his life.

"When we catch you, you're dead!" cried another villager as he threw a sake bottle at Naruto who barely dodged it.

Looking over his shoulder Naruto saw the angry mob gaining on him. "Why do I have to go through this every day?" he thought as he turned down another ally hoping to lose them but his hope was suddenly dashed as he came face to face with another mob.

"What! where did they come from?!" shouted Naruto as he skidded to a stop. When he tried to double back he saw the rest of the mob behind him blocking his path to freedom.

"Nowhere to run now brat," said one of the villagers as he swung his club at Naruto. Who barely had enough time to dodge it and was knock to the ground.

Right when he hit the ground the mob swarmed him and started to beat him to death. Unknown to both Naruto and the mob was silent observer standing on top of the building nearby.

From what he saw, the thought of the young boy being beaten for no reason angered him. As he watched to mob continued to attack the young blond, he noticed one of them drawing a blade intending to finish the boy once and for all.

Leaping from his point he dropped on top of the assailant instantly knocking him out. The group backed away in fear at the being in front of the young demon holder .What they saw he was neither man nor beast but a mixture of both. The creature had dark blue fur all over his body but he all so had a few place of white fur here and there, the creature also wore a pair of dark blue martial arts pants that were held up by a yellow belt underneath the belt was a long bushy tail sticking out right at the tail bone but the thing that caught the villagers attention was his face which was shaped like a wolf's, the most noticeable thing was his ember glowing eyes that made them feel like they were digging into their soul.

From what they saw most would call him a demon but the correct term would be werewolf. Looking down at the injured blonde the werewolf looked back at the villagers with discuss. A growl could be heard from him as the crowd moved closer to them.

"Figures, a demon coming to protecting another demon," said one of the ninjas as he pulled out a kunai and charged the werewolf.

Only to find his weapon knocked from his and to feel a sharp kick connect with his stomach, causing him to be launched right into the wall.

Five more nins replaced him afterwards each had a weapon drawn as they surrounded the wolf. Looking at the advancing group the werewolf just grinned a little before pulling out, a pair nunchakus from behind his belt loop.

The attacks hesitate a little before relaxing a bit thinking that the demon was bluffing about knowing how to use them. The first one of the group charged towards the werewolf but only to have the end of nunchakus connect with his temples, instantly knocking him out. The rest soon charged in only to be blow back by a tornado of nunchakus attacks.

The crowd started to get worried some of their best ninja defeated like it was nothing. The werewolf then turned his head towards the mob; in their eyes he could see their fear of him and his power.

Letting loose a loud snarl the mob began to flee him, as they were running the werewolf heard one of the members say "that brat was bad enough but now this demon is worse." Looking down at the boy the werewolf's face began to soften, looking down at the boy the werewolf began to remember how he was treated when his people had found out about him.

Looking the boy over to see if there was any serious injury, he was thankful to find that he only had a few bruises on him, picking the boy up werewolf began to follow the boys scent to his home.

Felling the warmth of something Naruto began to open his eyes only to see the familiar sites of his home. Rising from his bed Naruto began to wonder how he got home, must have walked home and passed out with out remembering he thought to himself as he looked to see it getting late.

Yawning a little Naruto remember about his big prank tomorrow, giving his usual fox like grin he turned of the light and laid down for bed. Unknown to him outside his window on the roof top next by sat the same werewolf from before.

Hanging one of his legs over the edge the werewolf smiled and said "That boy has some greatness in him I think I might stick around for awhile and see how he does" grinning towards himself the werewolf leapt into the moon filled night to see what else the village offered.

Hope you enjoyed please read and review if you want, it inspires me a little.