This my 11 and 1\2 year old cousin wrote
"Aza Lamb," you said
shaking the girl's hand.
"Pansy Parkinson." She said
smiling deviously at you.
"Erm.. pleasure." You said
turning away and looking at your food. It was your first day at
Hogwarts, even though you were in your 5th year. Before coming
here you had gone to Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. But got
expelled by Madam Maxime for the using potions and classroom
materials against the students. Heh, kindergarten stuff. You
sighed in your head. Being in Slytherin wasnt as cool as it might
have come off when you first were told you would be in it. You
expected them to be pranksters, where as they were just all sluts
and made out 99.9% of the day.
You stood up and turned to
Pansy who looked up at you. "I'm going to the common room,"
you said rubbing your forehead. "I need some sleep."
later." She said brushing you off quickly and turning to a
blonde boy named Draco, grabbing onto his arm.
You rolled your
eyes and made your way out of the Great Hall and started off
toward the dungeons when you heard a series of whispers and
chuckles, along with a, "He was a sucker for it!" you
turned a corner, following the whispers. "I think we're being
followed George..." came a voice.
"Okay, split up,"
you heard another voice reply.
You followed the first voice,
down a corridor and into an abandoned classroom that all of the
desks were overturned and past that into a 'closet' that turned
out to be a storeroom. You're mouth hung open limply as you looked
around. They were all Weasley's Wizard Wheezes products. You had
heard of them, the master jokesters. You had set your entire life
an the grounds that you wanted to out prank them one day.
heard a rusting and you looked over behind a crate to see a red
headed figure sitting there doing something with a decoy
detonator. "Hello." You said plainly. He looked up,
shocked that you had seen him there. "You were rather loud
coming this way so I decided to follow you since you and that
George guy were being so secretive." You looked around again.
"From the looks of it, you must be Fred Weasley."
nodded smirking deviously at you. "Yup."
You narrowed
your eyes into a glare. "We're enemies, dont look at me so
familiarly Weasel."
"Oh?" he asked raising an
eyebrow. "And may I ask who you are?"
Lamb." You told him turning away and walking over to the
other wall, reading the comic strips that were mostly put downs of
ugly students and stupid teachers here at Hogwarts.
THE Lamb!" he said standing up and walking over to you. "It's
a pleasure to meet you. You're widely famous over the jokester
world. You got expelled from Beauxbaton's for pranking the
teachers and students. You had some nice work."
you said coolly, crossing your arms and looking away from him.
Fred looked at you, well stared actually. And it was getting quite
annoying... "Uh... Fred?"
"Yes dearest?"
Fred said leaning against the wall.
"Stop staring at me."
You told him turning and going over to the exit. You were about to
leave when Fred spoke up.
"So you're going here
"Yeah." You said without turning
"So I'll see you around then."
you said turning your head and flashing him a smile before leaving
to go to the dungeons.
The next week was rather fun
for you. Monday you sent off a dungbomb in Slytherin's boy's
dormitories. Tuesday you switched Draco's pen with one that sent
ink flying all over him when he went to write in potions class.
Wednesday you put a whoopee cushion on Snape's seat (ahhh... gotta
love the classics) Thursday you made Pansy's pumpkin juice explode
when she went to take a drink, and Friday you tried (yet failed)
to prank the Weasley twins by rigging their desk in Charms so it
would collapse as soon as they put their books down. But heck,
those smart asses figured it out and told some other idiots to sit
there instead. And now it was Friday night, time to go to
You changed into cute yellow dress, and pulled on
knee high black boots (because the dress was a couple inches above
your knees. You grabbed a necklace that had a pouch on it. It was
small, but had almost unlimited space inside of it. You stuck
money, your cell phone, and some other random stuff in it and
rushed out to meet with the other students going to Hogsmeade.
Once you were finally there you made your way to Zonko's joke shop
to restock your joke supplies.
You walked inside and started
looking at the items under the glass counter. "Fancy seeing
you here," you heard a voice say, making you jump.
You looked up and glared at them. "No
Weasel, I'm not scared "
"Oh, well you dont
have to get all overprotective about it." He said leaning on
the counter next to you, dangerously close to you. "It was a
nice stunt you pulled with George and my desk today." He
remarked. "Quite clever. But you're going to have to try
harder than that if you ever want to trick us."
make a note of that," you said turning to leave but you put a
hand on your arm pulling you back.
"You never talk to me.
Do you hate me or something?" he asked when you stopped
trying to get out of his death grip.
"No I dont hate you,"
you told him truthfully. "I just have a goal in life to one
day out wit you and your devilish brother. And talking to you
certainly won't help me chances of achieving that goal."
I take it you won't go out with me?" he asked.
you asked confused, turning to face him.
"You and me in a
shop by the sea." He said chuckling.
"Okay that was
SO crummy," you told him raising your eyebrows and shaking
your head.
"Yeah I know," he remarked. "Okay,
how about we make a deal."
"And what would that be?"
you asked sounding interested.
"You out joke me, get at
least one Gryffindor to say you're a better trickster than me, and
I'll stop trying to get you to go out with me. And I'll listen to
you when you turn me down." He said and waited quietly for
your response. "And if you don't get at least 1 Gryffindor to
say that by the time Christmas break starts, you have to go out
with me."
You chuckled deviously. "Just one? How
about 5."
"If you insist," he said shrugging,
trying to hold back a smirk.
"Alright. And if I don't get
those 5 people by the time Christmas break starts, I'm all yours.
And I have nothing to say about it." You replied smirking
back at him.
"Shake on it." He said letting go of
your arm and holding out his hand.
"Naturally," you
said unhooking the buzzer that was on his hand before shaking it.
"Later." You said waving over your shoulder before going
out of Zonkos. You could always come back for joke products after
Fred left. (^_^)
It's now around week from the
start of Christmas Break. You had tried multiple attempts to prank
the twins, but you hadn't yet succeeded. You had the Gryffindor's
talking about you, but none of them would yet say that you were
better than the twins. Cuz heck, you couldnt even launch a plan
that ended up working! It's now Wednesday and you're currently
sitting in Potions twirling a piece of hair around your finger
with a bored look on your face. Time to put your latest plan in
action. You sat up straight in your chair and raised your
"Professor!" you called and Snape looked up. "I
need help with this, can you come here for a moment?"
walked over swiftly and you started asking him questions about the
potion you were working on. "Professor, I heard somebody say
that if you mixed uhhh what was it... oh yeah, a horned slug in it
then it'll work better. Is that true?"
"Of course
not!" Snape snapped angrily. "Who ever told you that is
an idiot."
"Oh okay," you said smiling adorably
at him. "They also said that murtlap essence is a good
ingredient for this potion if you wanted to also repel
Flesh-Eating slugs."
"What the" Snape faltered
and soon regained his composure glaring at you. "Who in
Merlin's name said such stupid things?"
you said pointing a couple rows in front of you at the back of
Fred's head.
Snape glared at the back of his head and then
walked back to his desk snapping at Fred as he passed him. "Fred
Weasley I expect a 500 word essay on my desk tomorrow about why
murtlap essence and horned slugs should NOT be used in this
"What the..." Fred muttered, his eyes
growing big and then he turned around and looked over at
"Heya Weasel!" you said just loud enough for him
to hear, waving at him while smiling.
"Lamb..." he
growled glaring at you momentarily but his face slowly turned into
a grin. Great... he was actually PROUD of you. You sighed, looking
down at your potions book. At least you were one step closer to
getting those 5 Gryffindors!
The next day as Fred and
George were walking to Quidditch practice, you followed them. But
of course you were in a large group of Slytherin's that you all
had in mind that they wanted to practice today also. Of course
guess who gave them that idea? Little ol' you! You made your way
up into the stands sitting there alone, your arms on the railing
smirking at nobody in particular. As the now changed Slytherin's
and Gryffindor's came out onto the field a large field erupted
(no, not a fist fight. Just verbal for now! *smirk*) As the
Weasley twins yelled at Draco, Fred stopped, and started looking
You smirked down at him, and waved when he looked over
at you. You were getting to him, you knew it. Now it was time to
put your brilliant plan to the test to see how many Gryffindor's
would be talking about you next!
You got down from the stands,
blowing a kiss to the distressed Fred before making your way back
to the castle. You walked down to the dungeons and took a deep
breath once you decided you were the only one in the common room.
You took out your wand, muttering a charm. Tada! Permanent gold
and red coloring! Good bye green and black, hello Gryffindor
pride. You smirked to yourself because skipping out of the common
room and making your way up to the fat lady's portrait. You
followed a group of pathetically dull 1st years into the common
room and waited in the shadows until nobody was there.
You waved your wand muttering another charm. Permanent green and
black, hello Slytherin pride! You smirked and laughed as you made
your way out of there and down to the old abandoned class room
connected to the Weasley's store room to have a good laugh. After
a while you got bored of reading all of the cartoons on the walls,
and looked at your watch. Dinner time! You smiled to yourself,
skipping off to the Great Hall. You walked inside and the whole
hall was talking about the prank. You walked over to the Slytherin
house table and sat down in between Marcus Flint and Draco Malfoy.
"Did you hear what happened to the common room?"
Marcus asked you, his crooked teeth showing as he snarled at
"No, what happened?" you asked putting on your
best innocent face.
"Somebody charmed it red and gold!"
he nearly snapped right then and there.
"It's barbaric!"
Draco scoffed. "How are we supposed to sleep in a common room
like THAT?"
"You dont say!" you exclaimed.
"That's so weird! Do they have any idea who did it?"
but apparently they got into the Gryffindor common room and put
our colors there." Draco told you shaking his head. "I
suspect someone in Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff."
you said nodding. After eating you bid everyone good day and were
about to leave with a small group of Slytherin's when Dumbledore
stood up, taping his glass. You and the others sat back down again
as he spoke.
"I'm sure news has reached everyone's ears by
now about what has happened to Slytherin's and Gryffindor's common
rooms. The teachers and I will be working to reverse these charms
and in the mean time teachers will be stationed in the two
unharmed common rooms for precautions. You may go now." He
said sitting back down.
You and the others stood up and left.
Once you were on your way down to the dungeons, you got pulled
into the empty classroom, the door shutting behind you. You turned
around snickering. "Good evening boys." You greeted the
twins, flashing them a smile.
"You've gone and done it."
George said. "You should have heard how many Gryffindor's
said that we were lacking and that the person that did this was
way better prankster than us."
"You won. You are
truly a great jokester Lamb," Fred said crossing his arms.
"I'll leave you alone."
"George?" you asked
turning to his brother who looked down at you. "Could I have
a moment alone with your brother?"
"Sure," he
said before glancing at Fred and leaving.
Fred asked confused.
"Hey Weasel, just because you give up
doesnt mean I have to." you told him.
"What do you
mean?" he asked still confused beyond wit.
you said stepping forward and pressing your lips against his. You
pulled away to see his shocked face. "If that offer of going
out with you still stands, I'll take it."
"Hell yes
it does!" he said, his shocked look turning into full blown
"I'm glad..." you said smiling at him.
"Together we'll rule this school with our awesome
"Naturally!" he agreed laughing.