What's wrong with us?
Voyager has made it home, but Chakotay learns something from B'Elanna that changes everything!
Kathryn grabbed her umbrella from the front hall closet and dashed outside. The rain was pouring and somehow she had overslept this morning. Any other morning would have been ok, but today was a day that she just couldn't be late. And she was late, very late.
She was still puzzled about how she had become late, she had set the alarm, but somehow she managed to sleep through it. It wasn't until her sister came crashing into the room that she noticed what time it was. Kathryn threw on her clothes, pinned up her hair and decided to forgo any makeup.
When Kathryn appeared in front of Starfleet headquarters she was already a ½ hour late. She cursed herself inward for being late. But as she entered the building something immediately caught her attention. Something was very wrong. The building was deserted.
Kathryn went upstairs to her office. She was just putting in her code to enter her office when her aide came up the stairs.
"Good Morning Miss Janeway."
Kathryn turned. "Sara, why is this building so completely dead today. Today is a big day and there is no one here!"
"I'm not sure what you are talking about; it's never busy here before 7"
"What do you mean 7, its 8?"
Sara smiled. "Yesterday was daylight savings didn't you set your clock back?"
Kathryn put her face in her hands and began to laugh. "I always hated daylight savings, I really thought I was really late today and it turns out that I am really early instead."
"Would you like some coffee Miss Janeway?"
Kathryn entered her office. "Please Sara, and please remember that I like it black."
Kathryn settled in her chair overlooking the Starfleet campus. She turned on her computer and sighed. The computer beeped indicating that their was a new message. She pressed in her security code and the message began.
"Hello Kathryn, it's your little sister! I reset the alarm for you in case you needed some more time to think about this! I think you really should tell him Kathryn! After all this is your last chance! I just figured that maybe you would reconsider! He needs to know. See you at home and I hope you don't kill me for resetting your alarm!"
Kathryn sat back in her chair as Sara entered with a fresh cup of coffee.
1 year earlier-
Voyager had been home for a week. Everyone had been splitting into different directions. Tuvok had been released early so that he could begin his treatment. Harry had been allowed to visit his parents ASAP. Tom and B'Elanna had been welcomed home by Admiral Paris, along with the new arrival.
Then there was Seven. Her aunt had graciously invited her to spend a week with her along with the doctor in Sweden. Seven had been a little nervous, but the doctor had reassured her that everything was going to be ok.
And last but not least there had been Chakotay.
Kathryn and Chakotay had not really spoken in months to one another. Kathryn had sensed that something was wrong, but when she found out from her older self but his relationship with Seven, she decided to abort the mission.
A part of Chakotay was hurt. Ever since he had rescued Kathryn, from the workforce colony, he had felt a little betrayed. For years he had wanted to be with only her. And yet she resisted because of her Starfleet principals. And even though she had been brainwashed, it hurt him to think that she had decided to move in with Jaffin so quickly.
But after he began a relationship with Seven, he hardly could bring up the past with Kathryn. That would just be an ugly conversation waiting to happen.
So here he was setting by himself on an isolated couch on deep space nine. The couch faced the window, so Chakotay watched as some of the Starships arrived and left. He took a deep breath. Inside he wandered if he would ever get on a starship again.
And then he heard a familiar voice.
"Can I set with you old man?"
Chakotay turned, and exposed his dimples. "Of course B'Elana, how are you feeling?"
"About 9kilos lighter, and don't use those dimples on me! I'm a married women remember?"
Chakotay laughed. "Where is Tom?"
"He took the baby to show his father. I saw you setting by yourself and I wanted a chance to talk with you."
Chakotay put his feet up and sighed. "And what would you like to talk about Torres?"
B'Ellana couldn't help but laugh a little. The last time that she remembered him calling her that was when she broke the nose of someone in Engineering and she had been put in lock down in her room. He had been so angry with her, that he had called her by her last name.
"Chakotay you really can't call me that anymore since I am married now."
Chakotay shook his head. "I didn't even think about that! So what can I do for you Mrs. Paris?"
This time it was B'Elanna's turn to laugh.
"We had some good times together didn't we old man?"
"We faced a lot of things together in the Maqui and for the last seven years in the delta quadrant."
B'Elanna sighed and then faced Chakotay. "I have to tell you something Chakotay."
"Do you remember when we were taken hostage by that alien who knew our most intimate thoughts?"
Chakotay shivered a bit remembering his thoughts that day. "Vaguely, why?"
"Well let's just say that I had some very intimate thoughts about you that day."
Chakotay grinned. "Really? Would you like to share?"
"Not really Chakotay. But I do want to tell you that the captain and I had a conversation later that day and she told me something in confidence that I really need to tell you now."
Chaktoay put his feet down. "B'Elanna, thanks but no thanks."
B'Elanna turned to follow him. "She told me that the alien pretended to be Mark, and kissed her in the turbo lift."
Chakotay turned, and pointed his finger at B'elanna. "Now why on Earth would I want to know that?"
"Because she told me that when she kissed the alien he turned from Mark into you!"