Anime: Kaichou Wa Maid-sama! (Maid Sama!)
Characters: Usui, Misaki,
Rated: T
Disclaimer: I do not own this manga or any of the characters.
Notes: Now, don't get mad at me. I usually don't do anything but Yaoi couples, but I promised a friend I would do a regular couple, so here it is, since this is one of the ONLY straight couples I like. So I hope you guys aren't disappointed in me and like the story. (If you have never read the manga Kaichou wa Maid-sama!...go away plz. Kthnx.)

Days at the Maid Café were usually busy, what with idiot stalkers and others who just wanted to partake in the sweets and nice atmosphere. However, today was not one of those days. It was 4:00 p.m, and there was only a few tables taken up, each table holding one or two guests, or 'masters'. Misaki stood next to the Manager, discussing the next theme for the café. The manager was stuck on animal ears, for some reason.

A bell rang through the café, signaling the arrival of a new master. Misaki turned, the famous saying spilling out of her mouth before she could stop herself. Soft eyes turned into a glare as she saw the person who had stepped into her place of work, a light pink color appearing on her face. Smirking at the glare, said person waved slightly before making his way towards the two maids with long strides. The manager glanced over and smiled brightly before calling out, "Usui-kun! I'm so glad you could come!"

"I'm always happy to help out." He replied, throwing another smirk in Misaki's direction. She sneered at him before asking politely, "Manager-san, why is Usui here? It's not that busy…" she trailed off, hoping her manager would fill in.

The petite girl turned towards Misaki, replying with a frown, "I thought I told you, Misaki-chan? I have to leave early today to take care of some business and since Gon-chan and Sayu are away on vacation, I called in Usui-kun to fill in." She said it like it was nothing. Misaki sighed, nodding a few times before throwing another glare at the alien, the blush finally disappearing from her face.

Ever since the eating contest she had to partake in for Erika, a blush would find itself on Misaki's face whenever Usui came around. She wanted to forget the little kiss, or lack there of. Since it was just on the jacket covering her face, it didn't really count, but she couldn't shake that out of her mind. Yes, he kissed her before, but for some reason, this was different.

Excusing herself, the Manager left the two, heading towards the changing room. Misaki went to turn, but Usui's hand reached out and grabbed her before she could leave. Turning, she looked down at his hand before looking back up at him. "Let go of me, you alien." She said as calmly as she could, feeling the blush playing on her face again.

He hesitated a second before doing just that, but of course he couldn't leave it at that. He leaned forward, inches from her face, a smirk twisting on his lips. Ayuzawa backed up, putting her hands out, yelling, "What are you doing!?" Her blush increased ten fold, making Usui laugh before he pulled away. Placing a hand on her head, he said as he ruffled her hair, "It's always fun to pick on you, Misaki-chan~."

Before she could reply, he vanished into the kitchen, leaving Misaki by herself in the small hallway. She growled in frustration, straightening her hair out, wishing she was wearing the headband at the time. Taking a few deep breaths, she decided to ignore the funny feeling in her stomach and went to see if her 'masters' needed anything.

The manager left soon after the incident, and only an hour had gone by. The door had opened again, the bell ringing, and Misaki stood there, waving goodbye. Turning, she surveyed the café, seeing that there was no one else left. Reaching into her pocket, she pulled out the store's key the manager had given her.

'We could close up…it doesn't seem like anyone else is going to come by.' She thought silently to herself. Shrugging, she went over to the table her previous master's were sitting at, collection the plates and cups. Her heels clicked against the tile as she walked back into the kitchen. She nudged the door open and walked in, lightly putting the dishes in the sink.

Turning to walk out, she stopped herself, noticing Usui towards the back, apparently working on another desert. Raising an eyebrow, she walked over to him, trying to figure out what he was making. Glancing up, Usui threw another smirk at Misaki before saying, "You want some? It'll help you if you still plan on becoming fat."

"S-Shut up, baka!" she yelled, dark crimson spreading over her face like a wildfire. This encouraged Usui more, his smirk becoming bigger as he held up a fork, a small piece of the delicious looking desert on the end of it. Ayuzawa growled, turning her head to the side, causing the piece to come in contact with her cheek instead of her mouth. It was silent for a moment after that, anger rising in Misaki.

Just as she went to scream at him, he dropped the fork and leaned forward, licking up the mess he made on her cheek. She gasped at the contact, jumping back, scrambling away. She brought a hand up to the spot he licked, it still moist from his tongue. Smiling, Usui said, "I wasn't going to let it go to waste."

"B-B-Baka Usui!" Misaki screamed before running out of the kitchen, holding her cheek. The crimson on her face was a mix from embarrassment and anger. She ran into the changing room, closing the door behind her. She slid down the door, landing softly on the floor; butterflies must have been having a party in her stomach. She leaned the back of her head against the door, trying to think but failed.

What was this thing between her and Usui?


Author's Note: Not my best work, but I don't care. Should I make this into a multi-chapter? I don't think I will, but I would love to hear your takes on this. So RxR please?