Right! The last part of this epic is FINALLY here - and here it is!

Enjoy! :)


"I love you, Doctor."

There was a pause. Jack could practically hear the Doctor thinking.


There was another silence, in which Jack thought; was this one of those things that happens in movies and such? Where one person says one thing and the other assumes they proposed marriage – or something? Because "yes" wasn't really an answer. Well – it wasn't really anything. What did the Doctor mean by it?

There was silence, in which both men lay in each other's arms, thinking. The Doctor let out a shaky breath, nervously examining the highly detailed ceiling. Now it was quiet, he could hear wind howling outside, even through the thick walls. An empty metal container rattled along the ground, and a splatter of rain hit the side of the building.

So… did the Doctor mean "yes" in the sense of "yes, I understand and accept that you love me", or … "yes, and I love you too"? Because Jack was starting to fret that perhaps the Doctor only meant the former. He bit his lip, holding the Doctor close. They were still naked, warm in each other's arms. Slowly drying semen remained on the Doctor's chest as it rose and fell with each slowing, shaky breath.

Jack, against his wishes, was starting to feel nervous. Nervous – and awkward. And it was difficult to shuffle one's feet awkwardly when one was in the arms of another. Of course, it wouldn't be so bad if the one whose arms Jack was in were the arms of someone who loved him. Someone who loved him back. Because Jack was beyond sure now; he was in love with the Doctor. But… it appeared that the Doctor didn't feel the same way.

Jack got up in one swift movement, the chill of empty, dusty air meeting him as he vacated the cramped sofa. He shivered, feeling odd after their rather pithy encounter. It had been a nice kind of odd – until about thirty seconds ago. He'd opened his heart, and all he'd gotten was… confirmation.

"Jack?" the Doctor asked after him, sitting up, wiping come away with his palm. Jack had left him with a cold sort of manner – as if he was no longer welcome.

Jack looked back, pulling on his breeches. The Doctor looked at him confusedly, standing up. He flicked his hand, come dribbling off it, flying to the floor. "Did I – did I say something? Something wrong, I mean – I-I know I said something, but … do you – didn't you – Jack?" the Doctor said, babbling. He ended with a quiet gasp, taking a well-needed breath, swallowing. He felt a strange profusion of emotions – one of which suddenly surfaced, compelling the Doctor to preserve his modesty – he grabbed the first thing he found on the floor, which happened to be Jack's greatcoat. He held it to his body, blushing and flustered.

"I said I loved you," Jack muttered, his eyes drifting from the floor to the Doctor, curious as to his response.

The Doctor looked a little bewildered – and then, slowly, he nodded. He pulled the coat up to his chin, brushing it against his lips.

Jack rubbed the back of his head. "And – and you said "yes"."

The Doctor nodded again, opening and closing his lips over the coat neckband. It smelt of Jack, and the coarse material made his lips tickle.

Jack hated to ask but – "W-what did you mean?"

The Doctor paused in his lip-rubbing, blinking slowly. Then he dropped the coat to his shoulders with a gasp, clutching it to his chest. "Oh, Jack… I meant –" He broke off to giggle. He looked down at the floor, biting down on his lip. "I meant… Oh, forget it, Jack. Get over here," the Doctor demanded, beckoning with curled fingertips.

Jack slowly shook his head, not giving in that easily. He wasn't doing this unless he knew it was going somewhere. Where was it going? At the moment – nowhere.

"Jack, come on," the Doctor called to him, a wobble in his voice now. He'd realised Jack wasn't coming until he got what he wanted.

"Do you love me, Doctor?" Jack asked, deadly serious. He had never meant to take such a tone, but he needed to know.

"What does it matter Jack? We can still have fun," the Doctor replied, a cheeky smile on his face. He nodded his head sideways to the little sofa, inviting Jack for a few more games.

Jack shook his head again. He didn't want games this time. "Doctor. Do you love me?" he asked again.

This was the last time he would ask. If the Doctor said no… he was leaving. There was no way their friendship could return to how it was before, not after this. And Jack couldn't hold up a new relationship as lovers if the love was one-sided. This was it.

The Doctor took one look at Jack's face, and realised he had to lie. It was his last resort, and he'd hoped it would never have come to this. He'd been preparing for his response for too long – and now Plan B was in effect.

"Yes. I love you, Jack." Even the Doctor himself was surprised with how legitimate it sounded.

Jack's face broke into a smile, trying and failing to think of another point in time in which he'd been happier. Never, in all his life. He was staying!

He bounded over to the Doctor, crushing their lips together in the most erotic and passionate kiss he'd ever had the pleasure to take part in. The Doctor moaned, smiling at Jack's enthusiasm. Oh yes, they could be happy together.

And yet, the Doctor felt wretched. He'd lied to his best friend, his lover – whatever he was. It had been a half-truth, the Doctor did love Jack – but as a friend. And he wanted him, he wanted his body, he wanted sex. And if this was the only way to keep him, then so be it.

He just hoped, in time, he would come to love Jack as much as Jack loved him.

Thank god they had all the time in the universe.

Far away, a disembodied voice chuckled happily.

"Doctor, you're a fool. You'll realise day. One day soon."

A disembodied head in a disembodied jar vaporised into view. A rusty colour, human height, and of the same width. Tentacles floated in the cramped space around the face, a massive pair of lips breaking into an elderly but utterly charming smile.

Only the face knew, and only he would ever know. He was the only one who the Doctor ever told – the Doctor really was in love with Jack Harkness. He just hadn't realised yet.

The face knew this. And, like the face said, one day soon, the Doctor would too.

Sorry for the odd and bittersweet ending, but there you have it.

Just in case it wasn't as plain as British cooking - the disembodied voice is the Face of Boe, and he makes his little appearance down the bottom there. I could say it was my plan all along, but ... nah, I'll leave it with that. It was my plan all along. ;)

So yes, that's one story done. I have far too many Work-In-Progresses, and am constantly distracted by "Caramelldansen" on repeat. :P

Love and hugs to all you awesome people. Remember - reviews are my motivation to write! (I know that's stupid, but I can't help it...) XP