"Rose Weasley!" my mum yelled at me as she exited the Floo.

"Yes, mother?" I asked as pleasantly as I could.

"What have you done this time?" she demanded as she placed her hands on her hips in her motherly fashion… personally nana molly is scarier then mum… but shhh… don't tell her that.

"I haven't done anything." I said harmoniously.

"Scorpius Malfoy!" I heard Scorpius's dad yell as he followed my mother's suit.

"My mum made a better entrance…" I sneered to Scorpius, which caused him to chortle.

"Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy! What have you done this time?" he asked placing his hands on his hip mimicking mum.

"No really… my mum did this better…" I whispered to Scorpius making him collapse out of his chair laughing.

At this point in time the two adults looked to Professor McGonagall {Aunt Minnie} who at the moment had one hand on her forehead leaning on the desk and another placed on her neck.

"Minnie… what have they done?" mum asked Aunt Minnie with an exasperated sigh.

"Rose decided to take… something to her new class on the first day of Crystal Ball introduction."

"And what pray tell would that be?" Draco asked with an annoyed tone that suggested he would rather be anywhere then here at this instant.

"This…" she said holding up the magic 8 ball that I had swiped from my mother's room about a week after I knew I was taking Crystal ball readings half way through the semester.

"Oh dear." My mum muttered sliding into one of the seats across from the headmistress that neither Scorpius nor I was residing in.

"What is that?" Draco asked curiously sounding like Granddad.

"This is a Muggle toy."

"What does it do?" he asked looking at it as if it would suddenly spout feelers and attack.

"You ask it a question then shake it and it gives you one of the answers on the little ball on the inside… it's a Muggle form of fortune telling." She explained taking the ball and showing him.

"Demonstrate." He demanded eagerly.

"Fine… 'Is Draco Malfoy a ferret boy?'" she asked smirking at him as he sneered at her while shaking the ball.

"Indefinably. Ha, ha, ha." She said laughing slightly.

"Well I see now that I must only ask it important questions… are we free to go? I have to decorate the Great Hall for Christmas."

"No sit down Mrs. Weasley." Aunt Minnie sighed, "I have no idea how to deal with this Hermione. I can't punish her for this because this is something I would do but I can't condone it."

"If that was all you had to worry about I could have saved you a Floo call to my mum." I said with a very heavy sigh. "Just make me write lines. You know how I hate them anyway."

"You know Minnie she does have a point." My mum said with a small smile.

"Okay everyday this next week you will serve detention in my office writing lines."

I stood with a salute. "Yes ma'am!" this caused her to roll her eyes and motion for me to sit back down, which of course I immediately did.

"Okay the next matter on hand is young Malfoy… he seems to have followed Mrs. Rose in the Muggle joke of the week, he gave these to Hagrid and told him that they were real animals…" she said producing a set of PokÉmon cards which caused me to fall out of my seat in hysterics.

I can't believe he actually did it! I had given it to him like a month ago… I had completely forgotten about them.

My mum even had to cover her mouth from laughing.

"They are just simply a Muggle card collector's game, kind of like chocolate frog cards." Mum said snickering behind her hand.

"Alright. But Mr. Malfoy you must apologize to Hagrid and convince him that these cards are simply that."

Draco had collapsed next to my mum in his own seat holding his head in his hands.

"The two of you may go." Aunt Minnie said gesturing for us to take our leave.

Once we were out of the room I looked at him as he looked at me and we started laughing our asses off.

"Oh… that was priceless."

"I know right?" he said clutching his chest and side.

"You know something?"

"What?" he asked recovering from the laughter.

"My red hair gives me super powers." I said snootily.

He snorted at me. "Yeah right."

"And… anything you can do I can do better, backwards…" I said as I started to walk down the hallway backwards for emphasis. "And in high heals." I said pointing to my feet, which were in fact clad in my new heals.

He rolled his eyes.

"Oh hey! We have to go back." I said as I started walking back in the direction we came.

"Why?" he asked following my lead.

"I forgot my bag…" I said just noticing that I didn't have it.

Once we were back up at Aunt Minnie's door I knocked.

"Come in." I heard her call from inside.

Opening the door I peaked my head inside, my mum and his dad were still there.

"I forgot my bag." I said pointing to the bag that was next to the chair I had been sitting at.

Once I retrieved it I saw Scorpius at the door.

"What's on the list for decorations?" he asked me curiously as I dug out my planner.

"Ah! Here it is." I said running a finger down the page. "Slytherin and Gryffindor first years as the bobbles." I declared as I shut the door to Aunt Minnie's office.

"ROSE WEASLEY!" "Scorpius Malfoy!" we heard yelling at us.

Looking at each other we heard their footsteps as they walked to the door.

"Run!" I whispered to him and we took off faster than Snape runs from shampoo.


"Your life is perfect." I said in a pained voice. "I've been through hell and back. I spill shit, trip and embarrass myself. I can't just flutter my eyes and get what I want, my life is messed up, I've been through more shit than you see on TV, I've been lied to, cheated on, and had my heart stolen. I've fucked up, fucked people up, been fucked up but every hit was worth it because I felt it. I knew it was real. Life is real and I'm living it wrong every day. I'm fucking up royally and doing everything opposite, but do I regret one thing? Never. Because at one point what I did was what I wanted and I got my fucking satisfaction my life is mine and no stupid or immature people can fuck it up for me anymore." I yelled at him. He was pissing me off and I wanted nothing more than to simply kiss him.

"I can't do this… I can't be with you any more Rose." He whispered before exiting the Room of Requirement.

He didn't… he wouldn't…

"NO!" I screamed at the top of my lungs before falling to the floor in a heap where Albus found me house later.


It had been eight days since Scorpius and I had broken up. I don't even remember why anymore, just that I hurt. A lot.

The truth is every one is going to hurt you; you just have to figure out who is worth the pain. And I had made my choice… but why do I keep getting the feeling I made the wrong one?

"I'm offensive and creative… like handicap porn!" I said suddenly making Al snort into his mug of butterbeer.

It was about three and we had frozen ourselves nearly to the bone enjoying the last Hogsmeade visit before Christmas.

"Well it's true. And I'm not a bitch I just have a low bullshit tolerance. And a very low tolerance for slags… but those always seem to go hand in hand." I said thoughtfully causing the whole table to laugh.

It was Al, James, Lily, Johnathan, Hugo, Zac, Lucy, Dominique, molly, and the twins, Fred and Angel… only one person missing. Scorpius. I had no idea where he was and I knew I should care but damn it I missed him.

"Rosie… the point of us doing this was to distract you from him."

"I know…"

"It's sad when people you know become people you knew, when you can walk right past them like they were never a big part of your life how you used to be able to talk for hours and now how you can barely look at them. Its sad how time changes." Johnathan said looking at me oddly.

I couldn't help it. I broke down into tears.

"I can't… I just… cant." I sobbed before running out of the Three Broomsticks and out into the harsh bitter beautiful snowy weather.

I felt the warmth seep from my body and the cold replace it.

Running the cold air felt like knives on my face cutting a trail where my tears streamed.