Here's my first chapter of DGray-Man, hope you enjoy. Disclaimer: I don't own DGray-Man of any of the characters, I will name all the characters I own along the way. First off I do own Melody, Matt, Seth and Damien. Also a lot of the lines that belong to the actual characters will be taken from the from onemanga(dot)com, I don't own those.

Just some background info so I don't have to do this later:

Name: Melody Walker

Age: 15

Hair Color/Length: Silver/All the way to her butt

Eye Color: Bluish gray like her brothers

Innocence: Silver Angel Wings, Elemental Gloves, Cursed right arm used for healing

Her wings are a silver tattoo on her back. She has her gloves on at all time so she's ready for battle, and keeps her arm covered.

Likes: Singing, Playing Violin, Reading, Flying, Animals, Music and Adventure

Dislikes: Snobby people, Thunder, Killing, Spicy Food and being told what to do

General: Cross Marian

Personality/Things about her: Very sarcastic and devil like, opposite of her older twin brother, Allen. Often found hanging around lakes and ponds or with Seth. ALWAYS carries around her violin in an indestructible case. Gets mad really easily and acts on impulse, which usually gets her in trouble. Swears regularly. Misuses her elemental gloves for pranks and other "resourceful" things. She shares her brother's curse and can see the souls of the akuma, though unlike her brother she can choose not to see them, instead she has a different side effect. Her eyes change color along with the emotion she's feeling, though normally bluish gray. Plays with her little golem Toya all the time.


Name: Matt Conrad

Age: 19

Hair Color/Length: Raven Black/Down to his eyes, down to his neck in back

Eye Color: Gold

Innocence: Black Guitar, Black Angel Wings

He carries his guitar in a case made of innocence, if Melody sings while he plays it's a stronger attack, while his wings are a tattoo on his back if they aren't invocated.

Likes: Quiet, Melody

Dislikes: People who try to hurt Melody

General: Kevin Yeegar

Personality/Things about him: His duties as Melody's bodyguard always come first, never talks when unnecessary. If she's in any danger he will risk his life to save her. Can often be found gazing at the moon at night. He's the cool emotionless guy that protects his princess and follows his own code.


Name: Damien Akatsuki

Age: 18

Hair Color/Length: Chocolate Brown

Eye Color: Honey Golden

Innocence: Huge Black and Red Scythe, Gun Blade

Both his innocence shrink down to the size of charms he wears around his neck on a chain.

Likes: Having fun, Sweets, Girls

Dislikes: Boring/Strict people

General: Froi Tiedoll

Personality/Things about him: The joker. Always laid back and putting off what he can do tomorrow. Seems like a slacker, but when duty calls he's there. Always teases his teammates but Melody is his favorite, treats her like a little girl.


Name: Seth

Seth is a black wolf that contains innocence. He's normally the size of an average wolf but can grow big enough for 2 or 3 people to ride him at a time, he can also shrink to fit inside a pocket like a puppy. He has a special bond with Melody ever since she saved him from getting shot 2 years ago. He talks to her through her mind. When fighting akuma he shreds them apart with his fangs and claws.

Chapter 1

"Why is that thing built in a place like this?" Allen moaned as he clawed his way up the mountain.

"You're almost there, just a little further Allen" I urged.

I was using my wings to fly up, as was Matt. Seth had shrunk and was in my pocket while Damien wouldn't be arriving for a week of so because Cross needed him.

"Fi-Finally made it…The main exorcist headquarters, The Black Order." He huffed out as I plopped down next to him putting my wings away. Seth jumped out of my pocket and returned to his original size. Matt flew around a bit more before dropping next to me.

"Are you sure this is the place Allen?" Matt asked his golden eyes looked around warily.

"No…"Allen looked around

I sighed "Well lets take a look around shall we?" I suggested.

We walked up to gate looking thingy and Allen began speaking

"I'm Allen Walker from General Cross's letter. I'd like to meet with the Order's staff. This is my younger twin sister, Melody, and her bodyguard Matt. The wolf you see is Seth." He finished.

"Turn around so the gate keeper can inspect you." A voice called from somewhere.

Me and Allen turned around.

"X-Ray examination. This will distinguish whether your akuma of human." A creepy looking face thing said. It looked at us with lights for a moment "It won't reflect?! Is it a bug?" It saw something on Allen forehead.

Then its eyes became X's.

"These two are ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuttttttttttttttt!" it yelled.

"Huh?" I stared dumbfound.

"Their bugs! The pentacle on their foreheads shows they're cursed! The pentacle is the mark of an akuma! These two are their friends!" It screeched at us.

My eye twitched. I crossed my arms over my chest and looked up, just in time to see a person in a black coat with long hair in a ponytail, glaring down at us.

"You've got a lot of guts coming here alone." The person said.

"Think it's a girl or a boy?" I whispered to Matt, who was standing next to me.

"That's very rude Melody-hime" Though his golden eyes showed amusement.

"So? What's your point?" I asked back not really about manners.

"Wa-wait just a minute!! There's been some kind of mistake..." Allen started but the person had disappeared.

He reappeared right behind us.

"Damn!" I shouted as Matt grabbed me and flew out of the way. "ALLEN!" I yelled at the dust that was clearing. I sighed in relief as I saw he activated his weapon, and then gasped in shock because there was a huge gash in it.

Matt was surprised too, not that he showed it, but I could tell. "Back to your earlier question Princess I believe that's a man." He nodded to said person.

"Yeah probably but look at Allen…" I trailed off.

"You…what's with that arm of yours?" The stranger asked.

"It's my anti-akuma weapon. I'm an exorcist." He answered.

"GATE KEEPER!" he growled, turning around on the poor unsuspecting soul.

"It can't be helped. I couldn't tell!" he defended looking quite panicked.

"Serves him right." I muttered under my breath, but of course Matt heard it.

He just smirked while looking down at me.

Allen went over and kneeled by the door begging "I'm a human. It's true that I'm a little cursed, but otherwise I'm a very superb human being." He pointed out.


"Hnn…Well whatever. If we see his insides, we'll know soon enough." The Asian boy said "Innocence Invocate! I'll cut you open with my 'Mugen'. Then your sister's next."

He charged Allen.

"NO!" I yelled dropping from Matt's arms invocating my own wings. I flew straight towards them. But that was unnecessary because Seth had grown to half as tall as an average human and was baring his fangs, claws at the ready.

"There should have been a letter sent by my master." Allen squeaked out.

The boy stopped not a moment too soon.

"A letter from the general?" He asked.

"Yeah." I said dropping beside my brother, glaring daggers at him. "To some loser named Komui."

"That's very rude Melo-" I cut Allen off.

"Shut up!" I yelled my eyes turning blood red (Anger). "This bastards the rude one! How about I slice you open?" I smirked.

He twitched visibly but made no move to release my brother.


Inside the Order

Everyone stared at the purple haired Chinese man named Komui.

"You over there." He pointed to some poor soul "Look through my desk!" He commanded pointing to piles and piles of paper work covering a wooden desk.

After a moment of everyone staring he decided to help out to.

"I found it! The letter from General Cross." The man ordered to find it said.

"Read it!" Komui Commanded.

"It says 'To Komui, very soon my disciples Allen and Melody will arrive along with her bodyguard, Matt, and her wolf Seth. So take care of them. –Cross P.S. Do anything to Mel and hell will rain down on you.' " The man finished.

"Okay that's how it is. Squad Leader Reever stop Kanda." Komui ordered sipping his coffee.

"Please clean up your desk once in a while." A blonde haired man complained. "Kanda, stop your attack!" he yelled through the golem.

"Lenalee help me out a bit with preparations. It's a long awaited newcomers." He smiled to his younger sister. She ran off to help. "Kids sent by Cross…they may have to be judged." He smiled.

"What's going on Komui?" Kanda asked still pointing his sword at the white haired boy.

"Let them in Kanda. Timcanpi is with him that's evidence enough that what he says is true. We jumped the gun." Komui said.

Kanda just continued to glare.


"Geez! We told you to let them in!" A girl no older then 16 said as she hit the boy over the head with a clipboard.

I snickered, just to get glared at by 'Kanda'. Matt flew down and dropped in front of me protectively.

We quickly walked in. Allen was in front of me talking to Lenalee who was apparently our guide. Matt was in front of me still being overly protective, I thought it was so cute. Seth returned to normal and was padding along beside me.

"Ah Kanda," Allen said as the Asian boy turned to leave, he stopped and glared back at him. "That was your name right?" he stuck out his hand. "Pleased to meet you."

I rolled my eyes. 'Sometimes Allen is just too…naïve and polite…or maybe stupid…? Oh well I'll figure that out later.'

"Like I'd shake hands with a cursed person." He glared.

I'd had it! I went right up to him and grabbed his shirt collar with my hand, which didn't work out to well since he was taller then me. But I noticed something, I used my right hand…my cursed one and it reacted to him.

"You're…cursed to…" I whispered in disbelief. I stumbled back behind Matt and stayed there, gripping the back of his coat like a scared puppy.

Matt's immediate reaction was to protect me and he got ready, shielding me and at the same time getting his wings ready. Seth growled and grew 5 inches bigger.

Kanda just stared at me in shock, then quickly turned around and walked away.

"He just got back from a mission and he's upset, that's all." Lenalee tried to lighten the mood.

"Hehe upset right…" I trailed off, my eyes turning lavender, a sign of fear.

We continued the walk.

"Newcomers huh?" A guard said examining us.

"2 of them are kids!" The other said surprised.

"I thought the boy was a old man at first because of his white hair…what's up with that, and the girl did you see her eyes! They change colors?" The first one replied.

"Seems like they're cursed"

"Is it all right to have those kids?"

"Age doesn't matter to 'Innocence'"

'So this is it huh? Not what I expected…' I thought boredly, my eyes reverting back to their normal blue gray color.

"Dining hall…training floors…lounge…hospital wing…library…and individual rooms, we'll go there later." Lenalee pointed out all the rooms.

"We're given rooms?" Allen looked surprised.

"SWEET!" I yelled a little to loudly.

'Melody what about me? Do I get a room?' Seth asked me through our 'link'.

"Umm what about Seth? Does he have to sleep outside?" I asked.

"Oh, no, he can share a room with you if that's all right." Lenalee replied,

"Okay then that's what we'll do. That okay Seth?" I asked him.

He nodded his black head.

"I'll take you to see the supervisor now." She led the way down some stairs, where we entered a lab.

A purple haired man in a beret greeted us, and introduced himself as the supervisor. He looked over Allen's arm.

"Can you invocate it?" he questioned.

"Ah yes. Invocate!" Allen called.

"You're a parasite type."

"Parasite type?" I asked.

"Yes it turns the human body into a weapon. It's the rarest type."

"Oh I see." I said "I have one too then," I showed him my right arm "my cursed arm heals instead of dealing damage, and I have a pair of wings too."

"Can you invocate them for me?" He looked interested.

"Yeah sure. Matt c'mon you too." I motioned to him. "Innocence Invocate!" We both shouted. My silver wings came out and his black ones came out.

"Amazing. You wield 2 Innocence?" Komui asked.

"3 actually. Matt and Damien wield 2 though. Oh, Damien is our friend who's coming later." I realized they didn't know who he was.

"Oooo another one? What fun!" Komui sang "Now then Allen Walker let's heal that arm. I'd look away if I were you, the first time can be kinda traumatizing."

5 traumatizing minutes later Allen followed Komui down to an elevator and I had to wait my turn. So here I was sitting in a chair bored out of my mind. 'Hope Allen's okay'

With Allen

He was getting checked by Helveska. If you don't know what the scene was like read chapter 7 at onemanga(dot)com , I'm to lazy to explain it because I'll be explaining it next chapter with Melody.

Bye bye!