Disclaimer: Come on...if it was mine, you all know that there would have been more to the stalking in the sixth book ;)

Author's Note: It's been a couple years since I've written fanfiction, so please take mercy on me. This thought came to me in the middle of my science class and wouldn't leave until I put it on paper. This is also my first ever HP fanfic so constructive criticism is definately appreciated...

This is the prologue to the story, I know its short, but it acts more like a enlarged summary...if I was to describe it that is. The first Chapter will hopefully be up very soon :D I have a very good feeling about this story...



No one's first time should have been like that. Things do go unplanned, but this should have never happened. Taken forcefully, but still he was spoken to like a lover would…the memory made his stomach churn.

Lover or not, he shouldn't have been left there on the floor. Slumped against his father's desk. Forgotten like dirty laundry or trash.

Malfoys were supposed to be proud. They weren't weak. The didn't cry, didn't show any emotion. They were like stone, heartless and cold. A 'proper' wizarding family, proper purebloods.

There was nothing proper about this, clothes torn, tossed carelessly aside. His body left bloody and broken on the intricate Persian rug. He didn't feel any pride as he laid there, a rag doll tossed aside. He wasn't even sure if moving would ever be possible again, not after…

Breathing even hurt, like his chest was crushed.

Maybe cold was the right word to describe their family. Cold and numb. Unable of feeling anything emotionally. How could anyone ever do this to him? Let along his…

Yes, cold was the perfect word. Ice, even better. Nothing can survive if frozen for too long. Love couldn't last in such a permanent, icy tundra.

Already his own heat was leaving him.

Thankyou for reading! Please review~ I'd love to hear feedback...