Twilight and Bleach

Don't own either of these huge things, just having fun with a hopefully original idea

"Oh my God, Edward have you ever read Bleach?" Bella was extremely hyper and had just finished book one of the Bleach manga.

"No Bella…. Why would I read a cleaning product?" Edward said, looking very confused at his wife's new hyperness.

"Not a cleaning product silly! A manga series. It's freaking awesome! Hey you can borrow mine tonight and read book one while I read book two which Alice is hopefully gonna have a vision of me wanting and buy for me."

Wow, is she ever hyper. How did she get hyper as a vampire? Maybe Alice rubbed off on her slowly and when she gets excited then she acts very hyper…. I don't know all I know is that this is not natural behaviour for a vampire. She's bouncing at hyper speed for crying out loud!

So ya… 10 reviews to continue and I don't know how to so help would be awesome.