This was it, the moment, the apogee, the culmination of all my efforts. Aurora's knuckles were white, blanching as they gripped the sides of the podium, eyes wide, chest rising and falling rapidly.

Get a hold of yourself, Aurora. Where's the aplomb that I've come to expect?

"I... I have an announcement..." A few students turned to look at her, but continued eating when she trailed off. In contrast, the Governors' eyes were fixed on her frame, furrowing their brows, the corners of their mouths turned down. I remember Lucius promising me that they'd be there a month at most. It had been nearly six and they had made no effort to vacate. The only Governor not to return for the start of the term was Arthur Weasley, who had been called away on a family matter. There were some new faces at the table; Tilden Toots, as I had predicted, sat next to Casper Jones, the new Arithmancy professor.

Aurora braced herself and tried again. "Students!" But the exclamation was more shrill than stentorian and again, only attracted the attention of a few students. I cringed, wondering for a moment if I had made a terrible mistake. If Aurora couldn't address the student body, how could she be expected to have enough backbone to run the school?

"Attention!" Sinistra's voice resounded through the Hall, making plates rattle and ears ring. "I have an announcement to make, and I expect you all to listen." Satisfied with the students' attention, she continued.

"For the last three years, our school has been without a Headmaster. Though Professor McGonagall has filled the position as Deputy Headmistress, presiding over the Sorting and Commencement Ceremonies, the lack of an official leader has been felt by all.

"Though not all of you knew Albus Dumbledore, I believe that everyone in this room realises what he did for this establishment and for all the Wizarding World." I gritted my teeth, ignoring the venomous glares of some of the older students, whose recollection of the wizard was keener than the younger children. "But I feel as though we have let our mourning blind us to the real dangers of letting a school function without a Head.

"That is why the faculty has decided to appoint me the new Headmistress of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

In the interim between her announcement and the applause that tore through the assembly, I heard a light tinkling of glass. Lucius has snapped the stem of his wineglass, the fragments dropping onto his plate. His mouth hung open stupidly but snapped shut. I locked eyes with him, stormy grey irises shining. Lucius jerked his head in the direction of the staff door. I stood up and strolled over to Aurora, who had taken her seat and was currently talking excitedly with Minerva, cheeks aglow and a wide smile plastered on her face; she looked so radiant and vivacious. I rested a hand on her shoulder and leaned over.

"Well done, Aurora," I commented.

She beamed and nodded her head. "Thank you, Severus."

I glanced up to see the hem of Lucius's robes flick around the door and set off in pursuit.


"A drink?"

"No, thank you," Lucius returned tersely. I shrugged and poured myself a glass.

We were in my sitting room, fire low, flickering. Lucius jaw was set, mouth scowling, arms crossed.

"This was obviously your doing, Severus. No one on the faculty was even considering the position."

"And you know this how?"

"Don't play games with me. You were the only one that knew I was vying for the job."

I shrugged. "You're right, of course. I was the one that informed the faculty."


"I believe I should ask you the same question. Headmaster, Lucius? Why in Merlin's name would you ever want to be Headmaster?"

He was silent for a moment. "Severus, have you noticed that in these last few years, your life has been..." He trailed off, searching for the right word.

"Monotonous?" I offered. "Dreary? Numb? As though there's nothing left? As though all the adrenaline and power and purpose have slipped away?"

"Yes," the wizard sighed, dropping his eyes. "Yes, exactly that."

We both took seats in armchairs facing the fire and stared into it for a time. "How... how do you deal with it?" he asked earnestly.

"Liquor, cigarettes, sex," I offered. "New vices to take the place of the old."

"The Delaney girl?"

I nodded.

"Is she any good?"

"One of the best I've ever been with. She's a natural at sucking cock."

"Oh, I could tell."


"The way she pouted those lips when I embarrassed her at the meeting, I knew. Why do you think I was so interested?"

"How very divinatory of you."

Lucius laughed, and it was just as it had been before. The wizard had been my closest friend and confidant for nearly thirty-five years, but our relationship became strained after the War. Before and during the War, there was nothing we wouldn't share. He'd come over to complain about Narcissa's spending habits and Bella's antics and inquire after Draco's progress. I was his son's godfather, the best man at his wedding, his advisor, and Secret-Keeper to all his Fidelius Charms. But after the War, we both decided that it was best if we weren't seen together, to distance ourselves from the Death Eater image. Eventually, our camaraderie withered and deteriorated to the point where I hesitated to even say hello to him at Ministry functions and the like. But now, now that we finally talked about how the War had left us, robbed us of the vitality we'd been accustomed to, living life the way we did, the bond reformed as though it had never crumbled in the first place.

"Do you have... dreams?" I asked him, nursing my glass, fingertips pressed against the damp exterior.

"Yes. Horrible ones at that. And you?"

I nodded. "But they're becoming less and less frequent."

"A potion?"

"No, no... The girl, actually. Evelyn. She's seized hold of my mind as of late."

"Ah, women. I need a woman in my life. Not like Narcissa. A warm, voluptuous woman with a healthy sexual appetite. It's been so long."

"Really? The Prophet claims that you've been embroiled in innumerable trysts over the years."

"The Prophet also claims you have a third nipple."

"Don't be vulgar."

The wizard paused. "Narcissa and I are getting a divorce."

I coughed, liquor rising up in my throat. "What? You said you'd never—"

"Well," Lucius snapped, his voice sharp. "Draco's grown up, and there really isn't any reason to continue this sham of a marriage, so we decided that it would be for the best. We were in San Tropez, sitting on the terrace, and for the life of me I couldn't think of anything to say to her; not even a pleasantry or banal comment about the weather. I can't live like that, Severus. I deserve to be happy, don't I?"

I nodded in assent. After what we had suffered, I believed we were both entitled to a little happiness.

"And, well, there is another woman..."

"Oh? Anyone I know?"

"Well, yes, actually..."

I stared at him expectantly. "Who?"


My jaw dropped. "Aurora?"

"Yes. I know you've always been close to the woman, but I just—"

"No, no. Aurora and I are friends, nothing more."

"But she was your lover, wasn't she?"

"Yes, twenty-five years ago."

"So you're not angry then?"

I thought about our encounter a few days prior. "No, not in the least."

Lucius looked visibly relieved. "Maybe I will have drink then. Aurora and I have become quite close over the past months, you know. She's a fascinating woman. And, apparently, very good at keeping secrets; I had no idea that she was considering the job."

"She is discreet," I agreed, handing him a tumbler and returning to my seat.

"And very comely."

"Quite attractive."

"And intelligent."

"Brilliant... You do realise, Lucius, that trying to initiate a relationship with her at this point will be exceedingly difficult. The first year running this school can be quite trying. I know that the thought of entering a relationship never even crossed my mind."

Lucius shrugged. "I'm willing to wait. The divorce will take some time, of course, but once it's settled... And we've already initiated our relationship, in a way."

"You lecher!"

"At least she's not a student."

"Point taken."

"It was a few nights ago. She came in, exceedingly distraught, and one thing led to another..."

I wondered for a moment if that was the same night I had been with her but dismissed the thought. We were silent for awhile, nursing our drinks, lost in a labyrinth of musings and contemplations. "Lucius, why did you sack those staff members?"

"It wasn't me!" he scoffed. "Pomona Sprout was let go because over half her students received Dreadful or lower on their O.W.L.S; we think her mind is going as well. That campaign was headed by O'Rourke. That Vector woman owed the school a considerable sum of money and had no means of paying it back. As for Binns, he was exorcised because he asked to be."

"He asked to be exorcised?"

Lucius furrowed his brows. "Well, Jona—Faire said he had a conversation with him and that the subject of exorcism arose. I wasn't actually present for the act, but Yaxley said everything went well."

"Didn't Yaxley's grandson read History at university?"

"I think he did..."

Everything became quite clear at that moment. What was most surprising was not the dishonesty and malfeasance of all the Governors, but the fact that Lucius wasn't at the helm.

"I never realised that nepotism was so rampant."

"I don't believe in nepotism," Lucius replied haughtily.


"Absolutely not. It's an obscene practice."

"And what about your nephew Jonathan?"

He paused. "How did you find out?"

"I have my sources."

"He's my brother's bastard son," Lucius explained. "Tiberius had an... illicit affair with a halfblood and produced the little mongrel. After his mother died, I pitied the boy and effectively took him under my wing. I plan to adopt him at the beginning of the season. Jonathan Malfoy has a certain ring to it, doesn't it? And... I plan to award him a good sum of money, enough to support himself and perhaps a wife, if he's so inclined."

"When was this?" I inquired. I didn't even know about this, and Lucius told me almost everything.

"Well Jonathan's just turned thirty last November, and he came to us when he was... eleven. Sent him to Durmstrang and kept him tucked away until after the War. It was all very hush-hush; I don't even think the Dark Lord knew. After the War, we brought him back from Bulgaria and got him the job as the Dark Arts teacher."

"Yes, I remember interviewing him as one of my last acts as Headmaster. There was a candidate ahead of him, but she contacted me and said she was no longer interested." I gave Lucius a long look.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Severus. Anyway, he'll be Jonathan Malfoy by May. Draco will still be the sole heir to my estate, but if I can legitimize my brother's bastard I don't see why I shouldn't."

"That's very benevolent of you, Lucius."

He shrugged. "It wouldn't do to have him running around, laying claims to my fortune, a portion of which I came into when Tiberius died. I felt as though it would be better to welcome him into the family instead of alienating him."

"And how do you plan on introducing him into the aristocracy of the wizarding world?"

"They're surprisingly tolerant of these sort of things—"

There was a loud rap on my door, and I eyed it suspiciously. If it was Evelyn, she would receive a sound tongue lashing for being so impertinent as to interrupt.

I yanked open the door. "What?"

Minerva was pale as a ghost, hands wringing, mouth set. "You must come quickly, Severus. Fillius has been poisoned."

Lucius, Minerva, and I made quick progress to the Hospital Wing, students throwing themselves out of our path, the hallways clearing ahead of us. The Hospital Wing was on the third floor and it wasn't long before we stepped into the infirmary. Fillius was in the nearest bed, privacy screen drawn around him. I could see the silhouette of three others through the fabric. Poppy Pomfrey drew it aside, face grim and strained.

"Thank Merlin you're here, Severus."

Evelyn was seated next to the bed, gripping Fillius's hand and crying quietly to herself, while Faire rubbed her shoulders.

"What happened?" I asked, reminding myself that there were more pressing matters than that prick subtly groping the witch.

"Well, I'm not quite sure. The girl can't stop crying long enough to tell me."

"Miss Harper," I snapped, agitated by snivelling and ineffectuality. Her head shot up, and the witch wiped the tears with her sleeve.


"What happened?"

She took a deep breath and lifted her head before shaking her shoulders, effectively throwing Faire's hand from their purchase. "Professor Flitwick and I were headed to his office to practice for the exam, when he collapsed. He broke out into a cold sweat and started shaking and couldn't breathe. I tried to use Rennervate but that did nothing. I checked to see if his throat was constricted, and it seemed clear but he still wasn't breathing. I levitated him here as quickly as I could. Really, I—"

"Poppy?" I cut the witch short. "I trust you tried a bezoar."

"Yes, but that only restored minimal diaphragm function; Fillius's throat wasn't the issue. His diaphragm was paralysed."

"How can you be sure this was the result of a poison?"

The mediwitch grasped the wizard's chin in her hand and pulled down, revealing a slightly swollen, black tongue.

"Do you know what this is, Severus?" Minerva enquired, stepping closer to the bed.

"I have an idea, though it's been some time since I've encountered it. On my N.E.W.T. exam, we had to brew an antidote to a poison with similar effects. Miss Harper, have you calmed yourself enough to help me prepare the remedy?"

"Yes, of course," she breathed, standing up and steadying herself. Faire stepped forward.

"Just a moment." We all turned to stare at the blond wizard. "I believe Ev—Miss Harper is mistaken."

The witch's brows shot up and mouth fell open. "Excuse me?" she returned tartly.

Faire ignored her. "I arrived shortly before he collapsed, and I don't recall him shaking or convulsing."

"He most certainly was!" Evelyn demonstrated the tremors with her hand. "It was just like that."

"This is a crucial piece of evidence," I explained. There was a sternness to my voice that I felt was justified; we had no time to stand around and argue. "Tremors would indicate the presence of Lobelia dortmanna, and if I add an ingredient to counteract that and there wasn't any present in the original poison, the result would be an ineffective antidote."

"You arrived just after he collapsed, Professor," Evelyn snapped venomously in Faire's direction before turning to me. "There were tremors."

I nodded. "We'll be back shortly. Poppy, just be vigilant and monitor his progress. If his condition worsens, send for me."

"Is Professor Flitwick going to be all right?" Evelyn asked softly as we headed back to my office.

"If I can manage to figure out all the ingredients of poison and their counterparts, he should make a full recovery."

"There were tremors," she grumbled.

"I'm sure."

"I don't know what Faire was doing in that part of the castle anyway. It seemed as though..."

"As though," I prompted her.

Evelyn licked her lips. "Like he was following us—me. Like he was following me. When I left the Great Hall, I noticed that Faire left at the same time. And I thought I saw someone skulking in the shadows... But I'm probably just being paranoid. I'm sure he'd be much more inclined to stalk Olivia Snood, that fetching sixth year he's so keen on." She giggled nervously and looked up at me. "Right? He wouldn't follow me. Why would he follow me?"

"Don't work yourself into a frenzy, Miss Harper. I'm sure it was just a coincidence." She looked relieved, but my words were empty. Taking their history into consideration, the idea of Faire following her wasn't far-fetched. "Just watch yourself around him."

"Of course. He kept touching me, as well, rubbing my back and whatnot."

By that time, we had reached my office, and our discussion was cut short.

"The base for this potion is, of course—"

"Mandrakes," she cut in. "Right?"

"Yes," I returned slowly. "Go into my chambers and get Moste Potente Potions off the third shelf."

Evelyn nodded, rubbing her temples and smiling wanly. It was going to be a long night.


Professor Snape tipped the antidote down Professor Flitwick's throat and held the wizard's jaw shut, forcing him to swallow the brew. I was exhausted, Hypnos tugging at my eyelids, my mind clouded by Morpheus's meddling. I pressed my fingertips to my brow and pushed my fringe to one side.

Through my soporific haze, I tried to remain cognisant of my surroundings.

"Who could have done this, Severus? There haven't been any incidents like these since Potter was at school."

"I know, Minerva. I never thought I'd have to deal with this sort of intrigue again."

"And why Fillius? He's the most congenial, understanding man."

I soon lost track of their conversation, words and sentences running together, jumbling in my mind.

"Miss Harper." McGonagall rested her hand on my shoulder and roused me from my semi-conscious state. "Given our current predicament, we all feel as though it would be in the school's best interests if you were to take over some of Professor Flitwick's classes."

"What? Professor, I'm not ready for that."

"Harper," the witch snipped, her voice resolute and sharp. "I have neither the time nor the patience for your insecurities. I know Fillius has an overwhelming amount of confidence in you. He thought you were ready."

I was silent for a moment. I looked up and caught Severus's gaze. His eyebrows were arched expectantly, arms crossed. "All right, Professor. I'll do it."

"Good. You'll only be teaching his first and fourth years, which means that you'll be missing my class and..." She paused for a moment to study my schedule. "And Professor Faire's, it seems. Come by the faculty lounge at six to pick up his syllabus."

"In the morning?"

She pursed her lips. "Goodnight, Harper, Severus."

After she was gone, Severus, Flitwick, and I were left alone in the room. I could hear the light snoring of Madam Pomfrey, who had been instructed to take a short nap; Severus would keep vigil in the meantime.

"How long will it take for the antidote to take effect?"

"Anywhere from an hour to a day to a week. His recovery will be long and arduous."

"But he will recover, won't he?"

"It comes down to whether or not you have faith in my abilities, Miss Harper."

"I do. You know I do."

"Go get some sleep, Harper."

I shook my head. "I would only wake up even more exhausted. Do you mind if I stay here with you?"

He sighed. "I suppose not. I believe Poppy is a coffee-drinker. Would you care for a cup?"

"Please." Severus disappeared for a moment before stepping back into sight, a steaming mug in each hand. He handed me a cup and took the seat next to me.


"Professor Snape!" I looked pointedly over at the slumbering form of Madam Pomfrey.

He rolled his eyes. "I've witnessed that woman sleep through countless lightening storms, two fires, and one of Trelawney's drunken rants... but cast an imperturbable charm, if you like."



"Much... Do you think I'm ready, Severus?"

"I haven't the slightest."

I sighed. "Thank you, Professor. Really, your confidence in me is inspiring."

"Don't be smart, Evelyn."

"Sorry. I'm just tired." I took a sip of coffee and winced as the scalding liquid slid down my throat. I scrunched down in the chair, braced my feet against the narrow crib, and rested my head on Severus's shoulder. "What was your first day like?"

"Long, difficult, and harrowing."

I scowled. "Something to look forward to then. Oh!" I groaned.

"What is it?"

"Because Professor Flitwick's in the state he's in, I have to inform Oxford that there's a chance the professor I'm apprenticing under has been put out of commission, as it were."

"Which means?"

"Which means, Professor, that officially, I'm now apprenticing under you."

"And that's something to be upset about?"

"I believe we've already had this discussion. I would never see daylight again, I'd be your slave, etcetera. But what is even more maddening is the fact that I'll have to take the Potions exam as well the Charms exam." I pinched the bride of my nose with my free hand. "Which means more work and less sleep and a series of confusing forms to fill out and another set of exam fees. And N.E.W.T.s are in May…"

Severus stroked my scalp and let me lean against him for a while longer. We watched the sun buoy up over the horizon, a palette of pinks and golds blended across the peaks of the far off mountains. They were hazy things, penumbras, Black Lake spreading out like a sea of ink from their base. I rested my hand on Severus's thigh, intending the gesture to be sweet and affectionate, but was startled when my fingers rested on his long appendage sheathed in his trouser leg.

I drew back my hand and folded them in my lap. I could feel my face flush slightly and turned my gaze up to see a self-satisfied sneer plastered on his face.

"Where are your y-fronts, Professor?"

"I only wear them when I'm so inclined... which, admittedly, isn't very often."

I pouted for a moment, furrowing my brows. "That's vulgar. Isn't it uncomfortable?"

"Not in the least."

I downed the dregs of my coffee and set the cup down. I decided that it would be a nice gesture to bring a bouquet of flowers and put them in the vase that rested, vacant and sad, on the table.

"Are you wearing any, Miss Harper?" He carefully hooked his arm around my waist, fingering the material of my skirt.

"Of course," I huffed, smoothing the garment over the tops of my thighs. "Do I strike you as the sort?"

"No, but I should strike you until you're out of sorts. Now present yourself."

I stood up, leaned forward on the edge of the bed, and waited. The pads of Severus's fingers trailed up the backs of my thighs, just touching, before lightly stroking the hem of my skirt. He pulled the material up, bunching it at my waist. My eyes were fixed on his frame, his face, his form. I watched, entranced, as he tickled his fingers along the gusset of my undergarments, rubbed the seat of them, before gripping the waistband gently and pulling them down. They dropped down to my knees, before catching there, dangling precariously.

"You look so fetching with your knickers draped like that. Turn around."

I readily twisted back to the proper position and nearly screamed at the sight that assaulted my senses. Professor Flitwick's face had rolled to one side, black tongue lolling, eyes half-open. It was clear that he was still unconscious, but the thought of being with Severus, Flitwick's indisposed form lying just centimetres away, was sickening.

I yanked my bottoms up, nearly tearing them in my haste to restore some semblance of modesty.

"Calm down," Severus snapped. He grasped my hand and pulled me out from behind the privacy screen. Madam Pomfrey's mouth hung open, thin cord of spittle dribbling down her chin.

"She could've seen us."



"I slipped her a sleeping draught."

"Professor! You knew you were going to have me tonight—I mean, this morning."

"As if you would refuse me."

I couldn't deny his assertion. It would have been lovely to bring him down a notch, but he was quite right, I was incapable of saying no to him; though the enchantment had been removed, I needed to say yes to him.

He led me down the row of beds until we arrived at the last one. Severus nudged me towards the bed and busied himself with arranging the screens. I cast another imperturbable charm.

"Drop those knickers again, Harper."

I slipped them off and tossed them carelessly on the window sill.

"Unzip your trousers, Snape," I returned, mocking his overly-earnest tone. I could tell my impertinence was not appreciated, but he obliged me, unfastening his belt, slipping out of the loops. He cracked it dangerously, and I flinched.

"Perhaps soon, but not today, Evelyn."

"What is on today's agenda?" I asked, studying my reflection in the window. I tucked some strands of hair behind my ear, wetted my lips.

"Would you rather me tell you or show you?"

"I think you can guess."

Severus sat himself on the narrow mattress before falling prone across it. He tucked his hands behind his head and beckoned me over with a twitch of his eyebrows. I walked over to him, trembling in excitement. It was so dangerous, what we were about to do, and that fact excited me to no end. This excitement, however, didn't eliminate my anxiety at being discovered.

"Severus, what if someone walks in on us?"

"Do you think I'm stupid?'

I shrugged. "I'm not supposed to say the 'n' word, remember?"

"Do you want me to get the belt?"

"You're not stupid, Professor," I offered begrudgingly.

"Good. I've set alarm wards. If someone is getting close, I will know."

"I believe the question is whether or not we'll be able stop."

"I'm willing to risk it."

I smiled and stepped over to the edge of the bed, bracing my knee on the edge. Severus pulled me on top of him, rubbing the thighs, my bottom, as I straddled his waist. I could feel his erection pushing the back of my skirt up, rubbing along the cleft of my bottom. His fingers slid up the front of my blouse, along my abdomen, before cupping my breasts. I sighed when he gripped them, teasing the sensitive undersides and nipples, rubbing through the thin material of my lacy brassiere.

"Turn around," he instructed.


"Turn around." He pushed me off of him, and I hung halfway off the narrow bed, pressing myself closer to him.

"Oh! A little soixante-neuf?"

"Oui, ma chère salope."

I got up on my knees, hovering over him and swung my leg across his torso. We centred ourselves on the mattress, taking care not to slip off over the sides, and I kicked my shoes off.

"I thought we agreed to dispose of those hideous clogs." His breath was cool on my flesh, tickling along the crest of my bottom.

"Oh, do be quiet."

It was fortunate that Severus and I were so close in height. Our bodies aligned, torsos fitting together in a way that was almost poetic in its perfection. My splayed thighs presented my sex to him, his exhalations breezing against my slit. My mouth was so close to his erection that by merely puckering my lips, I could find purchase on its length. I braced myself up on my elbows to better accommodate his turgid appendage and placed a soft kiss on the head just as Severus flicked his tongue across my clitoris. My breath hitched in my throat, and I tried to remain composed and have the presence of mind to reciprocate his actions. As he teased my sex, parting the labia with his wriggling muscle, making my sex alight and centre ache, I wrapped my lips around his glans. A bead of precum sprung from the tip and mingled with my saliva, serving as a lubricant as I dropped my head.

"You will swallow all of it," Severus commented dryly. "I won't let you leave such an unsightly stain on the bedding."

I let my mouth slide off with a loud pop. "Don't I always?"

"True," he commented lightly as I continued working on his length. I waited for him to resume his ministrations. To my dismay, he didn't immediately continue, instead just teasing me with his breath and an occasional rub of his nose along my folds.

"What are you doing?" I hissed, irritated by the lack of effort on his part. "Really the least you could do—aaaahh." Severus thrust his tongue between my lips and flicked the tip along my button.

The ache spread, a knot of pleasure deep within me, uncurling, rolling like waves through me. I struggled to remain focused, sharp exhalations rushing out of my nostrils down his length. His tongue teased the flesh surrounding my centre, smoothing the muscle along, truly pushing forward into me, touching my clit with the tip, before making sharp, quick laps up and down my sex. It felt heavenly, better than it had the last time. Before, I had been anxious, distracted, and self-conscious about exposing myself to him, but this time, I could truly enjoy his ministrations. Fingers gripping my thighs, cock filling my throat, tongue gliding across my damp sex. It was too much, and as his tongue delved into me once more, I came.

I was so distracted by my own completion, pleasure currents dragging me into whorls and eddies of pure ecstasy, I hardly noticed when Severus released his cum into my mouth. Shocked by the sudden inundation of semen, I hastily began to lap it up, taking care to not spill any on the blankets. I kept his appendage in my mouth until it went soft, feeling it there, running my tongue along the flesh. I pressed a kiss on the head and tucked it carefully back into his trousers, sliding it down one leg.

Severus had pulled my skirt down, arranging it neatly over my bottom, before nudging me off. I crawled up to him, pressed close, head lolling on his upper arm. I felt a contented smile slide onto my face and eyelids sink drowsily. I wanted nothing more than to drift to sleep, my professor's frame pressed against mine, his arm tucked under my head. I forced my eyes open and sat up, light-headed and disoriented.

"Fix your blouse," Severus muttered, straightening his robes and brushing lint off his trousers.

I walked back to Flitwick's bed, snatched my jumper off the chair, and crept back over to our spot. Even though the man was unconscious and the mediwitch drugged, I could feel my cheeks burn with shame as I walked passed them. The thought of being with a man in a semi-public place never occurred to me, but this experience was enough to assure me that I could have sex almost anywhere, provided Severus Snape was my partner.

"Drink this," Severus insisted.

"A Pepper-up? I hate those."

"The steam is unfortunate, but you look like you've been through hell and back."

I shrugged and sipped at the concoction, wincing as the steam started to leak from my ears. "What time is it?"

"Almost six. You should head down."

"All right." I offered him a hasty peck before traipsing off in the general direction of the faculty lounge.


"Good afternoon, class. Professor Flitwick is indisposed so I am substituting for him today. Some of you may know me. I'm Evelyn Harper, a seventh year Slytherin, but today, I am acting as Professor Flitwick's apprentice. Hopefully, by next year it will be official."

"What should we call you?" Jessica Kruger, a fourth year Slytherin, asked quietly.

"Ms. Harper should suffice. Now today, we will be working on the Banishing Spell."

I turned and bent over the desk to double-check the syllabus, when a group of male students burst out laughing, some offering an appreciative clap. One student went so far as to whistle and catcall. I was furious, but I controlled my rage. Severus had taught me that indulging in such primal instinct as these were a mark of weakness.

I righted myself and turned to face the impudent things. I locked eyes with a jaunty Gryffindor, whose swagger and smug smirk indicated he had played a role in the incident. "Excuse me?"

He jerked his chin and slouched down in his chair, shrugging his shoulders. "We just wanted to show our appreciation for your stepping in for Flitwick and all. Isn't that right boys?"

His cronies nodded.

"What is your name?"


"Well, Dunkle, consider yourself lucky that Professor Sinistra isn't Headmistress yet because I would drag you up to her office and demand your immediate expulsion if she was. Hogwarts has a zero-tolerance policy about this sort of thing." I paused to think about earlier that day, when Severus and I were tantrically entwined in the infirmary, feasting on each other's the sex-juices. "So instead, I will let you off with thirty points from Gryffindor, three detentions with Filch, and, if I have the time, an owl to your parents. But if this ever happens again—if you ever deem it appropriate to harass any other female in these halls, I will be strongest advocate for your immediate removal. Are we clear?"

"Crystal," he sneered.

"Good because next year, when I'm Professor Flitwick's apprentice, I will not be so lenient."

"She's just like Snape," the disgruntled Gryffindor muttered as soon as my back was turned.

"Have you sexually harassed Professor Snape as well then?" A nervous titter trickled through the group.

"No! I... I mean—."

"I'm doing you a favour by not assigning you detention with Professor Snape, who would undoubtedly find your appointing him the archetype for inflexibility and harsh discipline less than amusing." In point of fact, Severus would have undoubtedly been flattered, but in an attempt to assert my dominance, I was threatening the boy with Snape's wrath.

All eyes were fixed on us, waiting to see who would break the stare first. Dunkle averted his gaze.

"Yeah, okay."

"Good," I replied, satisfied with the flush that had crept onto his cheeks and his slightly abashed slouch. I offered the class an apologetic smile for the interruption. "As I said, today we will be practising the Banishing Spell. Can anyone tell me what the incantation is?"

I spent the rest of the period dodging stray spells and flying cushions, helping children with the wrist movements, and generally keeping the peace. I could see why Severus was loath to have Slytherins and Gryffindors in one period. The tension between the two groups was palpable, and I was grateful when the class came to an end.

"Your assignment for next time is to read pages three hundred and forty-three to three hundred fifty in your textbooks. Class dismissed."

I began shuffling my papers, studying the copy of the syllabus and collecting a few late assignments. I turned to see the Gryffindor scuffing his toe against the ground, head bowed.

"Can I help you?"

He looked up. "Well, yeah, I wanted to say I was sorry again."

"What's your name?"

"Günther. Listen, it's just that... I can tell you stuff, right?"

I paused. "Well, yes, Günther. I should say you can. I am technically Professor Flitwick's proxy, and therefore have the same authority that a professor does, including the ability to 'keep secrets', if you will."

"You swear you won't tell anyone?"

"I do."

"All right." It took him awhile to continue, but he did, eventually. "I really am sorry 'cause you don't deserve to be treated like that. I was raised better."

"I'm sure you were."

"It's just that, well, sometimes my mates, they make fun of me."


"Yeah, 'cause, well my brother, erm, is... Well, he likes other blokes. Get it?"

"That's nothing to be ashamed of."

"I know, Ms. Harper. It's just that, erm, they always joke that I'm the same. That I'm some pouf—"

"None of this justifies what you did today."

He was silent. "You have to prove yourself, though; show them that you're not, you know, that way."

"Well, thank you for the explanation, Günther."

"Yeah... I'm not embarrassed about my brother or anything, though. He's a real great bloke."

I smiled. "That's good, that's very good. Now, run along or you'll be late, and you've already lost your share of House points today."

"Yeah, 'kay. I'm sorry, again."


He sprinted from the room, knocking down another student in the process. I sighed and walked over to help the child up.

"You Ms. Harper?" the first year chirped.


"Well, Professor Faire says that he wants to see you in his office right away."

"Oh, thank you."

I locked the door to the classroom but hesitated before answering Faire's call. Severus told me not to ever be alone with him, but I could hardly interrupt his class and ask him what to do. I surmised that if anything inappropriate occurred, I could always leave.

Faire's office wasn't far from the Charms classroom, and I arrived at the entrance a few minutes later. I hesitated before knocking, steeling myself, before rapping loudly on the door.

"Come in, Evelyn."

Faire's office was a large, open room, with long, narrow windows and a high, vaulted ceiling. Faire was lounging behind his desk, feet propped up on the top, arms folded over his chest. I was surprised—and relieved—to see that Lucius Malfoy was also there, inspecting a painting of the Hectorian Hex and its effects.

"Professor, Mr. Malfoy."

"Evelyn," Faire boomed, springing up and stalking towards me.

I smiled wanly in response.

"Hello, Miss Del—Harper," Lucius greeted me, his voice warmer and more amicable than it had been during our previous encounter. "How are you this lovely spring morning?"

"Quite well, and yourself?"


"Evelyn," Faire cut in, his voice agitated. The tone was unnerving, and I shifted uncomfortably. "We must talk."

"Must we?" Lucius snorted at this, and I offered him a wry smile.

"You're a funny girl, Evelyn. Listen, you and I will be spending a lot of time together next year, as I'm sure you're aware—"

"I'm sorry, I'm confused."

He paused. "What happened to Professor Flitwick was undeniably sad, I know, but you can't let his state interfere with our relationship."

"What are you talking about?'

"Your apprenticeship, of course."

My inhalation caught in my throat, and I broke out into a cold sweat. A knot formed in my stomach. I had told him that Defence Against the Dark Arts was my second choice.

I took a deep breath. "I lied to you, Professor Faire."

"What?" he hissed, eyes darkening. He leaned in closer to me, lips pressed firmly together. This manic transformation from amiability to fury was alarming, but I couldn't think of anything to say to soothe him.

"Well, you see, erm, it was a joke of sorts."

"A joke?" he inquired darkly.

"Yes, Professor Snape and I... I was teasing him."

"What are you saying?" His voice was so low that I could barely understand him, fists clenched, nostrils flared, a sneer tugging his lips.

"If Flitwick does not return next year, I'm apprenticing with Professor Snape," I stated as steadily as I could manage.

"Sack him," Faire barked at his uncle. My mouth fell open.

"I cannot do that, Jonathan," Lucius explained calmly.

"But Uncle—"


Faire turned to me and seized my wrist, pulling me violently to him. I struggled against him, pushing away, but he was stronger than I had anticipated.

"You were supposed to apprentice under me," he roared, erupting in a torrent ire and violence. Spittle skimmed across my cheek, and Faire knocked his palm against the flesh. His eyes were glazed and brimming, Adam's apple bobbing, fingers bruising into my arm.


"You said that if Flitwick was out of the way, you'd be mine! You said! But no—" Faire twisted my arm, and I cried out, sinking to my knees, while Lucius looked on, his face imperturbable. "You go after Severus instead."

I pushed away from him, but he grabbed a portion of my hair and yanked it upward. I was crying in earnest at this point, cheek pressed against his thigh, fingers attempting to extricate his hand from my locks. "Please—"

"Please," Faire mimicked, tugging cruelly. "You are going to apprentice with me."

"Is she?" Severus inquired. Faire's grip loosened, and I skittered over to my professor, feet slipping across the floor

"Thank you," I muttered into his robes, trying to control myself, trying to keep it together. My wrist throbbed and scalp burned, and I shifted my shoulder painfully.

"Now I see," Faire snarled. "Now I see... Really, Evelyn? You could have had any man, and you chose Severus Snape? He is such a hideous thing; a hideous, monstrous thing. Tell me, Evelyn, you fucking slut, did you let him screw you up the arse?"

"That's enough, Jonathan," Lucius warned.

"It obviously isn't!" his face flushing beet red, hands clenching and then unclenching, teeth gritting. "You are my wife!"

It grew very quiet. I turned to face this wretch of a man, waves of nausea washing over me. I felt as though I was going to be sick all over my robes. Snape's arm folded around my hip, Lucius brows crinkled together, and Faire, my future husband, glared triumphantly at me.

"You will be," he muttered. "Surprised? Oh Evelyn, come here and give your fiancé a kiss. Come on."

Faire lunged forward and Snape drew his wand; but the younger wizard was too quick for him and gripped my throat just as Severus pressed his wand into Faire's.

"Do not touch her." Snape's voice was cold, resolute, unflinching. I was hysterical, kicking, attempting to loosen his grasp on my neck, but Severus looked on impassively, the only thing betraying his agitation was a dangerous, violent gleam in his eye. "Let her go."

"I'll kill her." My betrothed, murderous, hands around my neck. Spots swam, vision blurred.

Severus jabbed his wand up into the junction of Faire's neck and jaw. "Let. Her. Go."

"Jonathan," Lucius snapped. "Stop embarrassing yourself."

He released me, and I felt my knees go weak; Snape caught me around the waist.

Faire's eyes shifted nervously, upper lip perspired, and he whipped out his wand, casting it about wildly.

"You will lose, Jonathan," Lucius finally spoke.

"I can take him, Uncle," Faire whined.

"Jonathan," Lucius warned. "You cannot win. I have seen the things... Severus is not one to be trifled with."

"I will scoop your entrails out through nose, slice you open, gut to chest, and make you eat the festering, pus-filled organ that is your heart if you ever cross me like that again."

Faire's hand fell limply at his side.

"Severus," Lucius instructed softly, "why don't you take Miss Delaney back to... your rooms? We will all get together later and sort this misunderstanding out."

Severus gripped me gently by the shoulders and led me out of the room.

"Really," I heard Lucius mutter, "she's not even that attractive."

I couldn't catch my breath and began hyperventilating. Severus hushed me, glanced furtively around, before pressing his palm on my back, rubbing soothingly; my lifeline, my tie to terra firma. I supposed that if he wasn't here, I'd float off, adrift, numb. He was my sensation, my feeling, my sensory receptor. Sent impulses along my axons to the white matter, where he was integrated into my system and soul.

Such a surge of affection and need swelled within me, coursed through me. I stared forlornly at his visage, which looked so drawn and weary. He helped me down the stairs (I was still feeling light-headed and sick) and into his room, before sinking heavily onto the sofa. I shut my eyes and groaned, tipping back my head as I did so.

"Let me look," he muttered, seating himself next to me, touching his fingers to the flesh of my throat. I shivered and tried to swallow but the pain was too much and I struggled to catch my breath. "Those are going to be some nasty bruises. Let's put something on them."

I kept my eyes closed as he rubbed a salve on my neck, smoothing the substance into my skin.

"Thank you." Beyond that, I didn't know what to say.

"Evelyn, it would've only exacerbated his ire if I had lost control. I couldn't... I couldn't risk losing my temper."

"I know, Professor. You were only being cautious." In my head, I knew his reaction was rational and level-headed, but it would've been nice to see some surge of violence and chivalry on my behalf. But Severus was not a hero, not my hero, and such rash, foolish acts would never suit him. He was too Byronic, too Slytherin for such nonsense. I tried not to romanticise his saving me, but it was difficult. I had to remind myself that he would have done the same for any other student. But it wasn't another student he had defended; it was me, his lover, his, and certainly that counted for something.

"How did you know?"

"A first year showed up to my class late and explained that he had delivered a message from Faire to you. When I asked him what the message was, he told me that you were supposed to report to his office. Matthew Davies, a seventh year, was in my storeroom, looking for some lacewing flies for Pomona's replacement, and I had him watch the class."

"If you hadn't come—"

"Well, I did." His voice was sharp and commanding. I leant into him.

He pressed his lips softly against my neck, before pulling me onto his lap. This surge of affection was surprising, but I didn't dare question it. It was too perfect, too good; I was sure that the moment would splinter into a million pieces if I even paused to think about it. I wanted him to let me go, dismiss me, hurt me, bruise, destroy me so thoroughly that I would never feel anything again. It was much easier to pretend that he didn't care, that he was in it solely for the physical satiation. That way, when the time finally came for me to leave him and be with another, I would console myself with the fact that I was never truly with him, that a connection had never actually formed. But instances like these, moments of tenderness and warmth, made my heart ache and throb, rise up in my throat. Because if he did care for me, if he could promise me just one moment of sweetness, I would die before I married Jonathan Faire. If my professor could promise me just a lick of happiness, I would ruin myself for it. And now, curled up across his thighs, his arms encircling me, the identify of my betrothed revealed, a violent wretch ready to wring my neck, I fell deep into a pit, my only salvation, the breath that filled my lungs, the blood that flowed through me, the beating of my heart, was Severus Snape. He touched his mouth to mine, and I was through.