Title: Introductions

Author: fotoshop-cutout // Shiro

Fandom: D. Gray-Man

Characters/Pairings: Bookman, Lenalee, Kanda, Komui, Rabi/Allen

Rating: PG-15

Word Count: 924

Disclaimer: All characters depicted in sexual situations in this post/fanfiction/fanart (including material in the comments) are fictional and are intended to be and considered to be by the author of said material of the legal age of consent in the United States state of California, regardless of what age these characters may be in the material they are derived from. Also, the song is "Angel is the Centerfold" by J. Geils Band.

Summary: Introductions are everything.

Notes/Warnings: un-betaed (as all my work is); this is the first in a series of 104 prompts. All will be the Lavi(Rabi)/Allen pairing.

[ Does she walk? Does she talk?

Does she come complete?

My homeroom homeroom angel

Always pulled me from my seat.

She was pure like snowflakes

No one could ever stain

The memory of my angel

Could never cause me pain. ]

Rabi had never met the mysterious 'Allen Walker'. In fact, he rather thought that this 'Allen' was just one of Lenalee's imaginary friends. For a while, he played into that. As it was, Kanda mentioned a 'Beansprout' and Lenalee whacked him upside the head for "not calling Allen by his given name". Needless to say, Rabi was surprised that Kanda had acknowledged the existence of Lenalee's delusions. After a day of thought, Rabi realized that perhaps 'Allen Walker' was a real human being. A finder then perhaps?

Rabi, when 'Allen' had first shown up, had been on a mission. When he had returned, he and 'Allen' never saw each other in the castle. Upon Kanda's next mission Rabi realized that 'Allen' was an exorcist. This had Rabi slightly confused, but he did his best not to blurt out his questions to Panda-jiijii. After all, how was it that he didn't know anything about this mysterious 'Allen' character? And how was it that he had Lenalee sticking up for him already? Rabi hadn't managed it and he'd been around a while.

It was half a day after Kanda and Allen (who he still hadn't met) had left when Bookman stood from the table, tipping over an ink bottle that was balanced precariously on the edge of a stack of papers. He didn't apologize, didn't clean it up, but just grabbed a handful of Rabi's hair. A yelp and some subsequent flailing around and Rabi was being dragged through a mess of papers (he would have to reorganize later) and down the hall. Rabi complained loudly yet his mentor didn't release him until they were in the boat, headed away from the Black Order's Headquarters.

"We're going to meet up with Lenalee and Allen after we complete our own mission." Bookman spoke formally to him still. He frowned and rested his head in his palm.

"So what's our mission?" In the end, their mission was a pitiful meeting for Bookman to attend with their clan. Rabi was praised as Bookman Jr. once more, Bookman was praised for his efforts. They had traveled the least out of everyone else in the clan. His 'sister' who had been adopted in the States had sat beside him, next to her own mentor. But really, nothing seemed to touch him. Then again, that could be just how the Bookman clan was. Completely detached from one another.

They took a train to the Hospital in the recently vindicated 'Rewinding Town', where Lenalee and Allen were to join them. Rabi hadn't seen Allen still: he was starting to get a bit discouraged. Maybe he never would meet the other. Two hours after they had arrived at the Hospital, Bookman entered the room where Rabi sat and promptly yanked a handful of the redhead's hair. Another yelp later and Rabi was released in the hallway. Grumbling, he followed his mentor without questioning.

"You watch the kid; I'll be working on Lenalee." Bookman's voice was gruff, Rabi knew better than to question him. He stepped towards the doorway, now hesitant that he was able to see the boy everyone had been talking about. Quietly stepping up to the bed his eyes focused on the mop of white hair that blended in with the sheets and pillows. He blinked his solo green eye. Wasn't this supposed to be a kid and not a guy going prematurely gray? After a moment 'Allen' shifted, revealing his face. Even though the red curse mark stood out on his pale skin Rabi instantly thought 'angel'. Maybe it was just the fairness of his skin and hair; maybe it was just Rabi's mind playing tricks on him: but he couldn't take his eyes off of the boy.

[ Slipped me notes under the desk

While I was thinkin' about her dress

I was shy I turned away

Before she caught my eye.

I was shakin' in my shoes

Whenever she flashed those baby blues

Something had a hold on me

When angel passed close by. ]

Komui entered the room, Rabi didn't notice until a hand rested on his shoulder. Rabi cursed himself for not paying attention. His eyes finally left his angel's form. Komui offered him a smile that Rabi returned. He retreated to the doorway. He leaned there for another fifteen minutes, staring at the form on the bed. Allen started stirring and he looked away, not wanting to be caught in the act. The boy sat up. Words were exchanged, Rabi acted nonchalant. He added his two cents, getting the boy's attention. When Allen turned to face him, the silver eyes jolted him. Nervously he smiled at the angel. For a moment he had no clue what to do. Komui shot him a look and he remembered his manners.

"I'm Rabi. Nice to meet you." Rabi then proceeded to grin, but he saw the way Allen looked at him before he looked away again. Surprise and a hint of awe. Maybe it was just because he had such red hair, but later Rabi might have thought differently.

[ My blood runs cold

My memory has just been sold

My angel is the centerfold

Angel is the centerfold. ]

Lips pressed against lips: hands clenched his exorcist's coat and pulled him closer. His own hands rested on the boy's hips, deepening the kiss with the swipe of his tongue across the boy's lower lip. He broke the kiss and nudged Allen's head to the side, licking a strip up the pale neck. A hand buried itself in his red hair; the other was still clinging to his coat.

Maybe this all started when they almost died in the past Akuma attack. But Rabi would say that it was when they first met. After all, first impressions were everything to the relationship afterwards. That's what Bookman said, anyway. At least this introduction proved to be true to that saying.