It was one of the oddest things.

One of the freakishly strange, confusing, and hysterically odd things that Batman had ever seen.

When he'd received the call from Gordon, he'd thought the man was making some strangely ill-humored joke.

Because, really. Really. Really?

When he'd seen the footage and read the reports, however, he'd realized it wasn't a joke. At least, not one Gordon had made.

A month ago the Joker had decided, quite suddenly, that he was now a vegetarian and he'd never have a piece of meat again.

"do you know what they do to those animals?" He'd queried his psychiatrist.

"If you don't want to eat meat anymore because you feel badly for the animals that have to die for it, that's all very well and good. But I think it goes against the purpose of vegetarianism to maul and bludgeon orderlies after declaring your newfound ethics."


The Authors defense:

I don't



Its just, I think, maybe. You know, whatever. The joker is now, forever in my mind, a PETA toting mass murderer.