A Little Problem Ch 9: Actions and Reactions

Naruto sat there his neck trapped in the one he loves' older sister's headlock speechless. He knew what he wanted to say, he knew the three little words dying to get out straight from his heart, but with all his might he couldn't get the words 'I love him' to come out.

"Just say it already! you are hopeless... wait are you worried that you'll get hurt again? The Inuzuka brat is nothing like him!" said the Kyuubii.

"when did you get concerned with my emotions?" replied the blonde in his head.

"I'm not I just the first to notice the fact that the longer you take to answer the tighter her grip around your neck and I like living thank you! So spit it out already." remarked the fox.

"ok, ok stop the bleeding heart already!" Joked Naruto.

"Shut up and answer already!" sighed the fox obviously holding back some anger.

The blonde soon went back to reality and realized that Hana grip was tighter than before. Kiba was looking right at him a little worried. Naruto took as deep a breath as possible and began to speak.

"I... love him." Naruto said in almost a whisper. Hana's grip loosened and the blonde continued his voice loud enough to be heard. "I love him! I might be a knuckle head and will probably just be a problem to him, but I love him!"

Hana stood up swiftly.

"that is good enough for me." she walked to the door. "one of the things our mom is not excepting about is being gay. So when she finds out in probably the next few hours Kiba will need a place to stay. you willing to let him move in?"

"Yeah!" The blonde said with a slight bit of enthusiasm. He then looked to see a very relieved brunette teen.

"Ok I'll help you move some of his things. I really don't want to smell a bonfire all night." with that Kiba and Naruto grabbed their coats from the floor and followed Hana out the door towards the Inuzuka compound.

* * * 2 hours later at Naruto's Apartment * * *

"that seems to be everything!" sighed the brunette woman as she wiped some sweat from she brow.

"I still can't believe you have more stuff thank me." Chuckled Naruto as he set down a card board box filled with dog supplies.

"Hey it isn't all mine some of it is Akamaru's too." He said as he set down a box with Akamaru close behind him.

"Well I should go back and make sure mom doesn't kill someone or something when she finds out." Said Hana as he walked to the door. "Don't worry little bro I'll let her know for you okay."

"Thanks sis!" said The brunette teen with his trademarked fanged grin. Akamaru barked in agreement. With that she left the two teens to unpack.

* * * The Inuzuka Compound * * *

As Hana opened the door she heard a familiar voice call out from the upstairs. She went up to find a older brunette woman walking out of Kiba's old room.

"Mom." she said a little surprised to see her home already.

"What happened to all of Kiba's things?" Asked Tsume.

"He moved out."


"Today." Hana said trying hard to come up with a way to tell her Kiba was gay without being blunt.

"Where exactly?" asked Tsume with a blank stare knowing full well that her daughter was hiding something.

"Well... he... uh..."

"Spit it out already you're worse than Kuromaru with peanut butter in his mouth."

"He moved in with his... boyfriend!" She cringed at the last word preparing for a explosion.
