omg, story time. Computer contracted its second bad virus in less than a year. (Too much porn? Nah. No such thing.) Had to get PC wiped. Microsoft Word went with it. So until further notice, I'm going to type fics on officeorg. Just in case you notice a format change or something. I don't know.



The Diary

Link's POV:

I had settled on my next location. Rutas. A small town just across the Great Bay ocean. Named after the Water Sage from one of the old legends. The only problem is figuring out how I'd get there. It was always possible to steal a boat, but I'd like to stay as low as possible. Committing another crime...may not be the best way to do that.

Damn, I really should've taken money from those townsfolk before I sacrificed them. I'm broke, and getting a job was not at all an option. I knew of one alternative route, that cost nothing, but was much longer, not that I'm in much of a hurry of course. The only downside is that it goes through Hyrule, the one place I didn't want to go. I'd left so much behind there. I have to hope nobody sees through my disguise, not that it's likely they would.

Sighing, I grabbed my sword, which was leaning against a wall. Slipped on my new mask, and started the long journey through the Lost Woods to Ordan forest.


I'm moving much faster than I'd planned. It seems that the correct path ways have been marked in my absence. Strange, but not un-welcome. So far, I'd run into a few skull kids, quickly picking them off. Though they weren't very strong, they travel in groups, and could do some serious damage if one got a lucky shot to my knee or something. It looks like I've covered a lot of ground, there have been more signs of nearby settlement. Maybe I could pick up a few souls.

I'd recently discovered that only Human or Hylian souls would work. I tried sacrificing Skull Kids, all it did was change my sword from black to a strange greenish-brownish colour. It also smells somewhat like wet dog and animal droppings. Not appealing.


I'm in the Ordana province, specifically in the north forest, hiding from search parties. After all these years they still look for me, if only they knew what I was planning. I'm actually surprised they hadn't received word about the Clock Town killing. Sure, the village is pretty isolated, but I'm a wanted man and I was born here. You'd think they'd be looking for clues, at least.

So far I've yet to harvest any souls, but I spent a lot of time reading the spell book. I've discovered a catch, that I hadn't noticed before. It turns out as soon as I made the first sacrifices, I started a race against time. I have another two days before I have to make a sacrifice of at least 2 people, or I die. Damn fine print.


I wandered around for a little bit, I had finally made it out of the Ordana province. I was still in Hyrule, but the busiest parts of them are behind me. This could be very good, or bad. I won't be caught, but there aren't as many people to sacrifice, and I have to hurry to Rutas. Luckily for me, I picked off a group of about 15 hunters.

I pretended to be interested in helping them, and as soon as they turned their backs, I cut them down. That should keep me going for about a week, give or take.


I have nothing of interest to put here, except that the rabbit I caught and ate must've been sick. God I hate the wilderness.


Found an old shack, I'm sleeping here tonight. I really hope that the berries I had aren't poisonous...

Yeah, short update for a long delay but I've got a lot going on.

And if you have a twitter, you can follow me at twitter(dot)com / TEC36 for fic updates or whatever.

~The Stone Man