Lies, this world is full of them. Lies behind pretty faces, which swear that no harm will come to you.

Tempt the fates, beware the smile. It hides all the teeth, my dear,

What's behind them…

Being lost, in denial. Convincing yourself that the action is out of love, or trust.

Once you're lost in Twilight's blue, you don't find your way, the way finds you.

You're tempted by the beauty.

He steps between the trees, a crooked man. There's blood on the blade. Don't take his hand.

Once you're in denial, you can't get out. .

So glad you could stay forever.

Until the harsh truth finally gets to you. Gnawing at you, slowly turning you insane. Before you realize the lie.

You warm by the firelight, in twilight's blue. Shadows creep & dance the walls.

He's creeping too…

And even by then, it may be too late…

So glad you could stay forever.

My name is Link. This is the story of my descent into madness.


By: Stonerock333

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this fic. Everything is property of Nintendo.

The song used for the italics is Someone's In The Wolf by Queens Of The Stone Age.


The day. That one, glorious but heartbreaking day. Ganon, defeated. Midna, freed from the curse. Peace, restored to Hyrule. Things began…to look normal. Things were finally working out.

Then, she left. Back to her own world. Leaving me confused, angry, and heartbroken. The ride back to the village, terrible. Full of desolate cries. Thoughts of suicide. The first night, was worse. Lit by candle light, falling into the desperation, promises of fake love. She wasn't my first. There had been many before her. This, was the most confusing. She had an honest love for me. I had taken her innocence, while pretending to share the feelings. Waking up in the morning. Before her, the corrupted girl, whom I had loved as a child. Ilia. Unable to face the pain, I ran. So far away. Made myself little known as possible. I met a man who specialized in disguises, I became a new person in image.

Long red hair, red eyes, pale skin, constantly wearing black. This was a reflection on my state of mind. The expense was…too much. I slaughtered the magician. Stole everything he owned. Wandered. Left Hyrule. One man recognized me, somehow. Killed him. Killed the witnesses. Left this new country. And now, you're all caught up. Lovely tale isn't it?


I built a small shack, where I could isolate myself. Afraid of civilization. The looks on their faces as my blade cut through them. The screams they make. All soothing, all felt bloody(haha) fantastic. On this particular day, the sun was shining. The sounds of happy people echoed for miles, I could hear every child's laugh, with the triforce of courage. Which despite my new found ways has not left me.

They make me sick. Living care-free lives. Thinking the hero who saved them will arise when needed. Nobody was there to save the hero from his own rage. Oh well.

I had to get my revenge on Midna. She was to blame. She didn't need to leave for her own world. I studied spell books. Learnt all of the myths. And had a pretty decent understand of the Twilight World. One book, listed ways in which one could enter it.

Mirror of Twilight.

Not going to happen. Midna shattered it so I couldn't follow her.

At precisely 18:56 on the eve of the festival of winds-

That one's out. Festival of Winds is only once every 1000 years and we had our last one 468 years ago.

One must first possess a piece of the sacred triangle. 1000 human souls must be sacrificed, no more, no less. Offer them to the goddess of darkness, Damitrius and one shall be transported to the World of Twilight.


Darker than normal, but oh well. Tell me what you think. Thanks.

The Stone Man