Enjoy it!


June 17th, 2009; 10:15 am; The Apartment of Doctor Temperance Brennan

Lila and Brennan were cooking a late morning breakfast together. Brennan had recently turned in her resignation to the Jeffersonian and was enjoying some free time with her now officially adopted daughter. She hadn't heard from Booth or Parker in more than a month, but was managing as a mother just fine by herself.

In the past month, many changes had occurred. She had sold all of Booth's less personal belongings, excluding clothing and pictures which she kept in a large suit case in her hall closet. The lease on his apartment had run out and she had taken in his security deposit as she was listed as his next of kin. Angela and Hodgins were officially back together and maintaining a strong emotional connection in place of their once passionate physical relationship which they claimed they would begin again in a few months time.

Since it was too late for Lila to have started in first grade, Brennan had begun home-schooling her in her free time, and she found that Lila had an above average IQ which made teaching her all that much more fulfilling. Although she didn't know exactly where they would be journeying to in the following months, she seemed completely content with being a stay at home mother with Lila and knew that travel would be something that both she and the young girl would enjoy very much.

She had started on a new book as well; once ridden with tons of conspiracy and intrigue that she knew her publisher would love. She informed the publishers that she would be leaving the country and that she would be making submissions via email in the future due to her absence from the country. That was one thing that she loved very much about leaving; she would no longer have to go to book signings. At this point, she was famous enough in the literary world that she would no longer have to make appearances if she didn't want to; phone interviews were enough.

She watched as Lila shoved the spatula under the pancake and held it precariously in the air before haphazardly flipping it onto it's backside. The little girl laughed excitedly and looked up at her new mother. Brennan had never felt so fulfilled. This is what she had been missing from her life, she realized. Only now, she was missing something, or someone that she had had all along before this wonderful little girl came into her life.

If she were honest with herself, she missed Booth terribly. All she wanted nowadays was for him to wrap his arms around her and tell her that they were okay and everything was okay. It would have been even better if they could have remained partners at the FBI, but the government made that impossible for them.

She had seen Jared once at the bar, drowning himself in alcohol and ignoring everyone else. He hadn't even noticed her when she walked in, as his stare was fixated on the Saint Christopher necklace that he held in his hands; and if not there, the bottom of his glass. Although a slight pang of sadness had hit her when observing the Booth in turmoil, she couldn't bring herself to empathize with him after thinking about her Booth and how he must feel being the one who was actually betrayed.

As she helped Lila transfer her pancake from the pan to a plate, the doorbell rang. She handed the plate to Lila and then went to the door. She opened it up to find a delivery person on the other side. He handed her the digital notepad which she signed and then he handed over an envelope.

On the outside were numerous stamps from numerous countries but no return address. She closed the door and opened the envelope and found a picture inside. There was no note. The picture was of crystal blue waters and white sand. There was something off in the distance that she could just barely see. She went to the drawer and pulled out a magnifying glass and held it to the picture.

"Lila!" Brennan called from the kitchen. She moved into the living room where her daughter was happily munching away on her pancake, "We're leaving before the end of the week."

June 19th, 2009; 8:55 am: Offices of the D.C. Metro News

Veronica Vicks walked to her office as though she were on a mission. To be truthful, all of the stories that she had been working on were going belly up and she felt stifled by her boss and his sexist attitude. After trying to get the story on the DC Strangler and failing he had pretty much dismissed her for any real stories. Now she was working on some column articles, obituaries and whimsy pieces when needed.

She walked into her office and tossed her bag down on the floor before throwing herself into her seat behind her desk. Her assistant soon followed behind her with an armful of mail and seven post-it notes stuck to her arms, "Ms. Vicks, your mother called, and she wants you to call her back, The Veterinarians who are running the humaine society benefit said that they would love it if you would attend…" she rattled on.

"I can read them Jane." She said beckoning the post-it notes from her.

The young woman nodded her head vigorously and handed them over, "Here's your mail." She said, handing over the stack and exiting the office.

Veronica stuck the post-its to her computer screen and began organizing her mail; separating the junk from the necessities. When she came upon a certified letter without a return address, she furrowed her brow. A slight wave of panic set over her as she thought about the possibility that it could contain anthrax or something but then she calmed, realizing that everyone's mail in the building was thoroughly scanned. She grabbed her letter opener and slid it between the edges of paper until it sliced cleanly through. Inside, she found a packet of papers with a note attached to the top, simply saying;


You wanted a story? You've got it.

Best of luck.

Seeley Booth

Veronica gasped at the name at the bottom of the note. It had been months since she had spoken to him that day in Target. Now, he was a wanted criminal; and he was contacting her. She pulled the note off of the packet of papers and began reading through them. The heading on the first page took her breath away; these were official documents from the Pentagon.

This was going to make her career.

May 21st, 2009: 7:15 am: The Apartment of Doctor Temperance Brennan

Booth and Brennan sat on the floor of the kitchen with tear stained eyes. After a moment of silence, Brennan wiped her eyes, "What are we going to do now?" she asked.

Booth sniffed and wiped off his own face. The past few weeks had been hard enough already and the image of Rebecca's body laid out on the floor of her home; his son's home was etched in his mind. He shook his head, "Bones…" he said, looking up at her, "They're going to pin this on me." He said.

Brennan looked at him perplexed, "What?" she said disbelievingly.

"I'm going to be their prime suspect."

Brennan shook her head, "No. No they won't; they can't."

"They can and they will, Bones. Look at Nathan." He said.

"He isn't being charged with murder." She said.

"No, but that's probably because he didn't have anyone left in his life. His father had died, he had just gotten back from a tour. He didn't have any friends or family. But me? Rebecca was the least painful of all of the potentially painful deaths I would have to deal with. If they had chosen you… or Lila? Parker?" he said, the tears flooding his eyes once more, "They alienated Nathan, but they're going to crucify me, Bones."

"But you didn't do anything wrong!" she said.

Booth turned to her fully, "It doesn't matter if I did anything wrong, Bones. I told Jared that I had proof that the countrymen existed. They're covering their bases. If they convict me of Rebecca's murder, I'll be put in jail… or a mental institution and no one will listen to me. That is, if they don't get the opportunity to shoot me first. Killing Rebecca was a warning, Bones."

Brennan shook her head, "But you didn't kill her Booth. The evidence will prove that. I'll exam the body myself!"

Booth smiled, "Thank you for having such faith in my Bones, but there is no way that they are going to let you anywhere near her body."

"I'll demand to exam the remains, then, Booth. I'm not letting you go to prison for something that you didn't do." She said crossing her arms.

"I… I think I have to turn myself in." he said.

Brennan stood from her place on the floor and looked at him with fire in her eyes, "You will do absolutely no such thing." She demanded.

Booth stood up and shrugged, "What else am I supposed to do, Bones?" he asked, "I mean, I didn't kill her, but she is dead because of me."

Brennan shook her head, infuriated with his self deprecation, "Are you insane?" she asked, "Honestly, I can't believe that you're actually contemplating turning yourself in for a crime that you didn't commit!"

"Bones…" he tried to explain.

"No!" She whispered angrily, realizing that the children were still asleep, "I am not going to raise Parker and Lila by myself while you sit in a prison cell. I will not allow you to turn into my father!"

Booth froze with his eyes widened. He had completely forgotten about her father the criminal. She knew what it was like to grow up without her parents, granted at least Parker would know where his father was, but the last thing he wanted was for Parker to see him in jail.

Parker was always so proud of his father; taking bad men off of the street. Parker had always wanted to be just like his father and perhaps if Booth did turn himself in, Parker would loose all faith in him, especially when it was the murder of his own mother that put him there.

Another thought that occurred to him now was that he would be locked away with many of the same men that he put there. Some of whom would be all too happy to finally meet him again. There was no doubt in his mind that he would be dead within the first year he was in prison.

Booth walked away from her, running his hands through his hair before turning back to her suddenly, "Tell me what to do, Bones."

Brennan took in a large breath of air before crossing her arms, "If you stay you'll be arrested. The only option you have is running." She shrugged.

"Where?" he asked.

Brennan shrugged, "I don't know, Booth. But you have to go."

Booth pursed his lips together and put his hands on his hips, "Are you… I have to ask this, Bones. Are you trying to push me away?"

"What?" she asked, obviously offended.

Booth put his hands up defensively in front of him, "I'm not trying to be an ass, Bones, but you have the tendency to push people away when you get… scared."

"Are you insinuating that I'm telling you to run because I have a fear of commitment?" she asked.

Booth tilted his head to the side, "Well, yeah, kinda."

"You're a moron." She said shaking her head.

"It's not really that stupid of a question, Bones." He shrugged.

"Not your question! You! Sure, I've let guys go in the past, but the relationship I have with you; I've been committed to you for the last four and a half years of my life."

"I'm sorry, Bones. I had to ask." He said regretfully.

She put her hand up in the air and turned away from him and exhaled, "So what are you going to do?" she asked, turning back towards him.

"I have to go. Don't I?" he asked.

"I don't understand why you're jumping to the conclusion that they're going to blame this on you. How do you know that they even killed her?"

"Would you rather wait until they arrest me and it's too late?" he asked.

Brennan sighed, "You're right." She said, "I'll stay here and wait for Lila's adoption to come through."

Booth nodded, "In a few days you'll have to call Sarah and get rid of my half of the adoption. They won't approve the adoption if I'm a fugitive." He shrugged, "Sell all of my things too; my lease is up at the end of next month anyways."

"Where are you going to go?" she asked.

Booth shook his head, "I don't know, Bones. I wouldn't tell you now anyway." He said honestly.

"Why not?"

"You hate lying. I don't want you to have to lie." He said, putting his hand on her shoulder.

"I would lie for you, Booth." She said, taking a step closer to him.

"I know that." He said, "But you know that it would be better if you genuinely don't know. They might polygraph you or sic someone like Sweets on you to watch for body language."

She nodded, "What will happen to us?" she asked, holding herself more tightly.

Booth wrapped his arms around her and pulled her to him, "When I get settled somewhere, I'll call for you."

"They'll be watching me, Booth." She said burying her face into his chest.

"I'll send you a message in a way you'll understand, Bones." He said kissing the top of her head lovingly.

She lifted her head up off of his chest and looked him in the eyes. He brushed a lock of hair behind her ear and ran his fingers down her jaw line. He leaned down and captured her lips with his own and she responded instantly to him. As their kiss became more intense; more passionate, Brennan felt the moisture on her cheeks grow heavier and heavier. Soon it became hard for her to respond to him as her bottom lip was quivering so intensely.

He cupped her face with both hands and pulled back slightly to see her crying, "What's wrong?" he asked.

Her breath hitched and she bit her lip before realizing that she couldn't stop her tears from coming. She grabbed the bottom of his shirt and pulled him closer before admitting, "I don't want you to leave." In a tear sodden and whispered voice. She buried her face into his chest again, gating the fact that he was seeing her at suck a week moment.

Without thought, he scooped her up into his arms and carried her back to her bedroom and laid her down in the center of the bed, "I don't want to leave you either." He said crawling into bed next to her, "I'm going to miss you so much."

Brennan rolled onto her side and brought her hand up to his face and softly stroked his cheek, "I love you." She said sniffling.

His eyes widened, "You do?" he whispered hopefully.

She nodded and pulled him towards her and kissed him, pulling his entire body weight on top of her. She began furiously pulling off his shirt and then stopped suddenly and looked at him, "Promise me that you'll contact me."

"Of course I will Bones." He said reassuringly.

"Promise me." She demanded, her eyes drilling into his own.

"I promise." He said earnestly, "You know I do."

Brennan smiled a small smile before continuing her task. He leaned up and took his shirt off for her and then helped her off with her own before leaning back over her and kissing his way down her neck.

Brennan wrapped her legs around his torso and pulled him down off of his knees and on top of her. With a thud, his lower half crashed into hers and caused her to take a quick intake of air at the electric shock that surged through her body.

Although time was what they both wanted to take in this particular scenario, they knew that Booth needed to leave and Parker and Lila would most likely be waking up again soon. Booth expertly unsnapped her bra hooks from behind her back and drew the frilly coral garment down her arms while her delicate fingers unhooked his signature belt buckle and pulled it from its comfortable place around his waist. She quickly unbuttoned the top button of his jeans and ran her hands around his back before plunging them into the back of his pants. She could feel his arousal pressing into her thigh, which made her involuntarily made her own hips undulate into his own.

Never being one to be beat, Booth moved past the constraints of her pants, shoving his hand down inside before feeling her slick folds ready and waiting for him. He closed his eyes, feeling his hunger for her only increase at the unexpected feeling of her lack of undergarments. He took her earlobe into her mouth as he plunged a finger inside of her core. A loud moan escaped from her lips as she writhed beneath him; her hands gripping his firm ass pleasurably. Her hands moved up his bare back and pulled his face closer to her, inadvertently towards her bare breast which he happily sucked between his teeth and nibbled upon.

She bucked her hips up into him, demanding more of him, but he refused. The constriction of her jeans was making it difficult for him to move inside of her. He unbuttoned her jeans with his free hand and pulled them down as her hips lifted towards him in ecstasy. He pulled himself from her gropping hands and removed his probing finger from her to pull off her jeans. She reached for him wantonly as he tossed her jeans aimlessly away from them. When he returned his eyes to her, he paused, looking at the flushed and lustful woman beneath him. She was gorgeous and he wanted to devour her. He wanted to turn her into a quivering mess with his manly prowess; a thought which normally would have made him laugh, but right now was more of a turn on than anything.

He stood up off the bed, her quizzical eyes following his movements. He closed the door to the bedroom and locked it, then moved to the curtains and pulled them closed, blocking out most of the light in the room. Brennan felt like prey more than ever in this moment. He was circling around her, waiting to pounce at just the right moment. She wanted him now; he was making her overheat more and more by the minute and if he wasn't going to do anything about it, she would take care of the situation on her own. She touched herself as she watched him remove his pants and reveal his firm and throbbing arousal to her. Her feet dragged the length of the mattress in anticipation of him inside her.

He was leaving her. She didn't want him to; she wanted him to stay or at least to take her with him, but there was too much that needed to be taken care of. When he reached the end of her bed, he leaned over and crawled onto the mattress, kissing his way up her body; first her foot, ankle, then her calf, the inside of her knees. He licked her right thigh just to her apex before suddenly taking her clit into his mouth and sucking it between his teeth. Brennan lifted off of the bed at the inexplicable pleasure that his mouth was inflicting upon her. He lapped up her juices in her mouth in one long and torturous stroke and then focused his oral attentions on her sensitive nub again, then pushed three fingers into her again. Her fingers racked through his hair roughly as her head slammed back into her mattress involuntarily, "Booth!" she cried in a ragged and whispered breath.

She moaned before her body began trembling under his ministrations, her hands fumbling and pawing at his shoulders. Before her orgasm had even begun to complete itself, he pulled her towards him, lifting her up and sheathing himself inside of her. He held her to his chest and she bit down on his shoulder, holding back the scream that was clawing its way up the back of her throat.

"I love you so much." He groaned, and then began moving slowly inside of her. Brennan lay helplessly against his chest, still throbbing and twitching from her orgasm as he began working on her next one. She was feeling such pleasure that she knew instantly how much she was going to miss him when he was gone. Booth was always the man that brought her happiness and love. There was never a time that she could remember where his presence brought anything but that. She gripped onto his shoulders and rested her forehead against his own. Their sweat was co-mingling against their skin and her eyes were tearing as they stared into his. She kissed his mouth, then his cheek and his neck before whispering to him almost as a secret, "Oh god, Booth. I love you." Her voice was soft but strained against the tears that had formed in her eyes, realizing that she might not see him for a very long time.

Hearing the strain in her voice, he brushed the sweaty hair off of the base of her neck and held her impossibly closer to him. He began pistoning up into her relentlessly. If he had to leave her he wanted her to know how much he wanted her and needed her. There was almost no way to describe that in words, he just prayed that she might feel it; feel what he felt when they made love.

Her head fell backwards as her core began pulsating yet again. She moaned loudly and he began pumping into her recklessly until the constriction around his penis became too much to bare and he released inside of her. She screamed as he fell forward on top of her as the last of his orgasm spilled from his body.

He rolled off of her for a moment before looking over at her. Her eyes were closed and she was breathing heavily and still writhing slightly, "You okay?" he whispered.

After a long silence she spoke without opening her eyes, "If you don't contact me in the next two months, I will hunt you down." She said.

Booth smiled, "Why's that?" he asked.

"No sane woman would let a man give her the most intense orgasm of her life then let him get away." She said looking over at him and smiling.

He watched her for a moment before grabbing her by the waist and pulling her close to him, "I love you too much to let you stay away for long Bones." He said seriously.

She wiped the beads of sweat away from his forehead, "I know." She said, before curling up next to him and falling asleep.

When she awoke two hours later, he was gone from her bed. She took a shower and dressed and went out left the bedroom dressed her in jeans that she had been wearing earlier and Booth's FBI sweatshirt that smelled like him. She found Lila sitting in the living room with an empty cereal bowl in front of her watching a fairy princess movie with rapt attention.

She sat down next to the little girl and pulled her into her lap. Lila rested her head on Brennan's chest, "New Daddy said he was leaving." She said.

"Yup." Brennan said, running her blonde locks through her fingers.

"Is he and Parker going forever?" she asked.

"No sweetheart. You'll see them both soon." She said, then kissed the top of her head.

Lila shifted on Brennan's lap to get more comfortable and continued watching the movie in silence.

July 12th, 2009; 10:15 am: The Jeffersonian Medico Legal Lab

"According to Veronica Vicks, former reporter of D.C. Metro News, the controversial mail that she received from known fugitive and former FBI Agent Seeley Booth; showed proof of a government conspiracy group known as 'The Countrymen'. The group has been allegedly active since the Vietnam War and uses common torture methods common in the middle east to convince our American soldiers that they have been abducted by these terrorist groups in order to boost moral amongst soldiers whose patriotism has begun to waver.

"So far, three senators, two presiding judges, a former Pentagon employee, Jared Booth; the brother of the man who exposed the scandal, have all been taken into custody. There is no word as to whether there a more high ranking officials are involved, but the FBI is confident that they will be able to find and arrest all members of the group with the information that was given to them."

"The most appalling of all information that has been revealed is that our President, Thaddeus Edwards has been linked to this group as well, and is now awaiting trial for impeachement."

Everyone was in Angela's office; Cam, Clark, Sweets, Hodgins, Wendell and even Daisy, with their eyes glued to the television. Angela knew little about what had been going on with Booth and now she found herself at a loss. Hodgins sat next to her, holding her hand firmly and watching as Cullen stepped out of a black S.U.V. on the television screen in front of the FBI building and pulled Jared Booth out of the back of his car in handcuffs.

Hodgins shook his head disappointedly, "Jackass."

"He's not Booth-lite." Angela said, "He's not even near the man that Booth is." She said under her breath.

Cam shook her head in disgust, "This makes me sick."

"Has anyone heard from Brennan?" Sweets asked.

Hodgins and Angela both shook their heads, "She'll call." Angela said, "I know she will."

Hodgins thought for a moment, "They're together, Ange." He said.

"What?" she asked.

"You don't think the timing of her resigning and his disappearance was at all… odd." He said.

Angela shrugged, "She said she didn't know anything, Jack. I just assumed that she resigned because she didn't want to work without him."

Hodgins laughed, "Those two could barely stay away from each other in the past four years, working or not. You really think that Booth didn't at least, eventually tell her where he and Parker were?" he asked.

Angela looked over at Sweets who was staring off into space pondering Hodgins opinions as well, "Oh my god."

Hodgins laughed, "They're all together somewhere with false identities living in luxury off of her book money." He laughed.

Angela smiled, "Good for them." She said, "And if they're someone tropical and beautiful, they damn well better call so I can visit."

November 18th, 2009; 9:25 pm: A Villa on the Beach in Greece

"So, what do you think?" he asked as she flipped the last page closed.

She placed the manuscript down on the nightstand next to her and scooted down into the bed and leaned her head on his chest, "I have to say that I'm surprised at you literary skill, Seeley. I had no idea that you were such a descriptive and skilled writer."

Booth smiled and ran his hands through his hair, "Why thank you."

She kissed his shoulder gently and ran her hand across his tanned chest, "I'll send it to my publisher if you like."

"Really?" he asked, "You don't have to do that, Bones."

"She would like it very much, Booth. A first hand account of what happened to us? You have first hand knowledge of everything that happened. Publishers would kill to get your side of the story and I can say with complete honesty that I can probably persuade her to pay top dollar for it since I already have a rapport with her."

"You really think it's that good?" he asked.

Brennan nodded earnestly, "You know that I wouldn't lie to you. If I believed it was terrible I would have told you so. Although, there are a few typos." She said, "But that's common."

"Hm." He hummed and turned to face her, "Maybe I'll take you up on that offer." He said, running his fingers down her arm to her stomach which was protruding from her nightgown.

She smiled lovingly at him before her face changed dramatically, "How do you do that?" she asked picking up the hem of her nightgown and placing her hand on her stomach.

"Do what?" he asked.

"She always kicks when you touch my stomach. It's like she knows it's you." She smiled.

Booth smiled, "She's a daddy's girl." He shrugged.

Brennan laughed, "I know that it's terrible to say this, but I'm glad things turned out the way that they did." She said looking down at her stomach.

Booth smiled, "We are living in a beautiful country with two happy kids and another one on the way, Bones. There is nothing terrible about that."

"I know." She sighed, "I mean, had we never found out the truth about your past, we might not be in this situation right now, Booth. We might still be 'just partners' and living in DC…"

"No." Booth said shaking his head, "The only difference is that we would be in DC rather than Greece, Bones. There is no way I wouldn't be in your pants by now." He smiled.

Brennan slapped him on the arm, "I heard that the president is being impeached."

Booth nodded, "Good."

"Maybe…" Brennan paused, "Do you think we can let them know where we are now?" she asked.

"Who? Angela and all them?" he asked. She nodded and he thought it over, "I think it's safe now."

Brennan smiled, "Good. I want Christina to know her Aunt."

Booth smiled and closed his eyes, "I hate to admit it, but I miss them too." He smiled.

Brennan kissed him on the lips and closed her eyes, "Goodnight."

"I love you." He said softly.

"Love you too."