Holiday- Chapter 1: Computer Troubles

madjack89: It has been attempted before, and I have encountered countless stories like it, but finally, I shall try to write one for myself. Yes, I am going to write a story about myself meeting up with the Digimon Frontier gang (ahhhhh!). I got the idea the other day and thought I'd write it, okay? I'll make it funny, cause they're gonna find out that I'm writing stuff about them and freak out. That's basically what it's gonna be about. And it'll take place in my story version, so I'll meet my OCs too (oh god…). That sound good? Alright, here we go!

Disclaimer: I always forget this stupid thing. I DON'T OWN DIGIMON FRONTIER! IF I DID, IT WOULD SUCK!

madjack89: Oh yeah, and it'll be from my POV. Still sound good?

Have you ever created a story? If you have, then you know what I mean when I say that you sometimes wish that you could just dive into that story and observe the fruits of your labor. You want to be able to feel and experience things that had once only existed in your head. You want to come face-to-face with characters that you yourself created and say wow, I really made this amazing person!

Let me just tell you right now that it's not all sunshine and daisies. I took a trip to my story the other day, and in just the first hour I was almost run over, incinerated, and sliced to ribbons. But I'm getting a little ahead of myself. First I'd better explain what got me there in the first place.

The other day I sat down in my computer chair, Ipod and bowl of grapes in hand, to continue writing my story. I had figured that I had left my fanfiction readers in enough suspense.

I opened another Word document on my computer and began by writing my trademark openings with all the characters yelling at me about how they hated me for writing things about them. I chuckled, coming up with comment after comment.

Then I sat back and read over my handiwork. I fixed several errors, did a spell check, and deemed it readable.

Before I began to write the initial chapter, though, there was one more thing to take care of: replying to readers reviews. I brought up an Internet Explorer window and typed in the address for my login on fanfiction.

But when it popped up, a strange thing happened. Instead of the customary login page, my computer screen went completely blank.

"Hey!" I cried, checking that the monitor was still plugged in. "Is this stupid thing broken again?"

As I glared at the blank screen, words began to scroll across it. I glanced around to see if anyone else was watching this, but realized that neither my parents nor my siblings were anywhere near the computer.

I looked back at the words on the screen and read, Do you want to have an adventure?

I stared at the screen for a moment, puzzled. Was this a virus or something? "It depends what adventure you're talking about," I said to myself.

As soon as I said this, new words took place of the others. It will be fun, I promise. My eyes widened when I realized that I was literally having a conversation with my computer. Yeah, I'm crazy.

"Really?" I replied nervously. "Now you just sound like a pedophile, so if you could just go away so I can get back to what I was doing…"

Not so fast. The text flashed across the screen, actually interrupting me. You don't really have a choice in the matter. I was just asking a rhetorical question.

Suddenly the words disappeared from the screen, and in their place was a multi-colored swirling vortex that looked kind of like a screensaver. I stared at it for a second, then asked skeptically, "What is this supposed to do?"

As an answer to my question, an invisible force seemed to grab me, pulling me toward the computer screen. I closed my eyes, ready to collide with the screen.

After several moments, though, I realized that I still hadn't collided with anything. I opened my eyes and found that I was being pulled through the multi-colored screensaver I had seen earlier. I was inside my computer, literally.

"Oh crap," I muttered, summing up my thoughts. I closed my eyes again because the colors flashing by were beginning to make me dizzy. "Where are you taking me?" I yelled to no one in particular.

"Somewhere that you know very well," began a female voice that I assumed belonged to my captor, "because you created it."

I opened my eyes in surprise just in time to see the words Frontier 02 flash in and out of my vision.

I suddenly felt a tingling sensation overtake my entire body, causing me to shut my eyes again and wrap my arms around myself. "What is going on?" I cried before I was engulfed by such a shattering pain that I fell unconscious.

"Are you okay?"

"Probably not, considering she's unconscious in the middle of the sidewalk."

"You know what, Kouji!"

"No, what?"

"That's it, I'm gonna hit you so hard…"

"Guys, she's waking up!"

I opened my eyes slowly and saw three younger guys staring at me anxiously. My eyes opened wider when I realized that I knew who these three were.

"Um, I'm sorry," began one of the two black haired ones, "but I think you fainted in front of my friend's house, and we just wanted to make sure you were okay."

I quickly got to my feet, taking a few steps away from them. This just could not be happening.

"I think we scared her," said the brunette one, taking a step toward me. "Listen, you look a little confused. Like Kouichi said, my house is right over there. Would you like to come inside and call someone or something?"

My surprise and fear instantly became amazement and wonder when I realized that I was actually standing in front of Takuya Kanbara's house and speaking to him in person.

"Oh my god," I muttered, reaching out my hand slowly. "You're actually…" I quickly brought my arm down when I realized that the other three were staring at me, looking extremely confused. Of course their freaked now. They don't know me! I thought, berating myself for my stupidity. Well, if this really is happening and isn't just some weird dream, then I've landed smack in the middle of Digimon Frontier! And I could care less how it happened!

"Um, are you okay?" Kouji asked me suddenly, talking slowly as if to a child.

I frowned at his rudeness, replying curtly, "Yes, I am fine. I was just a little groggy is all. I think I hit my head pretty hard…" I stumbled forward a bit, trying to win some pity points.

I smiled at the sympathetic looks I received from Takuya and Kouichi. Who says I can't act?

"C'mon, let's get her inside," Takuya said to the other two quickly, grabbing one of my arms and leading me toward his house.

I continued to smile to myself, thinking that this was the best thing that had ever happened to me! I would be meeting characters from one of my favorite anime!

Just as I began to think this, I heard a screeching noise from down the street. I turned my head and saw a small black car headed straight for me and Takuya. Takuya seemed to realize what was happening a second after I did, because I felt his muscles tense.

I glanced up and noticed his eyes were open wide in what I can only describe as a deer in the headlights look. How ironic.

As the car approached, I tried to wrench my arm from his grip, but he was so frozen in panic that my arm wouldn't budge. "Um, buddy?" I said, trying to use his own phrase to snap him out of it. "Could someone help?" I said louder, wondering what had happened to the twins.

The car was coming closer and closer and as it did, I made a snap decision. "Takuya, get your butt in gear and get us out of the path of that freaking car!"

Something I said must have worked, because Takuya suddenly blinked a few times, seeming to come back to his senses. He quickly grabbed me around the waist and we both dove out of the path of the car, landing on the pavement of the street a few feet away. In the back of my mind, I found this almost funny because it was so much like episode one of Digimon Frontier, but I didn't dwell on this for long.

The car, realizing it had missed its target, doubled back and faced us, looking like it was ready for another run. I turned to Takuya, wondering if he would Spirit Evolve and get us out of there with me around.

But what I saw in his eyes was a look of shock and, surprisingly, terror. I raised my eyebrow, wondering if the car had really scared him that much. "Hey, are you gonna be okay?" I asked.

He glared at me for a moment, then asked slowly, "What the hell did you do to me?"

And this question shall be answered if I receive some reviews!

madjack89: Wow, I got this story started awhile ago and I finally finished the first chapter! Woot! Okay, like I said, review and I'll continue! It might get pretty interesting! You never know…