AN: Hello. This is my first crack at a multi-chaptered iCarly fic that I'm posting, so I'm a little nervous. But critique is welcomed with open arms, so give it! xD
Disclaimer: I dun own iCarly.
Warning: Some cursing, and grammar, and spelling errors.
A perfect bet is concocted. In which the technical producer of iCarly gets a new pet—slave—for a week's time. How will the pet—slave—take this?
Prologue: Certainly a Certain Bet Would Lead to a Certain Death of a Certain so Called BFF
Freddie stood in the middle of the living room, thinking how his mother would kill him if she saw the state he was in: covered in maple syrup, and dead flies. It was all Sam's fault! Her, and her stupid bet. It wasn't his fault that he was incapable of performing hip hop dance moves on a spinning platform.
But out of everything that had happened to Freddie, he held a sickening grin on his face, if that was even possible. His hands made fits that were clenching, and unclenching, in an excited sort of way.
He was going to get Sam Puckett back.
He, Fredward Josiah Benson, had just thought up the perfect ploy that would bring Sam Puckett down. Although, probably not for forever, but at least for a little while. But for now, that would be enough for him.
Freddie turned to walk to the bathroom, but before he stepped into it, he thought: by this time tomorrow, I'm practically going to own Sam Puckett. And he couldn't help but grin at that realization.
Freddie sat at his desk, waiting for the school bell to ring that would signal that the school week was over, and the weekend was waiting for him outside. And after a few, horribly long, minutes, he got what he waited for.
The electronic bell sang its monotonous dings, and dongs, and he, along with the rest of his classmates, immediately rushed out of the classroom. He went straight to his locker, and grabbed his necessary schoolwork from his locker, and stuffed them neatly into his book satchel.
Today was Friday, meaning that it was iCarly day, and the day Freddie would carry out his "certain bet", as he called it. The more he thought about the certain bet he was going to commit, the jitterier he became. It gave him an adrenaline rush, and he loved it. He couldn't wait to know what it felt like when he actually completed his certain bet.
Freddie shut his locker, and turned around only to jump at seeing the target of his certain bet right in front of him.
Sam raised her eyebrows at him, and asked: "What're you smirkin' at, dork?"
"Nothing, beast," Freddie lied, "Just thinking about iCarly." He couldn't have Sam knowing about his certain bet, not just yet. She'd have to wait until the end of iCarly that night.
"Whatever," Sam said, waving it off, then sighed. "Carly said we're getting a ride from Crazy today, right?"
Ignoring her crack at his mother, Freddie answered, "Yeah. We just have to wait twenty minutes longer than we would usually because they're having some famous yoga person come, and talk to her yoga class. She was very excited about it this morning. So much that she almost forgot to give me a tick bath." Freddie smiled at the memory almost not having to take said bath.
"Almost..." Sam snorted, and let the information sink in as she stood with her back pressed against a random locker, and arms crossed.
"Hey," Freddie said as he took the same position as Sam, "where's Carly?" He knew Carly was usually one of the first ones to get to the lockers since her class was the closest to them.
Freddie heard Sam mutter something under her breath, but couldn't make it out. "With Mr. Rumb, trying to get some extra help with a project, or something along the lines of that." Sam sighed. "She probably won't be out 'til we're supposed to leave, or a little before that."
"Oh," Freddie said, a little disappointed that his crush wasn't able to wait with the two of them. It also meant that he'd have to bear with Sam alone, without the little protection Carly would've given him. He only hoped that Sam wouldn't try anything rash, like give him one of those—he shuddered at the thought—Texas wedgies she gave Gibby. But as he thought about that category of "wedges", Sam had never given him anything more than just a plain ol'wedge.
Sam narrowed her eyes, and glowered at Freddie.
"What?" Freddie asked. He had noticed that the glare Sam was giving him was more intense than her usual. What was her problem? But then again, Sam really didn't need a reason to glare at him. She hated his guts, after all, and she had stated so on numerous occasions.
"Nothing." She replied in distaste.
Freddie raised his eyebrows at the ham-loving girl beside him. What was up with her? Usually, she'd already have insulted him numerous times in the eight minutes they had been together. After a moment, he shrugged off Sam's odd behavior, and continued to stand in silence with the girl.
Sam, tired of standing for so long, sat on the floor, and soon, Freddie joined her.
"And now we'll say our goodbyes!" Carly said into the camera, and then looked at Sam. In a silent agreement, they both shouted: "Goodbye!!" at the same time. "Until next time, dear iCarly—"
"Wait!" Freddie shouted, stopping Sam in the middle of her sentence.
"Yes, Freddork?" Sam asked in a monotonous voice as she watched Freddie put his camera on the tripod.
"I have something to say." Freddie looked at Carly, who held a curious expression, but nodded. Freddie smiled at her, silently thanking her for letting him do this, even though she had no idea what he was about to do.
Freddie stood between Sam, and Carly, and took on a serious face as he stared into his camera. "Now," he started, "we all know that Sam likes to pick on me, calling me names such as Freddork, Fredweird, Tech-nerd, and many more." Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Sam staring at him with a weird expression, and he couldn't help but grin. "Many people who know Sam, knows that she loves to take part in bets, especially ones with me so she can make me lose, and torment me about it.
"So, I'm here," Freddie turned to Sam, who still held a weird expression on her face, but she looked like she was coming to a realization to what he was going to do. "Betting you, Sam Puckett, to be my pet for a week and you'll have to do everything I tell you to within that time period. And if you disobey even one of my orders, you'll have to make out with Gibby for five minutes."
Carly's jaw dropped, and well as Sam's, and Freddie thought that if someone combined the length of the two's dropped jaws, that it would literally touch the floor. "So, do you accept this bet, person who-doesn't-back-down-from-anything?" And it was true, Sam didn't back down from anything, especially not in front of a crowd. And that was why Freddie's plan was foolproof.
"And if I make it through the week without disobeying you?" Sam asked, now fully recovered from her stupor. She looked confident, and that didn't surprise Freddie in the least bit. That was how Sam was: always confident, and never hesitant to a challenge.
"I'll be your personal pet for a week, then." Freddie knew Sam would never last the week with him, and the crazy orders he'd give her. She just couldn't because Freddie was practically staking his life on this bet, fore if he lost it, he knew the hell she would give him.
Sam narrowed her eyes, quickly licked her hand, grabbed Freddie's before he could react, and shook it. "Consider it accepted."
And so an epic bet was thrown into play.
AN: Alright. How'd you like it? Good, Bad? Give me some ideas that you'd like Freddie make Sam do. Tell me what you think, so please drop a review, cuz Lord knows that I love them. x3
Update 3/03/09: You can vote on my profile for what you'd like to see Freddie make Sam do!