"Tyki!!" A mysterious girl with shoulder length dark blue hair said running down the hall. She wore a white dress shirt with a red bow at the collar. The skirt she was wearing was purple and she had purple and black leggings up until about in inch from her skirt. "Where are you!?"

"I'm right behind you, Road." Tyki said stepping into the hall and locking the door behind him. He had curly black hair going a little past his shoulders and in a ponytail. He wore an expensive suit with a tie; he is also carrying a suitcase. "What do you need?"

"Yay, I found you!! Anyways, father Earl wants you at the family dinner tonight."

"Tell him I'll be there, but fist I need to drop something off in my room".

"Of course I'll tell him, later Uncle Tyki!"

"Indeed Road, it shall be later."

---2 weeks later---

In the office of the school sat two boys, both had bruises and scratches on their faces, the also looked completely opposite of each other. The first one was wearing the regular school uniform, though was ripped at some parts. He also had a really odd appearance, with snow white hair and a red scar running sown his left eye, witched looked more like a tattoo. Though you would think that's the first thing you notice about him its not. He has his left arm completely black all the way up to his shoulder with a red cross on the back of his hand. His beauty is the real thing though, his flawless pale skin and wide liquid gray eyes filled with childlike innocence. His name is Allen Walker.

The other boy was also wearing the school uniform, but it looked like he added the punk style to it. He to also had an odd appearance but not in the same was as Allen. He had long flowing black hair down to his back with bangs left out in the front. His eyes stone cold, but if you looked closely you could see that his eyes are a beautiful dark blue instead of black, which people normally think they are. He also had a strong build, opposite of Allen who was pretty skinny and small. He's also the sole air of the famous electronics company, Lotus Electronics Co. His name is Yuu Kanda

"Do you two know why you're here?" asked principal Levrier

"Yes sir." Replied the two boys.

"Then why is it?" only silence greeted him "Yuu, why are you here?"

"Don't use my first name! As for the question, che, like I care.'

"Kanda, don't be so rude!" Allen said glaring at Kanda.

"Then Allen, why are you here?" Levrier said taking two envelopes from his desk and putting it in front of him.

"We got into another fight."

"What? No that's not it, it's because these letters came for you two." He said handing he letters to Kanda and Allen. "We will talk about that fight tomorrow though, either way, you are excused" He said and they left the office. Little did they know that they wouldn't be coming to school in a long time.


"Jeez, you guys I heard you got into another fight."