Hey everyone! I'm sorry I haven't updated this story in a while. I am now going to attempt to rewrite this story into a better and newer story with better grammar, and more sense made in this. Because the last one made no sense at all as I read over it. It was just too random and fast for its own good. So, let's start it slow. And then pick up the pace if you know what I mean ;D
Vampire of Konoha – Chapter 1
Naruto groaned seeing Sasuke at Team Seven's meeting spot. He truthfully wasn't entirely up for a fight with Sasuke, and frankly, things weren't going so well for him. He had overdosed on fifty three bowls of ramen, and his stomach was going to burst, and he really would rather have Sakura there then Sasuke.
Sasuke glared at Naruto, and with shaking hands he grabbed the nine tailed vessel by the collar.
"Where. Is. Sakura." The angered Uchiha said between gritted teeth, making Naruto's eyes go as wide as plates. He looked around finally noticing his pink haired sister like friend was nowhere to be found. He gave a loud yell of disbelief and jumped up.
"Sakura-Chan's missing? SAKURA-CHAN IS MISSING?" Naruto screamed grabbing his blond hair in frantic panic. Sasuke glared with his left eyebrow twitching in annoyance, crossing his arms in annoyance. She wasn't home, and he had checked the park, the market, and all of the forest. Though no one knew, Sasuke himself was going insane with the pink haired woman's absence.
Naruto lifted a small rock on the ground screaming Sakura's name, and checked in a rabbit hole, then went to the very top of the tree, and screamed her name for the whole village to hear at the early seven o'clock morning hour. Tsunade heard from her office, and her eyebrows creased in concern. Shizune walked in with little TonTon in her grasp looking at the Hokage.
"Lady Hokage, do you think she…?" Tsunade looked down at Shizune's partial question. Hazel eyes became conflicted, and she closed them in sorrow.
"Send ANBU around the Village. Tell them they are looking for my student." Tsunade stood saying with a shaking voice. Shizune looked down with tears in her eyes.
"Tsunade, she's still Sakura! She's still your apprentice, your daughter, my sist—"
"Enough Shizune!" Tsunade yelled. Her hands were clenched into tight fist, and the blond Hokage gritted her teeth.
Kakashi stared at Naruto's insane search, as he looked in the most ridiculous places. He had even picked up a piece of grass and yelled if she was there. Sasuke crossed his arms racking his mind for places he didn't check that Sakura would be. Where could she be? Why was she torturing them like this? She knew they would go crazy. Well, she knew Naruto and Kakashi would go crazy, but that was beside the point.
"Calm down guys. Maybe Tsunade simply sent her on another mission. Besides, we have our own mission to get to." Kakashi spoke as calmly as he could. Sasuke turned and glared.
"You just said maybe. If Tsunade had sent her on a mission wouldn't you have known for a fact?" Sasuke growled with menace in his Sharigan activated eyes and the curse mark spread to below his jaw line.
"Sasuke, calm down. You're not the only one who cares for her." Sasuke grabbed Kakashi by the neck.
"You only care about her!" Sasuke yelled, his voice mixed with something not of this world, as he threw Kakashi through trees. Naruto immediately grabbed Sasuke before he could go and attack Kakashi again.
"Let go of me! Let go so I can finish him!" Sasuke screamed as the curse mark spread more to his arm and across his face.
"Sasuke-Teme, stop! Think of her, think of Sakura, just like we practiced!" Naruto reminded him keeping him in a bear hug and above the ground. The Uchiha shook and breathed hard ragged breaths. He slowly calmed, and the curse mark deactivated, along with the Sharigan. He panted grabbing his head in pain.
"Sasuke its okay, we'll find her. Maybe Kakashi was right, and they sent her on another mission without telling us." Naruto suggested. Sasuke stared at Naruto with emotionless onyx eyes asking silently if he thought so. Naruto smiled and brought up his hand pulling Sasuke to his feet. Kakashi sighed and cracked his neck.
"Well, at least we know we're not missing any strength. Let's get going." Sasuke shoved his hands into his pockets and Naruto crossed his arms not liking going on a mission without Sakura. It felt like they were missing a part of themselves, a part of the Team. It wasn't right…
Something wasn't right.
Sasuke ran off, searching for his scroll, while Kakashi and Naruto also went their separate ways. He heard Naruto talking nonsense about how to cook ramen through the communicator and Kakashi was actually listening and commenting. Sasuke growled. How could they comment on ramen, when Sakura was missing? She was the most important part of their team, and all they were talking about was ramen.
Sasuke stopped and saw the sight below him. A man was cowering before a form, covered with a large black cape with the hood over the head, and the cape reaching the mystery person's ankle. He saw black boots on the person's feet, but there was a small heel suggesting this person was a woman.
"P-Please, I'm sorry! I didn't know they were yours! Fo-Forgive me!" He begged on his knees for mercy, and to be let go.
"Please, I have children." By this time, the man was crying. The person started with a scoff, and slowly it turned into a chuckle, then a giggle, then laughter of a woman. Sasuke's eyebrows furrowed. He knew that laugh…from somewhere. The person lifted the pleading man from the ground with an iron grip. She brought his ear down to her lips, and whispered something. Sasuke had enough and jumped down behind the woman and the man.
"Put him down." Sasuke commanded and the woman turned. He couldn't see her face or hair or anything, but her body was clothed in black, and held rather nice curves. She chuckled again.
"As you wish." She purred out, and crushed the man's neck before dropping him. He had an instant death, and Sasuke couldn't help but let his eyes widen. He had never ever encountered anyone with that kind of brutality. They way she crushed the man's neck gave no sign of remorse for the man even if he begged. Sasuke glared and gritted his teeth and running at the murderer and attacking. The person dodged his fist, and blocked another. Sasuke still couldn't see her, and he was determined to find out who this menace was.
"Who are you?" Sasuke growled when she grabbed his wrist in her fingerless gloved hands.
"Wouldn't you like to know." She teased jumping up to avoid his kick and kicking him in the face. He fell back against the ground on his back wincing. He opened his eyes and just before he could get up, she was on top of him, straddling his waist.
"Sasuke Uchiha, member of Team Seven, traitor of Konoha, then member of Orochimaru, then a part of Team Hebi and back to Konoha!" She said aloud as if introducing him to an audience. Sasuke glared and brought his fists up to punch her only to get them pinned.
"Get off me!" Sasuke yelled at her. She was unbelievably strong, almost inhuman like strength.
"Is that any way to treat a woman Sasuke-kun?" His eyes widened when she brushed her lips against his and chuckled. She moved her lips to his ear and nibbled with chuckle. Sasuke moved his head away, she purred.
"Oh Sasuke-kun, are we not meant to be? You and I share the same feelings for each other." She bit his bottom lip, and Sasuke could've sworn he felt canine's, larger than the average human canine's. Almost like she had fangs.
"That man, he was going to hurt you." Sasuke's eyes widened hearing her tone of voice here. Her voice changed as if going from a sensual seductress, with no morality, to more human, and it was a human he knew.
"And you are mine." She growled her voice back to demonic. She disappeared and Sasuke sat up. His eyebrows furrowed, with disturbed eyes, and he shook his head looking at the dead man.
"Was...that…no. It can't be. I didn't see her face, so how would I know?" Sasuke whispered to himself and sighed.
"Besides…she was crazy." Sasuke scoffed and crossing his arms. He thought about what his next move was to be. He touched the communicator on his neck.
"Kakashi, Naruto, get a medic to where I am. We have a dead body here." Sasuke told them with a sigh.
"Did you do it?" Kakashi asked.
"No. It was some woman. I lost her."
"You what?" Naruto screamed. Sasuke growled.
"Dobe what the hell did I tell you about screaming through the damn communicator. I truthfully don't give a damn if you scream anywhere in the damn world, but don't you fucking scream into the communicator!" Sasuke barked. Naruto chuckled sheepishly.
"Sorry Teme. But, how could you lose her? You never lose anybody!" Sasuke shook his head sighing.
"Something was odd about that woman…best way I can describe her is a crazed lunatic who's escaped from a deranged asylum. But she also sounded like she knew what she was talking about…she wasn't…" Sasuke thought back remembering her laughing at the begging man.
"Never mind. I'll make a mark here, and continue on fi—" Sasuke looked over and saw a scroll drop to the ground from above. He looked up seeing the dark hooded woman. He glared.
"Hey! Get back here!" Sasuke yelled running towards her and punching her, only to be met with smoke.
"A shadow clone…great." Sasuke rolled his eyes crossing his arms.
"Was that her?"
"No Kakashi. It was a shadow clone…but she left me a scroll." Sasuke said jumping down and grabbing the scroll. His eyes widen in pure shock.
"This…is the scroll I was looking for." Sasuke said with furrowed eyebrows.
"What?" Kakashi said with an edge in his voice.
"No one was supposed to know about this!" Naruto yelled. Sasuke growled as Naruto apologized again. Sasuke put the scroll in his pouch looking around.
"Well apparently she did. Are we going to regroup now?" Sasuke asked.
"I still have my scroll to find. I'll radio you guys when I do."Naruto confessed, and remained silent. Sasuke sighed, crossing his arms with concern thinking of what the woman said.
"And you are mine"How could he be hers? Besides, Sasuke Uchiha didn't belong to anyone. No female, and he sure as hell didn't belong to no male. It just concerned him. Could it be some fan girl that has just gone off the charts?
"Sasuke, there's more to this mystery woman isn't there…" Kakashi stated as if knowing already. Sasuke closed his eyes.
"She…I don't know Kakashi. It was like I knew her."
"What do you mean?" But Sasuke remained silent. He was worried on what Kakashi would think or say about his next words. So he stayed quiet, not sure on what to say. He heard Kakashi sigh.
"Sasuke, I am still your teacher and friend. I guess you can even refer to me as a father figure. You can talk to me about anything. And I will not judge you." Kakashi said. Sasuke sighed touching the communicator on his neck cursing his ex-sensei. That bastard played the Father Figure card.
"I don't know Kakashi. I just knew her. Her body structure was the same, her voice sounded familiar despite that it had an edge to it that sounded more…demonic, and she had on gloves, that I swear I've seen before. And her fighting style…it was similar." Sasuke confided looking around remembering how she had pinned him. Only one person had done that when they were sparring. But that person was a close friend, and this woman, was…a psychotic murderer.
"What do you mean similar?"
"Nothing! Forget I said anything. She's gone now. And she won't be showing up again." Sasuke growled loudly.
"Okay Sasuke."
"Hey guys I got my scroll, let's meet up at our Bridge now, then get them to Tsunade-baa-chan!" Naruto declared finally. A grin was plastered on his face and he laughed.
"And who knows, maybe Sakura-Chan is over there, and she's perfectly fine!" Naruto suggested with glee.
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN SAKURA-CHAN HASN'T BEEN SEEN SINCE YESTERDAY?" Naruto yelled at the Hokage as she cringed along with the other people in the room. Sasuke's eyes turned red with anger and the Sharigan while Kakashi's exposed eye turned serious.
The Cherry Blossom of Konoha was missing.
Tsunade's eyes were serious but saddened with worry. She had no idea where Sakura could be, or what she was doing, or what was being done to her.
"I'm sure we'll find her. Besides if I know my student, Sakura can take very good care of herself." Sasuke scoffed at the Hokage's words and he clenched his hands into fist.
"How do you know that? What if she's kidnapped? Raped? Murdered? What will you do then huh?" Sasuke yelled at the blond woman. She stared with sad eyes at his outburst. His breaths became hard, and he glared at her with hatred.
"Sasuke, I know how you feel about her…but there's nothing to worry about. Honest. She can handle herself." Tsunade ensured. Sasuke turned with an almost animalistic growl.
"I'm going out to find her." He said but was stopped by Kakashi.
"Sasuke, you know you can't leave the Village. You're still on probation." Kakashi tried. But it was no use, and he was pushed aside.
"Fuck my probation. Sakura is missing and everyone seems to only care about everything else except her!" Sasuke said the curse mark activating again. He grabbed his shoulder where the curse mark stayed, and turned with fangs and his sharigan bared.
"I'm not going to just sit around and wait while she's possibly dead now! Naruto, why aren't you saying anything? We fought over her for years! You love her!" Sasuke yelled. Naruto looked down with hands clenched into shaking fist.
"I…I agree with Sasuke." Naruto said turning to Tsunade. Tsunade gave a slight look of shock.
"You can't be serious." She whispered. Naruto bit his bottom lip.
"In truth, I can't deny it to myself anymore Tsunade. I…I'm not going to just sit back relaxed if Sakura-Chan's missing. I'm not going to sleep knowing somewhere, she's not safe." Sasuke's breathing slowly became calmer.
Tsunade looked down sadly.
"I know what you mean…I feel the same." Hazel eyes became determined and she smiled.
"You three now have a new mission, and it begins this instant." She commanded. Sasuke smirked, and Naruto grinned, while Kakashi smiled.
"Locate Sakura Haruno."
And so ends chapter one of our new story guys! Please review, and let me know what you think of it. :) Thank you and hope to see you soon!