Disclaimer: I do not own Criminal Minds.


She jumped at the slight tap on the door and turned in her chair.

'Come in.'

'Agent Garcia. This came for you. It's been checked over.'

'Thank you, would you like to just put it over there.' She watched as the security guard placed a rather large box down on the floor behind her. As he left she thanked him again. She quickly finished the search she was running for the team and turned to look at the box. She pulled it closer and sat and stared at the address that it had come from. She sighed as it read Maryland. This could only mean one thing. Before she could let her thoughts run any further there was another knock on the door, a recognisable knock.

'Come in handsome.'

She heard him laugh. 'How do you do it baby girl?'

'You have a very you type of knock hot stuff.'

'Ah should I change it? Make myself more of a surprise to you day? I see you got the box. Any idea who from?'

'Please don't, I like knowing it's you at the door and not anyone else. I have a fair idea.' She sighed.

'Why do you sound disappointed?'

'Because it's from my brother, I'm positive about it. He's probably sending me stuff from his kids about how much they love their auntie Penny, how I should move there. A care package from his wife. The same old crap.'

'Well at least they are looking out for you, goddess.'

'But they're not. It's simply a guilt ridden thing for not helping me out when I got shot. Apparently I can't care for myself anymore.'

'Well do you want me to stick around while you open it? Or do you want some privacy?'

'Will you stay? Sounds stupid but I think I need your sanity if I get some more care packages.'

He smiled and laughed slightly. 'Of course I can stay baby girl. Come on let's get this over with.' He got a pair of scissors and handed to him. 'First though, why do they send it here and not to your house?'

'They don't know where I live only where I work. It's a long story why but if they knew where I lived I would be bombarded with letters, gifts like this and too many visits. I can't handle that either.'

'Hmm okay then. Well let's see what the box holds this time.' He stood and watched as she cut the tape and opened the box. The top layer was covered in tissue paper; she stopped and grabbed the letter on top looking at him.

'Well that's definitely different. Not usually this much care goes into it or a sealed letter.' She opened it and began to read.

Dear Penny,

Baby sister, we were sorting through some of mom and dad's old stuff and came across some things we thought you might like to have. There are photos in there, some toys, jewellery and we found a letter mom wrote to you before she died. We didn't open it but felt you needed to read it. If we find anything else we will sent you it but for now this is it. Some really good memories in that box, so enjoy them.

Love you big brother

She put the letter down contemplatively and looked at Derek. 'Well it seems my brother was born with a heart after all. That or his grown one all of a sudden.'

'Do you want to tell me what this is all about?'

'Here just read.' She handed him the letter, still anticipating the contents in the box.

'Well it seems genuine.'

She laughed as she learned back in the chair. 'Genuine? The shit he put me through and now after 13 years of our parents death he decides to be genuine and caring.'

Pen, what did he or at least they do to you? You're never this bitter about anyone.'

'It's a long story hot stuff.'

'How about tonight you, me, some movies, and some ice cream together in a room while we talk about it? I'll even let you ask me questions about what happened with Burford. I want you to know that I love you and I will be here for no matter what.'

'I love you too handsome.' She looked him in the eyes and smiled. 'Let's get it over with then.' She stood and knelt in front of the box. Derek following her actions and knelt opposite her. She carefully lifted the tissue paper away and stared in disbelief. Morgan looked at her face; he was amazed at how many emotions had got contained on her beautiful face. 'Oh my God.' She said as she started picking things out.

'What is it?'

'I haven't seen some of this for at least 20 years maybe more. I don't get where they found it.' She picked up a necklace and traced the pattern of the locket with her finger. She then wiped away a tear. 'Oh God now I'm crying.'

'It's okay baby girl. What's that in your hands?'

'Oh this.' She said handing it to him. 'It was my mothers, she used to put it on me when I was scared, she told me it would protect me from the most harmful of things. It used to help chase my nightmares away when I was a little girl, to have something of hers close. But one day it seemed to just disappear and we never spoke about it.'

'Sweetness, this is beautiful.'

'I told my mom so many times I loved it, I wonder where it was.' She looked in and took out an old rag doll, she traced the name written across it and put it down. There were several different boxes. She picked up the one nearest the top and pushed the main box aside. Placing the new box between them she opened it and found endless photos, all of multiple holidays. She smiled at some and then picked one out that had been ripped; she looked at it confused and read the back.

Holiday, July 1986

Penelope an

She sat and smiled hard. 'Everything okay there Pen?'

'Yeah, I remember this holiday; I just don't know why it has been ripped. You can see I am holding someone hands. I just can't remember who. It says Penelope an, but that's it I do remember meeting someone and how much fun I had.'

'Where did you go?'

'San Diego. We had so much fun.'

He laughed at her remembering the good times she had once had with her parents. Then he paused. 'Hey baby girl, I went to San Diego in the same year as you.'

'Small world handsome.' She smiled at him. 'Let's see if there are anymore of this holiday.' She began to split the pictures up into groups, whilst Derek picked them up and looked at them.

'You look like your mom Pen. You have her beauty.' He looked up as he knew she would be smiling and blushing and he loved that about her. 'I mean it.' He placed a hand under her chin. 'How about we close this box up and carry on with this at home?'

'Okay handsome. I need to take this information out to others and thank you.'

'Thank you? Baby girl why are you thanking me?'

'For showing an interest.'

'Sweetness, I want to learn more about you and I like seeing how these memories make you smile.' He smiled as she grouped the photos and placed everything but the locket back in the box. 'Give me the keys for Esther; I'll take the box down as long as you have that information out in the bull pen ready for us.' He said and winked.

'You want a coffee with that?'

'How did you know I was going to make a coffee soon?'

'What can I say?'

'You are magical baby girl.' He said laughing as she put the keys in his hand and got all the paperwork she had finished doing before Derek had come along.


A/N: Want more? ... this was supposed to be a one shot but hey my imagination went a little wild.... hope your enjoying it so far.