What Would It Be Like?

"Mom! Mom, they have it! They have Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire! Mom, please let me get it? Remember, I watched Jon last week and I cleaned my room. Please Mom, please?" said a desperate Lily Johnson. Apparently her obsession for Harry Potter had not receded as her mother had hoped during the long period before the next book was issued.

"I guess you can get it but only if you promise you'll watch Jon next week also. You must keep your room clean and help Jon to get his clean. Do you understand Lily?" said Leslie Johnson. She was Lily's mother and only guardian. Her father had been killed in a traumatic car crash, which had left a lot of bad arthritis from broken bones for Leslie to deal with and a little jagged scar on Lily's head. This, she privately thought, must be why her daughter so loved Harry Potter. For one, Harry Potter's mother's name had been Lily, and Harry Potter also had a jagged scar like Lily had. Leslie also thought Lily seemed to hide in her room late at night when she should have been asleep reading under the covers with a flashlight.

"Oh Mom, I will! I promise! I love you Mom!" Lily exclaimed. She ran up to her mom and hugged her tightly around the waist. Lily was very short for her age. She was 14 and only reached up to about her mother's chin. She had red hair, which had been inherited from her father. She also had brown eyes from her father. Thank God she at least got my no acne till you're in your twenties, Leslie secretly thought.

Lily clutched the book and very reluctantly gave it away for a few seconds to be rung up by the cashier. As they left the store, Lily held the book to her heart and thought, "I'm so glad I got this book. Now I can see what happens to my twin." Lily secretly wished to be Harry's sister since she thought she had so much in common with him.

"Okay, here we go, Chapter 1: The Riddle House." Lily said aloud to herself. She loved to read out some of the passages as if she was Hermione or even once and a while she pretended to be Snape, nasty and hateful. She would walk around holding the book and reading out things Hermione would say. In a very bad English accent, she said, "Out in the garden, I expect." And then she'd stare in the mirror wishing she would suddenly pop into Harry's world. It only took a matter of about 12 hours (4 of which were under the covers) for Lily to finish the whole book. She fell backwards on her bed and said, "God I wish it was real." And she suddenly looked out of her window. She saw a very bright star. "What the heck, who could get hurt from a wish?" said Lily, matter of factly.

Star light,

Star bright,

First star

I see tonight.

I wish I may,

I wish I might,

Have the wish

I wish tonight

I wish that I were Harry Potter's twin sister. I wish I was as good at lessons as Hermione and I was a Gryffindor. I also which I was very pretty and liked by everyone

"Yeah, like that'll happen." Said a sneaky voice from behind the door. Lily jumped at the sudden appearance of someone in her room. At once she knew who it had been.

"Jon, get the hell out of my room!" yelled Lily. Suddenly she realized her stupidity. "Oh, please don't tell Mom I said that, I swear I'll clean your room for a month!" Lily begged.

"Two months and you've got a deal. Besides, I wasn't going to tell Mom anyway." And he gingerly walked off, feeling great at his luck of her cleaning his room for two months.

"God, why'd you have to make little brothers? Why not just make the cute,nice ones." Said Lily. Usually she got very dramatic after reading a Harry Potter book. She lie on her bed once again and let her thoughts fly. Before she knew it, she was asleep

"Lily, Lily. Wake up. I had a strange dream." Lily sat up groggily, wondering who was waking her up and wondering whom Aunt Petunia was.

"Wassamatta?" said Lily, looking around and noticing she wasn't at home. She looked to her right and saw another bed. It was still a mess from its former occupant. She wondered where she was. On the left were two large black trunks. Both had cages on them except two very different kinds. One looked as though it was meant for carrying a large bird and the other for a very small bird or maybe a mouse or something.

"Lily, get up and get dressed. We have to write a letter to Sirius. This is weird. C'mon Lily." Said the boy more urgently.

Lily looked up at the boy. He had black hair, which was all over the place. He was wearing glasses and had a little scar on his head much like her own. He had stunningly green eyes and he was very skinny. Comprehension suddenly dawned on Lily.

"You...you're...you are...Harry...Harry Potter?"