A/N: Ok, I am sooo sorry that it's been sooo long since I've last updated. I ended catching the cold that just kept on giving and wouldn't go away. So, I haven't felt like doing anything for a while now. Then real life happened so anyway here's part 2 and there will only be a third part and then I'll be moving on to other people and Clarice will go on a vacation for a while. Another note for those who read Helen's Life Lessons I will hopefully update soon.

Training Part 2

Undercover Training

Sigh I became the source of all the jokes told in the Special Creepy Men Who Wear Black Lounge. Stupid Rimuto, all he does is smirk and say "Oh, I heard that one. It was quite funny" and "You really have no sense of humor". I hope mutant spiders use him as a chew toy someday. You may ask "But Rado, how could they possibly make jokes about you?" Clarice…

What Ate your Face MIB: Ok, today's class is going to require remedial intelligence to successfully pass.

Face that Frightens Small Children MIB: You will enter this fake town as you did with your stealth training. Only this time, you will go in one at a time and will need to use whatever disguise you can think of to get past our three guards. Ok, let's begin!

The test began and because All Around Super Genius had the highest grades ever recorded she was chosen to go first. So, she walked with an extremely bored expression into the town. It wasn't long before she came across the three guards they were to disguise themselves for.

Drank Way Too Many Espressos Claymore: LikeWhatAreDoingAgain? (Translation: Like what are we doing again?)

I'm Better Than You Claymore: Like how am I supposed to like know? I'm like totally better than like everyone else. Like why should I like listen to directions?

Brains Who Needs Them Claymore: Like fluffy clouds………

All Around Super Genius: Hmmm… Well, this should be easy.

All Around Super Genius walks to the three guards not even bothering to hide or physically disguise herself.

Drank Way Too Many Espressos Claymore: LikeWho'sThat?! (Translation: Like who's that?!)

I'm Better Than You Claymore: Like who are you?

All Around Super Genius: I'm not really here.

I'm Better Than You Claymore: Like what?

All Around Super Genius: I'm invisible you can't see me.

Brains Who Needs Them Claymore: Like wow….

Drank Way Too Many Espressos Claymore: ButICanLikeTotallySeeYou! (Translation: But I can like totally see you!)

All Around Super Genius: No you can't, because you see I am air and no one can see air.

I'm Better Than You Claymore: Like ok.

Drank Way Too Many Espressos Claymore: LikeThisIsSoTotallyAwesome!!! Gasp!!! AirCanLikeTalk!!! (Translation: Like this is so totally awesome!!! Gasp!!! Air can like talk!!!)

All Around Super Genius: Yes, of course air can talk. Now, I must go and do things that air does. Goodbye. (She walks away out of the town.)

Brains Who Needs Them Claymore: Like air is nice.

Hiding in the shadows like all creepy MIB do…

What Ate your Face MIB: Wow, that was sad.

Face that Frightens Small Children MIB: Yep, I think that my brain was somehow damaged by those three's stupidity.

What Ate your Face MIB: Yeah, me too. Well, here comes the next one.

Back to the smartest people ever…

The Meanest Bully in all the Land: Sigh This is stupid! Why do we have to do this anyway?!

She kicks a rock and it hits I'm Better Than You Claymore in the back of her head.

I'm Better Than You Claymore: Like Ouch!!!

Brains Who Needs Them Claymore: Like flying rock…

The Meanest Bully in all the Land: (Evil smile spreading across her face.) Oh, this will be fun.

Drank Way Too Many Espressos Claymore: LikeWowFlyingRocks!!! (Translation: Like wow flying rocks!!!)

The Meanest Bully in all the Land picks up a handful of rocks and approaches the trio. She stops a little way from them and starts looking for the perfect rock from the selection she has in her hand. Once she finds a nice round shaped rock, she throws it at Drank Way Too Many Espressos Claymore hitting her in the head.

Drank Way Too Many Espressos Claymore: OwwwThatLikeTotallyHurt!!! (Translation: Owww That like totally hurt!!!)

Brains Who Needs Them Claymore: (Turns around and points at The Meanest Bully in all the Land who takes another rock and throws it nailing her in the middle of her forehead.) ….Like……Owww…..

I'm Better Than You Claymore: Like what's happening (A rock hits her.) Like Owww! Like who you do you like think you are?! Like throwing a rock at like me like the most totally awesome person like ever?! (Get's hit by another rock.) Like Owww!!! Like stop that!!!

The Meanest Bully in all the Land: I can't.

I'm Better Than You Claymore: Like why can't you stop?!

The Meanest Bully in all the Land: Because I am a rock throwing wall. I can't stop throwing rocks at you because part of being a rock throwing wall means that I throw rocks at things.

Drank Way Too Many Espressos Claymore: LikeWow!!! LikeARockThrowingWall!!! (Translation: Like wow!!! Like a rock throwing wall!!!) (She gets hit by another rock.) LikeOwww!!!! (Translation: Like Owww!!!)

Brains Who Needs Them Claymore: Like….talking wall….

Drank Way Too Many Espressos Claymore: Gasp!!! LikeNotOnly LikeA RockThrowingWall!!!!! Gasp!!! LikeATalkingRockThrowingWall!!! Gasp!!!(Translation: Gasp!!! Like not only like a rock throwing wall!!!!! Gasp!!! Like a talking rock throwing wall!!!) That'sLikeSoTotallyAwesome!!! OWWW (She gets hit by a rock.) (Translation: That's like so totally awesome!!!)

The Meanest Bully in all the Land: Well as much as I would like to stay here throwing rocks at you the rest of the day, there are other people who haven't experienced the wonder of getting hit by one of my rocks. (She starts walking away.)

I'm Better Than You Claymore: Like whatever… OWWWW!!!! (This time a large chunk of a wall lands on her head.)

Brains Who Needs Them Claymore: (Eyes wide.) …Like……wow….

What Ate your Face MIB: Sigh

Face that Frightens Small Children MIB: Who's next?

What Ate your Face MIB: Clarice.

Clarice: Ok, now to prove myself! I can do it! Ok, there they are. All I have to do is fool them with my awesome librarian disguise! (She creeps towards them and prepares to show herself.)

Brains Who Needs Them Claymore: …. Like…. Suspicious person…..

What Ate your Face MIB: Wow! I didn't know she knew a big word like that!

I'm Better Than You Claymore: Like who are you?

Clarice: I'm the librarian from that library over there. (She points to a random building.)

I'm Better Than You Claymore: Like what's a librarian?

Clarice: Huh? It's the person that watches the books in a library.

Drank Way Too Many Espressos Claymore: LikeWhat'sALibrary!!! Gasp! LikeWhatAreBooks!!! (Translation: Like what's a library!!! Gasp! Like what are books!!!)

Clarice: Books? You know they are about this size (She mimes a rectangle.) and you open them and there's paper inside with writing and sometimes pictures and you read what's inside.

I'm Better Than You Claymore: Like yeah right. There's like no totally way that there can like be something like that.

Clarice: There is and a librarian looks after them!

Brains Who Needs Them Claymore: Like… I don't get it….

Drank Way Too Many Espressos Claymore: LikeThere'sLikeNoTotallyWay!!!! (Translation: Like there's like no totally way!!!)

I'm Better Than You Claymore: Like I agree. I like think that you're lying and what I like think is like way more totally right that like anyone else. (They all start advancing on Clarice.)

What Ate your Face MIB: Sigh She even managed to mess this one up.

Face that Frightens Small Children MIB: Looks like this is going to be ugly.

Clarice: Uh… I… Oh come on! Give me a break!!!

The Most Sadistic Person Since Riful: (Sweet voice) Ummm… Excuse me?

Brains Who Needs Them Claymore: Like… person………

I'm Better Than You Claymore: Like what now?! (Turns around and sees The Most Sadistic Person Since Riful.) Like who are you?

The Most Sadistic Person Since Riful: (Menacingly sweet voice) Who me?

I'm Better Than You Claymore: Like yeah, who else would I like be talking to?

The Most Sadistic Person Since Riful: (Menacingly sweet voice) Oh, that's easy. (Creepy smile) I'm…………… THE MOST TERRIFYING MONSTER YOU'VE EVER SEEN IN YOUR ENTIRE MISERABLE LIVES!!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!

The three stupid Claymores: LIKE ARRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (They run away screaming and crying.)

Clarice: Ummm… Thanks.

The Most Sadistic Person Since Riful: I didn't do that for you. I got tired of waiting for you to finish.

Clarice: Oh….


Blissfully Happy Optimist: Hmmm… What's that?

The three stupid Claymores: LIKE ARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MONSTER!!!!!!!!!!!!

Blissfully Happy Optimist: Oh dear! (Sparkles beginning to form.) I'm not a monster. I'm the claymore fairy and I spread happiness and cheer around to all the good little claymores in the world. (Rainbows and sparkles blinding them.)

Brains Who Needs Them Claymore: Like… wow…


What Ate your Face MIB: Sigh Ok, here are the results…. Clarice failed, her librarian disguise was a complete fiasco, The Most Sadistic Person Since Riful passed by using the disguise of the most terrifying monster you've ever seen in your miserable lives, Blissfully Happy Optimist passed by using the disguise of the claymore fairy, The Meanest Bully in all the Land passed by using the disguise of a wall that throws rocks at people, and All Around Super Genius passed by being air.

Clarice: WHAT?! I mean the monster one I understand she scared them senseless, but a rock throwing wall?! Claymore fairy?! AIR?!!! (Her voice cracked on the last one.) Those aren't even disguises! NO ONE WITH A SHREAD OF SENSE WOULD BELIEVE THAT!!!! WHY WAS I THE ONLY ONE TO FAIL WHEN I WAS THE ONLY ONE THAT HAD AN ACTUAL DISGUISE?!!!!

Face that Frightens Small Children MIB: The objective of this exercise was to disguise yourself in accordance to their limited intelligence, which you did not do. You did not follow directions and was caught, therefore you fail.

Clarice: B-b-but…

What Ate your Face MIB: No arguing!

Clarice: (Mumbling) Stupid mutants.

Face that Frightens Small Children MIB: What was that?

Clarice: (Pouting) Nothing….

That's what happened. Sigh Why me……..