The Fan-Service Club
J.A.L: Introductions are boring, so let's go right to the yaoi!
Pairings: KandaxAllen, LavixAllen, LenaleexAllen, TykixAllen . . . a lot of people x Allen
Allen: Why am I whored out?
J.A.L: Who knows. Just deal with it!
AU, High School fic
Disclaimer: I don't own D. Gray Man, never had, never will.
Chapter 1 – The Fan-Service Club
We of the Fan-Service Club exist to help out those in need and bring fan-service joy to all despite the will and at the expense of our club members.
A little boy swung on the swing attached to a large oak tree, alone. Softly, he swung back and forth with a lonely expression on his face. His father was talking to someone and Allen had no one else at the mansion to play with, seeing as Road nee-chan and Tyki nii-chan weren't here. When the boy had left the room, the tension seemed high so Allen forgot to ask his father if he could go out to play with the other children. Because he was not one to do anything without being given permission, Allen stayed within the perimeters of the mansion, feeling very sad. He looked at the stone wall, the physical thing keeping him from the outside. He was so bored that he wouldn't even mind his retard cousins, Jasdero and Debitto, being here. At least they're fun!
His pet . . . thing flew to his shoulder. The thing was a Golden Snitch-like ball with wings and a lion like tail with razor sharp teeth included. Its name was Timcanpy and Allen had the golden ball for as long as he could remember. Allen smiled, "Hello, Timcanpy. Thanks for keeping me company."
All of a sudden, an orange ball flew over the wall and rolled near Allen. Surprised, he picked up the ball, "Eh?" Looking around, he wondered, 'Where did that ball come from?' Glance at the wall, he thought, 'From over the wall?'
He heard voices and scrapping noises.
"Stupid rabbit, losing the ball on the other side of this wall! And in the yard of the Noah family as well!!"
"Calm down, Yuu! We'll just go and grab it, then scram."
"Don't call me by my first name, stupid rabbit!"
"Stop calling me stupid rabbit and then we'll talk."
Two boys popped over the wall and fell down to land on the ground. They didn't seem to notice Allen until they looked up. Allen's breath was caught in his throat. For children, they were surprisingly good looking. He felt his face heat ever so slightly.
The red haired boy cursed slightly, "C-crap, I didn't think there was anyone here!" He waved his hands around, "Um, we're not intruders or anything! We just want our ball back!"
The black haired boy pointed to the orange ball Allen was holding and said, "Give it to us so we can go back to playing."
Allen looked down at the ball and back at the two. He tilted his head, "What do I get in return?"
His foster father was sometimes away on trips, so his god-father would take care of him . . . if drinking liquor and treating Allen like Cinderella would be considered taking care of. However, his god-father (who told Allen to refer him as Master. He had heard his father muttering something about shota-con and perverted play, but he never understood what was wrong with calling his god-father Master) did teach him a bit . . . like never do something without being given something in return. Though Allen, being a kind child, didn't really do things like that, he felt that this time would be considered an exception.
The black haired boy spluttered, looking angry, "What do you get?!"
Allen smiled innocently, "This is my property. I could always call the guards to alert them of unwelcomed presences." The evil behind those words contradicted majorly with his innocent look, coupled with sparkles and all.
The two boys shivered in fear of the demonic angel. The red haired boy asked, "O-okay then, what do you want?"
Allen scrunched his face as he thought and then said, "I want to go outside and play with someone . . ." He looked very sad.
The red haired boy's heart went out to the pale boy. He hugged the tiny boy tightly, saying, "Oh, poor boy! Yuu-chan and I will play with you then!!"
The black haired boy asked, "We?"
Allen smiled as he said in a sing-song voice, "Se-cu-ri-ty~!"
The black hair boy's eye twitched, "F-fine . . ." He asked, "So, do you want to play catch or something?"
Allen nodded, "Alright!"
After half an hour of playing, Allen was exhausted but happy. The trio collapsed in a pile, sitting next to each other. They panted with smiles on their faces. Timcanpy flew around them.
The red haired boy looked at the setting sun, "Looks like we have to go soon."He stood up.
Allen asked, grabbing the boy's jacket, "Already?"
The red haired boy grinned, "Don't worry, we'll come back, right Yuu?"
The black haired boy looked to the side and said, "Che."
The red haired boy said, "That means yes in Yuu language."
Allen looked happy, "Really?" He smiled, "I'll be looking forward to it."
The red haired boy grinned, "Us too. By the way, I never got your name."
Allen said, "It's Allen Walker. What about you two?"
They opened their mouths to speak . . .
Allen woke up to the obnoxious sound of his alarm clock. He grumbled as he slapped the button, shutting up the damn thing. He got up grudging and checked the calendar. His eyes widened as he realized what date it. He whispered excitedly to himself, "Today's the day!"
His pet, Timcanpy, fluttered to his shoulder. Allen smiled, "Good morning Timcanpy. Today's my first day at my new school!"
Quickly, he got undressed and into the shower. Catching sight of himself in the mirror, he stared at the soft white hair, scar on his left eye, and burnt, deformed left arm. All of a sudden, his happiness dulled as painful memories of how he got those features resurfaced. Then, he shook his head, 'No, I can't wallow in the past. I have to keep moving forward, like Mana told me to!' With his resolve renewed, he quickly showered and got dressed. He wore a simple white collar shirt with a gray vest over it and a red ribbon around his collar. For pants, he wore black pants and black shoes. He also wore white gloves. This wasn't his school uniform, but he was going to receive it later.
He made his breakfast, five plates of cheese and bacon omelets, toast with butter and jam, ham, and home-fries. As for drinks, he had two glasses of milk and juice each. Finishing his breakfast in record time and giving Timcanpy some leftovers, Allen grabbed his bag and headed out the door to his new school.
Looking up at the grand building, Allen whispered, "Black Order Academy . . ."
Allen was the second of his family to go to the Black Order Academy. Everyone else went to the Noah Ark Academy, which was the rival school of the Black Order. The only other person who went to the Black Order was Allen's uncle, the Fourteenth. The main reason Allen went to the Black Order was because of encouragement from his guardian (who was a prosecutor), Cross Marian. The Black Order had many students that became successful lawyers, which was Allen's goal. Because of his decision, his grandfather, the Millennium Earl, was displeased with him. His cousins still loved him, though.
Allen walked in through the gate and marveled at how many children there were. He looked at their black and white coats with the Black Order's trademark rose crest. There were numbers on the collar of the coats to show what grade the children were in.
As Allen proceeded to the principal's office, he could feel the stares of other children. He wondered, 'Is it because of my hair or scar?' What the boy didn't realize was that the children had blushes, love-stricken looks, drool coming out of their mouth, or blood coming out of their noses. Ever since he was little, Allen had an androgynous but youthfully beautiful face. Unfortunately, he was painfully unaware of that.
Having found the door to the office, Allen knocked on it to hear a. 'Come in!' Opening the door to the paper-filled room, he smiled, "Hello, Komui-san."
The black haired, glasses man looked up and said excitedly, "Allen-kun, you're here!"
Komui Lee was Allen's neighbor since Allen was ten. The eccentric man and his sister, Lenalee, were like siblings to Allen and vice versa. Needless to say, those two were another reason for Allen coming to the Black Order.
Allen smiled, "It's nice to see you are doing well."
Komui flung himself at Allen, with Timcanpy flying around in circles, "Allen, it's been such a long time! And you've gotten . . . slightly . . . taller . . ."
Allen smiled hollowly, "It is ok. I don't need you to lie to me."
Komui coughed, "Anyways, welcome Allen. I believe you got all the supplies you need, right?"
Allen nodded, "I have."
Komui exclaimed, "Great! By the way, you're staying in a dorm with two second-years and they will guide you through the school. They should be coming up now . . ." At that, there was a knock on the door. He exclaimed, "That must be them! Come in!"
The door opened to revealed two, lean, handsome teenagers. One had fiery red hair and a mischievous green . . . eye. The other one was covered by an eye-patch. The second one was a raven-haired, androgynous male (he is a male . . . right?) with icy black eyes. The red haired boy said, "Hey, Principal Komui!" The raven haired boy only looked on icily.
Komui said, "Ah, Lavi-san, Kanda-san, this is Allen, the new first-year who will be staying in the same dorm as you!"
The two looked at the white-haired teenager, who felt slightly nervous under their gaze. Glancing at their collar, Allen saw that they were second-years. He bowed, "I am Allen Walker. I am pleased to meet you, sempais (upper classmen)." Timcanpy flew around and landed in Allen's snowy white hair.
The two stared, and then the red haired boy laughed. Allen looked up sharply, confused and insulted. The red haired boy caught the look on Allen's face. He hastily explained, "Ah, I wasn't laughing at you! It's just that I never been given such a formal greeting." He smiled and patted Allen's head (Timcanpy had flew up and flew around in circles), "No need for the formality, kohai (lower classmen). The name's Lavi Bookman and the sour-looking guy over there is Yuu Kanda."
Kanda glared, "Who are you calling sour, stupid rabbit?"
Lavi laughed, "See? Don't mind him too much."
Kanda scoffed, "Che." He still looked annoyed, though.
Lavi whispered into Allen's ear, "Though he can be sour and violent, he can be a real softie. You just gotta know him well."
Allen said, "Um, is that so . . ?" He hesitantly held out a hand to Kanda, "Pleased to meet you, Kanda-sempai."
Kanda took one look at Allen and glared, "I don't shake hands with freshmen, especially ones that look like an old man . . . or should I say woman?" He smirked
Allen twitched and let the hand drop to his side. He yelled, "Who are you calling an old woman?! You look more like a girl than me, Ba-Kanda!" Manners be damned, this guy deserved it! Allen hadn't done anything to him and already, he was a jerk.
Kanda growled, "Who are you calling a girl, bean sprout?! I should shave off your hair and sell it to old geezers!"
Allen replied with a smile, "Wouldn't black hair sell for more? You do have plenty to spare. Ah, I forgot! Your IQ is below average so of course you wouldn't have realized that."
Fire surrounded the two teens. The background became a storm with lightning flashing (how, we'll never know). The intensity of their glares caused sparks to fly.
Lavi laughed nervously, "Now, now, let's try to get along."
The two turned their head to him, their eyes burning with intensity, "Shut up or we'll shave your hair." That nearly made Lavi wet himself. Note the word nearly in that sentence.
At that moment, there was a knock at the door. Lavi blinked, "Hmm? Who could that be?"
Komui said, an antenna appearing on his head, "My Lenalee senses are tingling! Come in!"
Sure enough, the door opened to reveal the Asian girl. Her black hair (which had a green sheen to it) was tied up in their customary pigtails and her emerald eyes shone with excitement. She said, "Nii-san, is Allen-kun here--?" She then caught sight of the white haired boy and said happily, "Allen-kun!"
Allen smiled, "Lenalee!"
Lenalee pulled Allen into a hug, which Allen reciprocated. Lavi blinked and glanced nervously at Komui. Everyone knew about Komui's large sister complex and Komui would pummel anyone who even looked at his little sister, much less touch. But to his surprise, Komui looked relatively calm, though a little tense. Once Lenalee pulled away, Komui relaxed completely. Lavi stared at Allen, 'Uwah, Komui must have a really high opinion of him or Allen would be dead by now.'
Allen smiled, "Lenalee, it's been a long time!"
Lenalee smiled, "Allen-kun, you're finally here! I was getting worried because you were late."
Allen turned away, looking sheepish, "Um, I got lost on the way here so . . ."
Kanda scoffed, "Idiot."
Allen glared at him, "Shut up! I'm bad with directions!"
Lavi said, "Yo, Lenalee. Neh, you never told me that you knew the new student."
Lenalee smiled, "Allen used to be my neighbor for a couple of years, but then he moved and we contact each other only once in a while." She glared at Allen, "Why didn't you return all of my letters and calls?"
Allen said, "Ah, well, Master and I were constantly on the move ever since we left you two. He wanted to show me around the world and teach me things . . . but we were really just running from debt-collectors." Allen looked away forlornly as unpleasant memories came up.
Kanda and Lavi stared. Kanda spluttered, "What kind of fucking perverted play are you involved in?!"
Allen blinked, "What are you talking . . ." Then, it came to him and he turned the color of a tomato, "N-no, it's not that way! Master is what I call my guardian, Cross Marian!"
Lavi's interest was piqued, "Cross Marian? Wow, I would have never thought that you would be related to the famous scientist, Cross Marian. Didn't he use to be the science teacher here?"
Komui twitched, "Yes and he still is. But that bastard skips out on his work so much he might as well not be!! That womanizer is still alive, is he?! I'm going to send him complaints as soon as I can!" He had a mini spasm and he ranted about how irresponsible Cross was.
Lenalee said, "Never mind, you need to get settled first! After that, we'll show you around the school!"
Kanda asked, sounding annoyed, "We?"
Lenalee said firmly, "Yes, you, me, and Lavi. It would be good to spend time with your new roommate to get comfortable with him."
Under the pressure of Lenalee's glare, Kanda bended to her will. He said with a 'che,' "Fine."
Lenalee smiled and then took Allen's hand. She dragged him, "Come on, there's a lot you need to see!" Lavi and Kanda trailed behind dutifully.
Komui waved, "Have fun! And Allen, make sure no one flirts with Lenalee!!" Once they were gone, Komui grinned evilly, 'Now Allen is here, all the players are assembled. I shall commence Operation: Fan-service Club immediately.'