Author's Note: This was my first attempt at a chaptered story. It's short and not very well-written but I'm putting it on here as a memory of my first fanfiction story.

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh! Or any of its characters.

Chapter One: The Decision

Yugi sighed as he sat down at the table next to Ryou. Another day of being ignored by the very people they had once called friends. Ryou smiled sadly back at him before returning his gaze to his food. Ever since the Yamis had returned, Tea, Joey and the rest of the gang had grown increasingly more distant. Yugi, Ryou and Malik spent most of their time together now, apart from the others. After all, who'd want to spend time with them when their infinitely cooler darker halves were around? Sure, they were still occasionally invited to go places with them, but it was no big loss if they couldn't make it. The two Hikaris were brought out of their reveries when Malik dropped into the bench across from them with an indignant snort.

"Can you believe the nerve of my boss?" he grumbled, setting down his tray of unidentified cafeteria food. "He calls me this morning and says that I have to work double-shifts tonight because his precious 'Employee-of-the-Month' is sick!"

Yugi smiled as Ryou attempted to cheer Malik up. Who needed the others? He had Malik and Ryou, and as long as their Yamis were happy, they were happy.\

That evening, after picking Malik up from his second shift at the restaurant, the three of them were playing a very noisy game of cards in Yugi's room when the front door slammed and there was the sound of voices in the hall. It seemed that everyone had gathered to watch a movie. Sighing, Malik suggested that they stay at his place. Seeing as they didn't have school the next day, the other two agreed.

The Hikaris rather enjoyed sleepovers at Malik's. His sister, Ishizu, was always pleased to see them and they didn't even have to put up with Marik, as he usually stayed with Bakura when they came over. However, that evening everyone was a bit subdued. Odion was away on museum business and the boys were still disgruntled about being forced to leave just because the Yamis had plans. They sat staring into their mugs of hot chocolate, deep in though, when they heard the front door slam. Ishizu was home. Going through to greet her and help her carry in the groceries, they stopped at the serious (and slightly angry?) expression on her face.

"Ishizu, what's wrong?" Malik asked, following her into the kitchen with bags in his arms.

"I have been worried about something for a while now and my worst fears have been confirmed," she answered, her face grim.

"What's happened?" Yugi asked, alarmed.

"Ever since the Pharoah and others returned, I have felt a terrible shifting in the order of the universe," she replied mysteriously.

"And that means what exactly?" asked Ryou, confusion evident on his face.

"It means that you and your darker halves were never meant to be on the same plane of existence at the same time. When one is a physical manifestation, the other is merely a spirit. Because your darker halves are here with physical bodies, you are slowly being forced towards the 'Spiritual Plane'."

Silence followed this pronouncement beforeā€¦

"WHAT!" Malik practically screamed. Ryou was shaking his head, his eyes shut tight and his hands over his ears in silent denial.

"Are you saying that we're going to die?" Yugi whispered.

"No, but you will slowly fade away until you are no longer corporeal. You will exist as a mere spirit, without physical substance, except with each other," Ishizu stated, tears slowly forming in her eyes. "The closer you are to your other halves, the faster and more powerful the fading will be."

"I can't believe it, it's not fair," muttered Malik, glaring angrily at his feet. "Oh will you shut up Ryou!"

Ryou, who had been attempting to deny the bad news by blocking his ears and singing 'la la la' at the top of his voice, cut off mid-la and burst into tears.

Yugi merely sat staring into space, disbelief, anger and misery battling for dominance. Eventually, he licked his lips nervously and turned back to Ishizu.

"How long do we have?" he asked hoarsely.

"It's been two months since they returned, so I estimate that you have approximately three weeks left at your current rate. However, you only have one week of school left before the holidays. If you leave with me for Egypt, we can extend those last two weeks into roughly a month," she replied, drying her eyes with a tissue.

He nodded, then looked at Malik and Ryou. "What do you guys think?"

Malik scowled but nodded and Ryou gave him a watery smile.

"I guess we're coming with you to Egypt," he told Ishizu

AN: And that's the end of the first chapter. Let me know what you think. There are roughly four more after this, so it's fairly short, but hey, we all have to start somewhere. Please review.