Disclaimer: I dont own twilight. (lemons ahead. You've been warned!)


"I don't think I'm going over board." I stated plainly. Bella rolled her eyes.

"Edward, she's seven. She doesn't need all these clothes. I know its our first Christmas but..." She trailed off knowing this was once again an argument she wasn't going to win. So far for Christmas Lilly had gotten an Ipod, a hot pink and neon green lap top, some computer games, a new bike and all the accessories and now clothes. She told me what she wanted more then anything was clothes from a specific store. The name of the store had something to do with Justice but inside everything was bright, shiny and the Jonas Brothers were playing loudly. It was in short Lilly's kind of store.

"I have a lot to make up for!" I reminded her once again. She stroked my cheek gently. My eyes closed and I leaned into her palm. It was warm against my skin and the feeling was nothing short of amazing.

"You did nothing wrong but if this is what's going to make you happy..." she finished with a resigned sigh.

"Will it make Lilly happy?" I wondered out loud.

"Edward you've bought one of everything in the store practically." Bella reminded me.

"So that's a yes?" I asked. Bella nodded.

"Good." I smiled at the sales associate whom handed me back my credit card and filled the dolly with bags. There was nothing for us to carry because apparently when you buy this much stuff they take it to your car for you. I would of carried it home on my back if it would of made Lilly smile. I took Bella's hand as we walked to the car behind our dolly of purchases.

"What can I do to make your day today?" I was taking it on as my personal mission in life to do one thing a day to make Bella happy.

"Your still here. So I'm happy." she responded as she did almost everyday. I kissed her temple gently.

"Give me one thing I can do to make you happy today...just one. Anything your heart desires." I reminded her. Bella's brow crinkled the way it did when she was thinking very hard. Immediately she lit up.

"Will you help me wrap all this stuff?" she asked smiling at me.

"Of course. But I'm not a very good wrapper. They may look a bit strange in the end." I warned. Bella laughed,

"I'll teach you. It's easy." she promised. What Bella didn't know was that I had some wrapping of my own to do. She was completely unaware that in just two days on Christmas morning I was planning to propose to her in front of our family and friends. It was all arranged and everyone was in on it except Bella and Lilly. Bella for obvious reasons but Lilly was in the dark because she couldn't keep a secret to save her life, a trait I am sure she got from Alice.

My Sister of course master minded the entire thing. From making sure everyone showed up on time to making sure I had the exact right outfit for the occasion. (she insisted this was important even though I had no earthly idea why.) Everyone was coming for a late afternoon Christmas dinner then gifts. If everything went right and she said yes it would be perfect. Bella watched quietly as the bags were loaded into the car. I was watching her. It was amazing to me that I never tired of staring at her. I never tired of watching her, waking up next to her every morning and falling asleep with her at night. Making love to her. She was my everything. In a few short months Bella and Lilly were my entire world and I had never felt more love and contentment. I wrapped both my arms around Bella, bringing her against my chest right there in the mall parking lot. It was a challenge with our winter coats on. I kissed her forehead gently as she rubbed my back.

"I love you." I reminded her softly. She nodded, her ear against my chest.

"I love you too. Forever and always." she leaned up on her tips toes and kissed me. I smiled and caressed her face with my gloved hands. After a few moments the sales clerk loading the car cleared his throat. We both laughed as we broke apart. I tipped him generously, opened Bella's door and once she was safely inside I climbed in as well. As always I couldn't wait to get home.

Lilly was helping Charlie finish his shopping so Bella and I were alone. When you have a seven year old it's a rarity to have the house to yourselves. Once we were home I decided that taking advantage of an empty house was a much better use of our time then wrapping gifts. I didn't even wait for Bella to get her coat off before I was kissing her passionately anywhere my lips would touch. She giggled softly running her hands down my coat. She undid the buttons deftly, pushing it off my shoulders eagerly. Her lips caught mine finally and just like every time we kissed my heart pounded in my chest, my breath was ragged and there was nothing I wanted more in the moment then all of her. I unzipped her coat and tossed it on the floor. She stepped back suddenly, her lips swollen, eyes lidded.

"What's wrong?" I asked. She giggled and wrapped her arms around my neck. My arms immediately went around her waist.

"We were rushing and there's no need. We are totally wonderfully alone until dinner time." she leaned down and gently began kissing my neck while she slowly pulled my shirt out of my pants. I caught on to her thinking. I smiled letting my hands gently roam over her body. She wanted slow. She wanted me to make love to her and that's what she would get. Her tiny beautiful fingers traced over my stomach. My erection strained against my jeans. As if she knew exactly what I needed she undid the button and slowly unzipped them. I sighed in relief. She kissed along my neck as she undid the buttons on my

shirt kissing the skin as she exposed it. I was more then enjoying the attention I was receiving but I didn't want it to be one sided. I bent slightly, gathered her in my arms and walked up our stairs. She kissed me deeply and didn't stop until we reached our bed. I laid her gently there and finished taking my shirt off, tossing it behind me. I looked down at her, staring deeply in her eyes as I slowly and deliberately removed every piece of her clothing. I kissed over her perfect breasts, down her stomach paying special attention to every mark and scar she had incurred during her pregnancy with Lilly. She was embarrassed the first time we made love because her body was no longer as it had been. She was right, it was better. So much better. I took her shoes off while licking and kissing her navel. She wiggled beneath my lips. I smiled tossing the shoes behind me. I pulled her jeans off letting them fall down the side of the bed. She was wearing nothing now but a matching black satin bra and pantie set. I groaned against her soaking wet satin covered mound,

"So pretty." I whispered hooking my fingers in the sides of her panties and gently removed them. I kissed her gently before tasting her. She moaned my name when I licked her clit. I took it gently between my teeth, flicking it with my tongue. She panted underneath me. Her hands fisted in my hair, she raised her legs up bending at the knees. It only made it easier for me for me to kiss, lick and suck every inch of her glorious center. I stroked her gently with my index finger before I entered her and kept moving my tongue across her clit. She cried out when it became to much for her and she came hard against my finger. I loved knowing I made her do that. I kissed my way back up her body, discarding my jeans and boxers on the way. She was still panting when she tossed me on my back. I forced my eyes open when she climbed on top of me in nothing but her bra. Her hair was a wild mass of curls. It went beautifully with her swollen lips. Without a word between us she slid down on me. She braced both of her hands on my chest for leverage. I held on tightly to her hips. Bella rolled her hips in the most delicious way imaginable. I closed my eyes and called her name.

"Bella. Oh god my Bella." I cried trying desperately to hold on until I felt her come apart just one more time. She leaned back giving me a view of myself inside her. After that it was all but impossible to hold on. I cried out and so did she. Her flesh tightened around me and I was gone.

Afterwords we laid quietly in our bed naked on top of the blankets. Suddenly she giggled wildly.

"You know...I'm naked here and the giggling is kind of making me self conceious." I told her. She sat up leaning on her elbow. She stroked my stomach gently,

"Mister you have nothing to worry about." she told me and then continued, "I was just wondering how long this part lasts."

"Which part?" I asked. She sighed happily,

"The sexy part. The part where we ravage each other every chance we get." her voice was like silk.

"Well I always assumed with the right person it doesn't end." I said. It was the truth and my hope was that for Bella and I it would be true.

"So you think we will still be hot for each other in our seventies?" she asked. I smiled,

"I'll be hot for you until the day I die. I promise you that." I brought her into my chest, snuggling into her gently. We stayed like that, resting contentedly in each others arms until it was time for dinner with Charlie.

December 25th came quickly. All day my palms were sweating and I couldn't control my heart beat. Alice and I had been texting most of the morning after Bella, Lilly and I opened our gifts. I didn't realize until I had seen everything wrapped that perhaps, as Bella had said, I did go over board. With every rip of wrapping paper Lilly shrieked, giggled and clapped happily. Bella simply smiled and watched her. Every minute that passed I became more and more nervous. What if I had read the signals wrong? She seemed to love living with me but what if marriage isn't what she wanted? The ring box in my pocket began to feel like a weight. Half of me wanted to drop the fan fair and just do it. If she said no it would be like ripping off a band aid...but if she said yes that's how she would remember it for the rest of her life. She would remember it all. The sweaty palms, the terrified expression. No, she deserved better. She was worth more then my half assed attempt at a proposal. I resigned myself to stay with the plan as it was. I looked up the clock in the living room. Only 2 more hours and every one would be here. Bella nudged me gently with her elbow.

"Edward is everything alright?" she asked me.

"Fine darling. Why do you ask?" I forced a smile to my face.

"Lilly was talking to you but it was like you were somewhere else entirely." she bit her lower lip gently. I had to get it together. This wasn't like me at all. I held my hand out to Lilly and smiled wide.

"I'm sorry honey. What did you ask me?" she rolled her eyes then stepped to me with her new laptop in her hands.

"Will you help me set it up?" she asked brightly. I nodded eagerly, settling back into the couch with my daughter beside me.

"I'll leave you two to it. I'm going to go finish dinner." Bella said. I caught her hand as she walked by. I smiled at her. The smile she loved, the smile that was just for her.

"I'll take care of dinner. Why don't you go get ready. You can wear the sweater I got you." I suggested. Anything to get her upstairs so I could calm down. She raised an eye brow at me,

"Okay...I'll wear my new diamond earrings too?" she asked like a question. I nodded.

"Yeah mom and jeans. Your dark ones from American eagle with dark flats." Lilly added. Bella laughed,

"Whatever you two say. You guys are acting weird." she shook her head and I waited until I heard the bedroom door shut before I let out a strangled breath.

"Daddy are you gonna throw up?" Lilly asked me. I laughed out loud.

"No honey I'm fine. Promise." I stroked her hair gently, trying to reassure both of us.

"Whatever it is you can tell me. I wont get mad or upset." she was a dear girl. So sweet and so bright. I was so lucky.

"I have a gift for mommy and I am waiting until everyone arrives to give it to her. It's making me a bit nervous is all." I told her honestly.

"Is it pretty?" Lilly asked.

"I think so."

"She'll like it. Don't be nervous daddy." her brow crinkled like Bella's for a moment.

"Would it make you feel better if I helped you give it to her?" Lilly asked. I thought it over for a moment and smiled. This included Lilly as well. It wasn't just our lives I was changing, it was hers too.

"Yes Darling. I think I would feel better if you helped me. But you must keep it a secret. We don't want to ruin mom's surprise, do we?" I eyed her carefully waiting to see if she was ready. She nodded in conclusion. I pulled the tiny box from my pocket and opened the lid. Lilly sucked in strangled breath and then squealed. I quieted her down and shoved the ring in my pocket.

"I'm going to ask mommy to marry me but you have to keep it a surprise. Promise me." I said sternly.

"Oh daddy! I wont tell her. I promise! I'm so excited!" she exclaimed.

"Me too, baby. Me too.." I said softly.

Two hours had never passed so slowly in my life. Bella finished getting ready. She was wearing the robins egg blue cashmere sweater I gave her this morning and her diamond earrings. She was in the kitchen singing Christmas songs along with the radio as she readied everything for our family to arrive. Like clock work the door bell rang. Lilly ran to open the door with me right behind her. Alice, Rose and Em all came in out of the cold. Hugs were exchanged by everyone. Rose went into the kitchen to sit with Bella. She was getting bigger by the day. Em and Alice helped Lilly and I carry gifts into the living room. Lilly arranged them around the tree. Alice was practically bouncing in place.

"Are you ready? Are you nervous? Do you need a minute to yourself? Something to drink? Emmett get the man something to drink!" she babbled. I placed my hands firmly on her shoulders.

"Al, I'm fine. Please stop bouncing." Em guffawed next to me.

"Ali your going to make me need a drink if you don't stop. Everything is going great. Right Edward?" I nodded at him trying not to let on how nervous I truly was. The door bell rang again and off Lilly went. This time it was my mother, Carlisle and his wife along with Bella's father and Sue.

"Grandma!" Lilly cried arms outstretched to her. My mom bent down showering her with kisses and hugs. I extended my hand to Charlie. He shook it firmly.

"Merry Christmas!" I said. He smiled,

"It will be if this all works out." he said handing me a case of beer. I couldn't of agreed more. Bella stepped out of the kitchen ushering everyone in the formal dining room. I didn't realize all the work she had put into this dinner until that moment. She'd made a honey ham and a turkey with all the trimmings for both. Tall white tapered candles were in silver holders in the center of the table and it was set with the finest china we had, courtesy of my shopping trip with Alice. My mother put her arm over Bella's shoulders.

"This is beautiful honey. You didn't have to do all this." she said. Bella's cheeks tinted from my mothers praise.

"it's nothing. I just wanted it to be special. You only get your first Christmas a family once." she said. Em laid his hand over his wife's growing belly clearly echoing the sentiment. Charlie sat at the head of the far end of table, sue by his side. I sat at the other head with Bella on my right and Lilly on my left. Jasper let himself in quietly and took his seat next to Alice. Food was passed around immediately and I took a moment to take it all in once again. Everything I wanted and everything I never dreamed a year ago was all around me. My love, our daughter, my mother sitting next to my unexpected sister, my friends. The over whelming rightness of the moment settled over me. This was where I belonged.

After dinner and dessert we all made our way into the living room. The moment was finally almost here. Lilly played Santa and passed out everyone's gifts, including her own. We each took turns opening our gifts one at a time going in a giant circle. Every few moments my sister would look at me and gesture with her eyes. I just smiled. I think the waiting was killing Alice more then it was killing me. Everyone in this room knew as soon as all the gifts were opened I was going to do it. Alice was the only one not able to hold herself together.

The final gift was handed out, a pink flat screen tv for Lilly's room from my mom. Then it was over. The moment was here.

"This was a beautiful Christmas." Bella said wistfully. Alice bit her lip and closed her eyes. I stood up from my place on the floor and cleared my throat.

"There's um one more thing. Lilly will you come here please." I held my hand out to her. She ran to me through the piles of ripped Christmas paper. Bella was sitting on the leather ottoman watching me with a raised brow.

"Another gift. Honestly Edward, she's spoiled enough." she said with a laugh. I smiled slightly.

"It's not for Lilly. It's for you." I dropped to one knee in front of her, taking her hand. Alice squealed. Rose and my mother both started to cry silently. Bella's eyes were wide as saucers.

"All my life I've known there was only one woman in this world for me. I have made a lot of assumptions, a lot of mistakes but now I finally feel like I've found a place in this world and Bella, it's here with you and Lilly by my side. I wanted to ask you today, If you would give me the greatest gift of all by becoming my wife." I opened the ring box. It creaked slightly at the hinge. Tears welled in Bella's eyes. "Isabella Marie Swan, will you marry me?" I asked her finally. Nothing had ever felt so good coming out of my mouth. She nodded and sobbed. Lilly clapped as Bella took the ring from me and wrapped her arms around my neck. I spun her gently off the floor.

"What did she say?" Emmett said. Bella unwrapped her arms from my neck and let me put the ring on the third finger of her left hand.

"I said Yes!" she cried and the entire room erupted in applause. Rose, Alice, sue and my mother rushed her to see the ring. Em, Jasper and Charlie high fived me then each other. I excused myself out the front door for a moment needing some air and a moment to consider the things that had brought me home. I immediately thought of my Dad. My heart ached from missing him today of all days. I titled my head back to the darkening winter sky and took a deep breath. The door opened behind me. Bella had come to join me on the porch. She fingered her ring gently. Still smiling as she had been in the house.

"Whatcha doin out here all alone?" I smiled down at her as she wrapped her arms around my waist. I kissed her forehead gently twice.

"Just missing my Dad. I wish he was here." I said. Bella looked up at me.

"I think he always is." she said as a warm breeze blew by in the December night. I knew she was right.

A/n- Well there it is the last chapter. I hope everyone is happy with it. I don't know if there will be an epilogue but I do know there wont be a sequel. I am hoping to be back at the end of August with something new and if you'd like previews or news of that story and my others please follow me on twitter- fanfictrips. You guys really made this story possible and I hope you'll all join me as I journey into another! You guys rock!