Draco plays Luke and Harry plays Adam, in case any of you have forgotten, sorry it's been a while and theres a BIG treat for you all.... and sorry about the ending!!!

Harry was uncomfortable, the tension was palpable. He was sitting next to Draco in the theatre they were in the middle of detention forced to learn their lines instead of writing some, Harry read over his script remarking on the irony of the situation:

Adam: I want you Luke.

Luke: I can't Adam, it just isn't right the two of us.

The boys are facing each other, Adam staring intently while Luke looks at his feet sneaking glances at Adam.

Adam: What's so bad about the two of us?

Luke: We're male Adam.

Adam: So? I fall in love with the person, not the sex

Luke: You're in love with me?

Harry sighed and looked up from the page to find that the teacher wasn't sitting on the stage anymore, glancing around Harry found that the teacher wasn't anywhere in the auditorium.

"He left for coffee." Harry turned to Draco who was determinedly not looking at him but finally raised his eyes to Harry's face without meeting his eyes, Harry kept studying Draco until the teacher came back and handed each boy a sheet.

"You are to ask these questions of each other, fill them out, learn about the other person and respect each other. Okay? Get to it."

Harry heard Draco sigh before turning to his own sheet, question 1: What is your favourite colour and why?

"Okay, Potter favourite colour and why?"

"Red because it represents both love and hate and it also gives one the feeling of being hungry." Harry nodded matter-of-factly grinning when Draco cracked a small smile in return.


Draco finally looked up into Harry's eyes, "green because it calms me, comforts me and makes me feel –" Draco stopped and looked away.

"Don't stop."

"It makes me feel cared for, loved and safe."

Harry nodded, swallowing as Draco looked up at him.

"Question 2, favourite food?"

"Uh I don't have one, I just like to eat." Harry shrugged helplessly as Draco smirked at him before shaking his head, "mine's pizza, with cheese, bacon, pineapple and chicken followed by choux pastry filled with cream and covered in melted white and milk chocolate with strawberries."

Harry just stared at Draco before cocking his head thoughtfully, "I like the sound of that."

They continued asking each other questions some on the page and others not, it all became serious when Draco looked into Harry's eyes.

"Why did you kiss Blaise?"

Harry's mouth opened and closed before he answered, "I didn't. No hear me out," He pulled Draco back into his seat, as he'd gotten up in frustration. "Blaise saw that kiss we had on stage the other day, he saw it on camera and he said he could help me make you jealous enough to... I don't know ... so he kissed me in the hospital, I didn't know you were there until after I swear but I didn't kiss him back." After a pause he asked "Why did you kiss me?"

Draco sat stunned, Harry wanted to go out with him, and looking over at a red-faced Harry Draco knew that there was one thing he could do. Standing he moved in front of Harry pulled him up by the collar of his shirt and pushed him into the wall, both ignoring the shouts of the teacher, and Draco crashed his lips down onto Harry's hard.

The kiss was rough, full of anger, frustration, hurt and confusion, Harry's body arched as Draco leaned his weight into him, hard angles met as rock hard cocks brushed against each other. Draco pulled away from Harry's body, stopping his protests by taking his hand and leading him into the prop room as he shut the door Draco spared a glance around the auditorium to find that their teacher wasn't there, probably gone to find more support to stop the two boys.

Draco turned to face Harry who was biting his lip in three long strides Draco was standing in front of Harry biting that same lip as Harry's hands roamed his back pulling at the shirt that was covering it eventually finding skin as he pushed the shirt over Draco's head, pulling away to gaze at the lightly muscled torso Harry felt something feral in him snap.

He growled low in his throat, pulled his shirt off kicked off his shoes and pulled down both his trousers and boxers before he finally looked back up at Draco who was gazing in wonder at Harry. His silver eyes travelling from Harry's face to his muscular chest, trail of dark hair, red and engorged cock which twitched under Draco's scrutiny, down to muscled thighs and calves ending at Harry's feet before being magnetised straight back to Harry's cock.

Draco had been so busy staring that he didn't realise when Harry divested him of both his shoes and trousers, he only noticed when his back was pushed up against the wall with Harry's tongue laving at his nipples, down to his navel.

Harry dropped to his knees before Draco and lifted his legs onto Harry's shoulders, Draco let out an aroused keening sound which turned into a loud moan as Harry licked down the underside of Draco's cock all the way to his puckered entrance. Closing his mouth around Draco's entrance Harry began preparing and lubricating Draco with his lips and tongue, teeth gently grazing over Draco's sensitive skin.

Draco was in heaven, Harry's tongue in his ass was making him harder and more aroused than he had ever been before suddenly a finger was introduced and Draco's arms found purchase on a bar above him allowing him to grasp hold and arch himself towards Harry's oh so talented tongue and fingers.

Draco let out a gasp as he clenched around three of Harry's fingers and his tongue a keening sound escaped his mouth as Harry's fingers bent in a manner which grazed over his prostrate.

Harry pulled away from Draco's loose entrance as he stood managing to bring Draco's legs down to his waist and Harry's cock smeared with saliva and precome positioned to enter.



"Are you ready?"

Draco looked into Harry's bright lust filled eyes before he canted his hips forward losing himself in the feel of Harry's cock head stretching him, and knowing that more was to follow was enough to make Draco throw his head back against the wall and release himself over both his and Harry's chests.

Harry's eyes closed as Draco released himself the pure rapture on his face made Harry slowly entered into the tight channel pausing occasionally for control and Draco to adjust to his girth.

Once fully seated Harry opened his eyes and looked into Draco's eyes, those silver eyes that belonged to the man Harry had fallen in love with despite all that had happened between them.



"Have you done this before?"

Startled by the question Harry simply shook his head, "you're my first. You?"

Draco chuckled breathlessly, "I'm your first? You barely know me, I've insulted you and upset and yet here we are."

Harry slowly pulled out of Draco who whimpered before his hands moved to Draco's hips and angled them slightly then Harry thrusted home hard, hitting Draco's prostrate straight on forcing a gasp to work its way out through the bitten lips.

"Have you done this before, Draco?"

Draco sighed and pulled harry closer with one hand around his neck, kissed him deeply before clenching around Harry's cock. "No Harry, I've never done this before."

Harry ginned against Draco's lips for sliding out and thrusting back in, it only took a few more thrusts before both boys were gasping the others name and Draco released once again on their stomachs whilst he felt Harry warm release deep inside him.

Unable to hold them up any longer Harry's legs gave way and he fell to the floor slipping out of Draco at the same time. Harry laid his head against Draco's shoulder as his erratic breathing slowed just listening to Draco's heart beat, Draco turned his head and clumsily kissed Harry's temple before wrapping his arms more tightly around the shorter boy.

"I don't know what I'd do without you."

Harry smiled; their own words would be no good in this situation, so he's using someone else's.

"You'd go on."

"Not after this I won't, it's not possible. I'd follow you to hell and back."

Draco felt Harry's smile against his neck, "I'd only lead you to heaven."


Harry looked up at Draco who was staring at the door to the side of them harry followed his gaze.

"Oh fuck."

"You just did apparently."