AN: So I thought to myself "What's the best way to relieve a bit of writer's block?" Well here's what I came up with and I'm sad to say that I'm just now discovering what a twisted little puppy I can be. :D Warning: this in no way reflects any semblance in writing quality on my part. It took me like 20 mins of keyboard hunt and peck to complete so be gentle.


She always shined when he was done with her.

Dean laid her gently on the bed. He loved the feel of her in his hands as he stroked her, firm and smooth. The way he could pull her apart with each firm yet gentle tug always brought a small smile to his face as he laid her where he wanted.

His breath flowed over her as he blew. He loved the smell that rebounded back to him, heavy and thick. A smell so distinct that he swore he could recognize her blind folded. Dean took a minute to savor the sent, his tongue gliding over his bottom lip as he brought himself back to the beauty before him. His left hand firmly gripped around her body, Dean retrieved the oil always readily in reach and liberally covered his tool. He then placed the tip at her opening and gently eased it in, the oil providing the right amount of lubrication to allow Dean to gradually penetrate deeper until the tip of his tool hit the end of her shaft. Dean then began stroking in and out faster until he hit a pace he was satisfied with, taking care to rub against every nook and cranny. Sadly, it was over before he knew it but with a satisfied sigh, he picked up a small towel to clean her with before using it to clean himself.

"The best part is pullin' you together, baby," Dean mumbled lovingly.


Dean looked up at the sound of his brother's distracted voice. "Yeah?" Sam, as usual, had his head in a book. Sometimes Dean thought a bomb could go off in Sam's lap and his little brother would never be the wiser with all the attention he gave the world as he did his research.

"Could you do mine next?"

"Sure, Sammy," Dean grinned, So Sammy was paying attention to what was happening on my bed after all, he thought as he reached over and gripped Sam's 9mm Taurus. He reassembled his Colt .45, admiring her shine, and then placed her to the side. If there was one thing that anyone could ever say about Dean it was that, next to the Impala, the man did love his gun. She never jammed and never let him down. With one last stroke of his finger tips upon the ivory grip, Dean started in on Sam's weapon and got to work.

AN: heh heh Come on, ya'll knew it was his gun, but I bet I got at least one of ya'll thinking it wasn't. Go ahead, you can admit it. :P Gun Porn...gotta love it. :D