Disclaimer: I only own the plot and Caelia.

Author's Note: I don't like the fight scene at all and now I feel like I'm cheating you all. I'm sorry, but I can't really write a fight scene. Don't worry though, the next part will make up for it. I promise. And thanks for the reviews!

It wasn't until night when we heard the clash swords. The three of us quickly pulled on our helmets after we cleaned up our camp and extinguished our fire. We ran into the castle through the back. It looked like the sorcerers decided to strike directly from the front. I couldn't blame them. They had all the confidence and power in the world, why be careful when you knew you would win? "I suppose this is where we leave each other?" Morgana asked as we made it to the double doors. None of the men who were running around seemed to notice us. Gwen and I nodded. "Good luck." The three of us made it through the doors and we started to fight.

It was literal Hell outside. Even though it was dark it seemed almost like day, the village was lit on fire. Camelot's men were losing and they knew this. I had to stop from looking at the ground so that I wouldn't have to see the dead bodies, but it was hard not to in order not to trip and fall. I was battling this one sorcerer who was quite a burley man. We were right in each others faces when he sniffed me. I saw him smirk. "You are definitely not a man. What's a girl doing fighting?" If it were possible his smirk grew bigger.

"Killing people like you," I hissed and brought my sword down, splitting his skull right down the middle. I moved on.

"At last." I turned quickly slicing my sword across a man's chest when I heard his voice. No one would have noticed him, but I did. His voice was forever etched into my mind. He was not more than a few feet away from me dueling Uther himself.

"Gwydion, I suggest you leave now before all your men are killed," Uther said in a strained yet diplomatic tone. Gwydion laughed.

"You don't understand, do you? I can kill all your knights, your entire army in one second. But no...that wouldn't be much fun, would it? No...I think I'll have to play with you a little more." He brought his sword down on Uther, but before he could strike him, I pushed Uther out of the way with my elbow and stopped Gwydion's sword with mine. "Another one of your puny knights trying to protect you?" I nearly got him across the chest and his smirk disappeared only to be replaced with a snarl. We were almost matched in skill, but it was evident that he was the more experienced one. I could barely keep up with him until someone joined us. I glanced quickly and saw that it was Merlin. He didn't have amour, not even a helmet, save for a shirt of chainmail.

"No," I grunted with a deep tone. I tried to push Merlin out of the way, but he was determined to fight along side me.

"You boy, without the helmet, what is your name?" Gwydion asked as he swung his sword, nearly decapitating Merlin. Fortunately I pushed Merlin out of the way once again. I knew why Gwydion was asking such a question. Gwydion knew Merlin could do magic, he didn't even need to know his name. Gwydion could feel his power, just like I could. Little by little I swung my sword so that Gwydion would have to move backwards.

"I don't see why it would be any business of yours," Merlin replied and tried to get Gwydion at the knees. He jumped up in time.

"I know what you can do," he said in a low whisper as he got Merlin in a headlock. I stomped on Gwydion's foot and he let go. "Why do you fight against your brothers?" He asked in a low tone. We were in a clearing now. The same clearing ww found Hunith. It was completely empty except the three of us. The glow of the burning village could still be seen and the shouts could barely be heard.

"I see no point in killing innocent people," Merlin replied. Just then Gwydion pushed me to the ground and held me there by magic. He gripped the back of Merlin's shirt and kicked him so that he was kneeling on the ground.

"Then you will die as scum," Gwydion said and raised his sword.

"NO!" I shouted just before he was able to strike Merlin I managed to take off my Helmet. Gwydion saw my face and completely forgot about Merlin. I felt his power let go of me and I quickly stood up.

"Why if it isn't little Caelia," he said the smile never leaving his face.

I turned to Merlin. "Go!"

"Cae-" He asked in disbelief.

"Go! Now!" Gwydion turned to Merlin.

"Tell me Caelia, how do you ever manage to find him?" He held his hand and with his magic pinned Merlin against the trunk of a tree.

"Let go of him, he doesn't mean anything. It's my power you're feeling." I held up a long chain from around my neck to reveal two small veils of glowing, swirling white liquid. His eyes turned hungry.

"Your mother's-" He began.

"Yes, my mother's power as well as my own. You want it? Let him go." He turned back to Merlin.

"No-" Gwydion said.


"I want your blood as well." I should have expected as much.

"No, Caelia-" Merlin began.

"I have to do this," I said to him. "You can have my blood as well. Just let him go."

"My name is Merlin," he said suddenly. No...no. Why did he do that?! Gwydion eyes widened.

"From the...prophesy?" Gwydion turned around to look at Merlin.

"Yes. You can have me, just leave Caelia alone," Merlin declared.

"If only it were that easy," just then Gwydion thrust his sword right through Merlin's chest and out his back. I stared, horrified and rooted to the spot.

"No!" But it was too late. Gwydion withdrew his sword and Merlin fell to the ground.

"Now that that is taken care of." Gwydion raised his sword, but I dodged it just before it hit me. I take two vials and downed them after each other. "No! You insolent girl! I need that power!"

My iridescent, thin wings sprouted from my back. My skin was glowing. Gwydion raised his sword once again, but I stopped it from hitting me by blocking it with my raised palm. Quickly I placed my helmet back on, shielding my face and plunged my sword into Gwydion's chest. I closed up on him and whispered into his ear. "You should have never come to Camelot." I withdraw my sword from his gut and flew out of the clearing. As I made it back to the battle, I flew high up in the sky as everyone, sorcerers and the men of Camelot alike, looked up at me. "Might as well finish this now," I thought. My power and my mother's combined made me powerful enough to defeat the sorcerers so I flew straight down towards the ground like a falling arrow and just before I hit the dirt, I turned up and started to fight against any sorcerers in my line of vision. With my fast flying I was able to kill all the sorcerers single-handedly, one after the other. They didn't even see what was coming.

I flew back to the empty clearing where two bodies laid on the ground. Landing next to Merlin's figure, I knelt by his side and with my sword I cut my wrist. Blood ran down from the cut and I placed the stream of fairy blood into Merlin's mouth. "Please, please, please..." I kept saying to myself. "This is all my fault. You should have never been involved. I'm so sorry." Glowing tears fell from my eyes.

"Sorry about what?" Said Merlin in a hoarse tone. Could it be?

"Merlin?" I asked as I took off my helmet. He was looking up at me and then all of a sudden panic overtook him.

"No!" I heard him shout just before something was thrust into my back. I turned and looked at a stumbling Gwydion. Merlin sat up and held me from falling. Gwydion fell to the ground with a smile on his face as he finally died.

"M-Merlin!" I said in fear.

"Don't worry. I'll fix this-" I smiled up at him weakly.

"You don't know enough magic to save me." I reached behind me and took the dagger out of my back. I looked at it. There was a green tint to it and I knew that it had been poisoned. I had maybe two to three minutes left. The dagger fell from my hand as I clutched the front of Merlin's shirt. He wrapped his arms around me tight as I lay in his lap. "Definitely not enough." My words were slurred together. The glow from my skin was lessening. My light was going out. "Caelia...Caelia! Wait, don't-just wait!" The last sound I heard before blacking out was the cry of a bird.