Disclaimer: I only own Caelia and the plot.

I knocked on the wooden door twice when it finally opened. A boy, maybe around my age stood there in the entrance way. "Can I help you?" He asked as he looked at me strangely. It was in the middle of the night and rain was pouring from the sky like large sized tears. I pushed back the hood of my coat. It was then I felt a strange ping go through my body. I looked up at the boy in surprise.

"Is Gaius here?" I asked. My voice wavered as my body shook with shivers.

"Y-yes of course. Come in," he said as he stepped out of the way. I walked inside and looked around. It was messy, books, bottles, and other things were strewn all over the place. An old man was hunched over a rather large book, reading from it.

"Gaius, someone's here to see you." The old man turned around. The straight line of my mouth curved into a smile, but his face held a different reaction: horror.

"What are you doing here?" My smile faltered. He closed his book with a snap and stood up from his chair.

"Gaius, it's about my mother and father. They're...they're dead." Shock overcame him as he sat back down in his chair. He turned to the boy.

"Merlin, can you leave us for a moment." I looked at the boy once again when Gaius said his name. Merlin was fairly unremarkable. There was nothing special about him, but I could feel his power, his potential. Merlin gave Gaius a look and then left through the door. I turned back to Gaius since my eyes had not left Merlin. "Please tell me you are lying."

"I wish I was Gaius, but I'm not. The sorcerers, your own kind, have turned on my people and me. They are draining our blood and using it for potions and spells. My parents gave their lives so that I could escape the massacre at my home. I fear that if I don't get any help I might be the only one left of my kind-"

Gaius was shaking his head. "You have come to the wrong place Caelia-"

"Please Gaius! I-I don't know what to do! My parents did not prepare me for this. I can't fight by myself-" I got on my knees, begging him.

"And what good did you think would come if you came here? If Uther finds out about you, about what you are...you'll be killed and what good would that be for your people?"

"I thought that maybe-"

"That what? That you will be united against one enemy? That he will look over the fact that you are the crowned faerie princess-"

"Faerie Queen-" I corrected him. He shook his head once again.

"I'm sorry Caelia, but I can't help." Tears formed in my eyes as I stood back up.

"I see, well...thank you for your time. I shall return back-"

"No." I looked at him confused as I wiped my tears with the sleeve of my coat.


"I'm not permitting you to go back to your home. If you do you'll be dead before you set foot there. You'll be staying here-"

"What about King Uther?"

"I will tell him you are visiting from the Southeastern islands for your king, that you require food and housing and that your name is Lady Caelia. There are not enough records of nobles living in the Southern islands and he will trust me with what I say." I nodded. I was somewhat thankful. I didn't want to go back there, I didn't want to see my people getting killed and drained of blood.

"Thank you Gaius."

I woke up the next morning in the bed chambers Uther provided for me. He was quite interested when Gaius told him I was from the Southeastern islands. It was a region he had always wanted to find out about since his records have always been insufficient in that area of the world. A couple of hours after the sun rose, a maid came in with a dress and slippers for me to wear since all I had brought with me were the clothes on my back and a few gold coins to barter with if I had to.

"Lady Caelia, here is a dress and slippers for you to wear," the maid said as she draped the dress over the back of the chair at the vanity. She placed the slippers by the chair.

"Thank you so much," I said as I sat up in my bed.

"His Highness is expecting you for breakfast." I nodded and she bowed out of the room, closing the door behind her. I sighed and got out of bed to change into the dark blue, long-sleeved dress she left for me. I slipped on the shoes and walked out into the corridor. The castle was massive. It took me a good ten minutes to locate the dining room, only with the help of one of the servants of course.

I curtsied as two guards opened the doors for me. "Ah, finally. I thought you might have gotten lost Lady Caelia."

"I did for a bit your Highness, but one of your servants was kind enough to point me in the right direction." He smiled.

"Well come, come, sit down." I nodded and walked over to sit in one of the wooden chairs one the left side of the long table. Uther sat at the head of the table on a regal wooden chair. As soon as I sat down, two servants placed goblets of juice in front of each of us then went back to placed platters of food on the table. I looked around at the other empty chairs.

"Your son will not join us?" He took a sip from his goblet and placed it back on the table.

"No, no. He's far too busy with what he does for the kingdom, he's a young lad after all. You cannot expect them to his breakfast with their dear, old fathers." We laughed. "So Lady Caelia, how do you like Camelot so far? I hope you can report good things to your king about us."

"Camelot is very beautiful your Highness, very lovely. I plan on walking through the village today, to get more of a feel of Camelot."

"Ah, yes. The village is nice. The villagers nicer if I might add. Now, if you don't mind, can I ask a question about the Southeastern islands?"

"Oh of course your Highness."

"What are they like? I've always wanted to go. Lady Morgana and I actually share the same interest in them."

"Oh they are very wonderful your Highness. Many sandy beaches with crashing waves. Many exotic fruits and animals. They are truly a wonder to behold." He smiled pleasantly.

"Next time you visit, I must ask that you bring your exotic foods with you."

"I promise your Highness." I took a bite out of the pastry I placed on my plate.

After we finished breakfast, I went to my bed chambers. I pulled on my coat and walked out of the castle. The sky was still cloudy with dark clouds, but I didn't let that deter my mood. I walked across the courtyard, as people stared at me. I was aware of the fact that I did not look like them. My skin was darker then there's, my hair was pitch black and long and straight. My eyes were deep-set and brown. My lips were full as well and I had high cheekbones.

As I walked over the draw bridge, I watched two children playing not too far off near a house. Then, all of a sudden, I felt a tingle go through my body. It was then that I walked right into someone and I was sent to the floor. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" I looked up at to find Merlin standing there holding shiny, bright armor.

"Good job, idiot. Ah, you must be Lady Caelia, the newest addition to our humble castle." A young man wrapped his arm around my waist and helped me stand up right. I brushed off my dress and looked at the young man with a grateful smile. His features instantly reminded me of Uther. This was no doubt his son.

"Thank you your Highness," I said, but he smiled and kissed the back of my hand.

"No need with the 'your Highness' my lady, just call me Arthur." I smiled. I watched as Merlin rolled his eyes.

"Well Arthur. I'm sure you are quite busy. I was just going into the village to explore. I'll be on my way-"

"To the village, why, surely you don't plan going alone, do you?"

"Um, I suppose I did plan on going by myself-" I started, but he was quick to interrupt me.

"Well, that's no good. Merlin here will accompany you." At the same time, both our mouths gaped out. Arthur whistled and a servant rushed over to us then tried to surreptitiously wink at Merlin. "Carry these off to the armory. Well have fun you two, don't stay out to late." Then Arthur left, following the servant after Merlin gave him the armor.

"You don't have to accompany me Merlin. I'll be fine by myself," I assured him.

"It's fine. It's best if we follow Arthur's orders, not that I care or anything, but it'll be best for the both of us." I nodded as we started walking. The tingle never stopped as we walked beside each other. It was strange. I've been around plenty of sorcerers and magical creatures, but none have had this kind of effect on me. The only way I could explain it was that it had to do with his powers. "Can I ask you something Lady Caelia?"

"Yes, of course Merlin."

"When you knocked on Gaius's door last night...something...I don't know. It was strange." We stopped walking.

"What do you mean?"

"It felt strange to be near you. It feels strange to be near you right now." He shook his head. "You're not one of us, are you?"

"And what by 'one of us' do you mean?"

"You're not human." I started to laugh at his accusation.

"I-I'm sorry Merlin, but if I'm not human, then what am I? I look like a human. I talk like a human. I act like a human, so then I must be human, right?" His brows knitted themselves together. "Look, I'm sorry," I said as I stopped laughing. "But I can assure you that whatever you think I am, I'm not. I'm completely normal."

"I see." Then he continued to walk once again. I looked at his back. It was best that he didn't know. The less people involved the better. And now that I think of it, Merlin's life was worth much more then mine or anyone's.